10 Catchiest Anime Opening Themes Ranked

10 Catchiest Anime Opening Themes, Ranked


Anime fans surely have a list of original soundtracks and opening themes they love listening to again and again due to how incredibly catchy they are.

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10 Catchiest Anime Opening Themes Ranked

Other than revisiting their favorite anime shows, most Otakus also have a list of original anime soundtracks and opening themes they love listening to again and again. While some are enchanted by the melodies and lyrics of these openings, others come back to them to be reminded of the memories and feelings they once associated with an anime.

Whatever one’s reason may be, it’s evident that opening themes can further intensify a viewer’s overall experience with an anime. Since opening themes play such a crucial role in making or breaking an anime, there are several epic anime openings out there. Among them, here are some of the best that deserve a place in every Otaku’s playlist.

10 Kiri By MONORAL (Ergo Proxy)

10 Catchiest Anime Opening Themes Ranked

For the most part, the sole intent of an opening theme is to entice a viewer and give a tiny glimpse of what is to be expected from the series. Considering how Ergo Proxy is a psychological thriller with a philosophical intrigue, its opening theme does exactly that.

The visuals of the opening put the show’s offbeat cyberpunk animation style on full display, while the lyrical depth of MONORAL’s Kiri comes in tandem with the anime’s profound narrative. Not to mention, MONORAL’s post-grunge/alternative rock music is perfectly in sync with the anime’s gothic and nostalgic atmosphere.

9 Duvet By Bôa (Serial Experiment Lain)

10 Catchiest Anime Opening Themes Ranked

While most sci-fi shows fail to stand the test of time, Serial Experiment Lain remains relevant even to this day. Even after more than two decades since its release, the show’s avant-garde conceptualization of human existence continues to fascinate viewers. Adding more heft to all the brilliant ideas it brings to the table is its minimalistic approach towards music and background sounds.

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So although the anime doesn’t offer much when it comes to original soundtracks, it does grab a viewer’s attention with its opening theme. Not only does its opening befit its dark tone and aesthetic but it also evokes a sense of familiarity; probably because it sounds similar to Akira Yamaoka’s music from Silent Hill.

8 Tank! By The Seatbelts (Cowboy Bebop)

10 Catchiest Anime Opening Themes Ranked

The opening theme of Cowboy Bebop snags a viewer’s attention with its upbeat jazzy mood and James Bond-esque vibe. Written by Yoko Kanno and performed by The Seatbelts, Tank! sets the tone for the anime by establishing that that it borrows Western tropes but still manages to stay true to the spirit of shounen.

Shinichiro Watanabe’s love for jazz is not just visible in his magnum opus space opera, Cowboy Bebop, but can also be found in Kids on the Slope, which is another anime where he collaborated with Yoko Kanno.

7 Again By Yui (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)

10 Catchiest Anime Opening Themes Ranked

Seamlessly flowing from one scene to another, the opening of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood involves detailed match cuts and incredible camera design.

While Japanese pop-rock singer-songwriter Yui’s alluring song, Again, plays in the backdrop, the visuals walk viewers through intense action and heart-wrenching drama—the two pivotal pillars of the anime’s narrative that make it one of the highest-rated anime of all time.

6 Welcome To Chaos By (K)NoW_NAME (Dorohedoro)

10 Catchiest Anime Opening Themes Ranked

Traversing Q Hayashida’s epic world-building to anime is no easy task. MAPPA Studio still surprised everyone with its fantastic adaptation that does complete justice to the original Dorohedoro manga. Like the source, the anime does not confine itself to one genre and switches back and forth between dark comedy, action, violence, and a tinge of romance.

It’s these dizzying combinations of several genres that make Dorohedoro absolutely chaotic (in a good way). Capturing this chaos, its opening features a series of trippy visuals along with a weird but catchy background score. Without revealing much, the OP captures the very essence of the anime.

5 A Cruel Angel’s Thesis By Yoko Takahashi (Neon Genesis Evangelion)

10 Catchiest Anime Opening Themes Ranked

Labeled as “the bohemian rhapsody of anime openings,” A Cruel Angel’s Thesis is the kind of opening theme that slowly grows on you.

The theme’s somewhat of an anthem for anime viewers who are well versed with the characters and themes of Neon Genesis Evangelion. But for new viewers, it becomes more likable over time as they learn that Neon Genesis Evangelion is a lot more than an ordinary mecha anime.

4 Toki Wo Kizamu Uta By Maeda Jun By Lia (Clannad After Story)

10 Catchiest Anime Opening Themes Ranked

A good opening not only evokes curiosity but also brings back an ocean of memories for the viewers every time it’s revisited. The opening theme of Clannad After Story, Toki Wo Kizuma Uta, accomplishes that and that’s why although it’s relatively lesser-known, it ranks among the best anime opening themes.

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The anime makes viewers go through a gamut of emotions with its simple yet effectively poignant storyline. The opening, with its nostalgic tone, serves as a reminder of all the raw emotions the series instills through its realistic characters.

3 Unravel By TK from Ling Tosite Sigure (Tokyo Ghoul)

10 Catchiest Anime Opening Themes Ranked

Diving deep into Kaneki’s mind, Unravel tells a story, both visually and lyrically. Language, too, is no barrier here because even though its lyrics are in Japanese, the opening theme conveys the highs and lows of the protagonist’s journey through its shifting tones.

It begins with a soft whisper and then bursts out into a loud soul-stirring melody that picks pace all the way till the end, only to fade away into a new episode. It serves as the perfect intro to each episode of the anime and stays with a viewer long after the credits start rolling.

2 Lilium By Kumiko Noma (Elfen Lied)

10 Catchiest Anime Opening Themes Ranked

Elfen Lied is one anime that has divided viewers. While some are turned off by its no-holds-barred approach towards gore, others look beyond its bloodshed and appreciate its narrative depth. But one element of the anime that does not divide viewers is its opening theme, Lilium.

While visually making references to Gustav Klimt’s paintings, the anime opens with a beautiful piano melody combined with Latin opera singing. The opening is slow, somber, and perfectly encapsulates the gist of the melancholic themes of the series.

1 Battle Cry By Nujabes (Samurai Champloo)

The primary reason why Shinichiro Watanabe’s anime shows are so popular in the West is that he creates a perfect mishmash of different cultures through music and aesthetics. For instance, as seen in Cowboy Bebop, he serves viewers a cocktail of quick-paced action, space-centric drama, and jazz music. Similarly, in Samurai Champloo, the director depicts Edo period Japan with a hip-hop-styled demeanor.

Just like the anime, even the opening theme combines Japanese DJ Nujabes’ lo-fi hip-hop beats with English rap by Shing02 and scintillating visuals of samurai action. The opening is so well done that most viewers would never feel the need to skip it.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/anime-music-best-most-catchy-opening-themes/

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