ShangChi How Bruce Banner Could Be Controlling The Hulk After Endgame

Shang-Chi: How Bruce Banner Could Be Controlling The Hulk After Endgame

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings post-credits tag features Bruce Banner in human form, hinting that the Avenger may be controlling the Hulk.

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ShangChi How Bruce Banner Could Be Controlling The Hulk After Endgame

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.

Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) may be controlling the Hulk in Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings post-credits scene, but how? Directed by Destin Cretton, the latest Marvel Studios blockbuster officially introduced Simu Liu’s titular character as the MCU’s newest hero. While the film mainly focused on establishing his origins, including what his childhood was like as the son of Wenwu/Mandarin (Tony Leung), it also revealed how Shang-Chi gets incorporated into the bigger universe.

That’s accomplished through Shang-Chi’s post-credits scene which picked up from the film’s ending where Wong (Benedict Wong) came out of nowhere to summon the titular hero and Katy (Awkwafina). The pair was taken to the Sanctum Sanctorum as they’re quizzed about the origins of the Ten Rings weapons that Shang-Chi inherited from his father. Apparently, the hero using them for the first time in Ta Lo radiated energy that was felt all the way in Kamar-Taj. The bracelets are not in the sorcerer’s codex, and to help them figure out where they might come from, Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) and Banner were invited to share their respective inputs.

Both heroes look different from the last time they’re in Avengers: Endgame. However, while Carol Danvers was sporting a different haircut, the change in Banner is much more interesting. Instead of being Smart Hulk, he’s back to his human form. The film offered no explanation whatsoever regarding this, making it one of the most talked-about aspects of Shang-Chi. Understandably, there was simply not enough time to dive into what brought this on, but the stinger itself may have provided a subtle clue about this. Towards the end of the team huddle, the wide shot of the scene revealed that Banner was wearing what appeared to be a glowing green wristband. This could be something mined from print known as Sternbots.

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In the comics, Amadeus Cho wears a similar device on his left arm allowing him to stabilize the gamma radiation and enables him to transform as his iteration of the Hulk. Assuming that this is the case, the question now is why would Banner not want to remain as Smart Hulk. In Endgame, he seemed pretty much content being Smart Hulk as it gave him the chance to enjoy both the consciousness of his human alter-ego and the strength of the green-rage monster. Considering the fact that neither Wong nor Carol made any comment regarding this change in appearance for the Banner. it’s possible that it’s been going on for quite a while now.

Chances are that a proper explanation will be given in the upcoming She-Hulk series. The Disney+ project will not only debut Tatiana Maslany’s Jennifer Ann Walters, but it will also see the return of the Ruffalo as the Hulk (or Smart Hulk). That’s based on a set photo of him wearing his motion-capture suit with CGI dots all over his face. If anything, Banner’s appearance in Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings could be very well be designed to drum up interest in the character as he gears up for his MCU return.

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