Marvel’s Eternals 10 Best Quotes

Marvel’s Eternals: 10 Best Quotes


From setups for the future to foreshadowing of the Eternals’ true nature, the MCU movie contains dialogue that indicates deeper characterizations.

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Marvel’s Eternals 10 Best Quotes

CONTENT WARNING: Major spoilers for Marvel’s Eternals are discussed in this article.

Marvel’s Eternals has become the first movie in the MCU to receive mixed to negative reviews, with many critics of the opinion that the film wasted a lot of time on exposition. Eternals deals with the immortal beings realizing that the Celestial Arishem has sent them to Earth for more than just the extermination of the Deviants.

It’s certainly true that the film spends a lot of time explaining the characters’ backstories, but there were some great quotes that presented who they were inherent as people. Whether it was a human like Dane Whitman or the powerful Ikaris, the movie contains dialogue that fans will no doubt be interested in.

Dane Whitman

“Turns Out My Family History Is…Complicated.”

Marvel’s Eternals 10 Best Quotes

Dane’s appearances were very minimal and his role was largely to question why the Eternals hadn’t intervened in major MCU events when they could have. He finally got his moment at the end of the movie when his role as the Black Knight was teased for the future.

Dane claimed he had some secrets that Sersi was unaware of, which he was about to relay to her before she was kidnapped Arishem. Comic book fans will have loved Dane’s quote because of the implications that were to follow – the mid-credits with the Ebony Blade set up Dane’s part in later MCU movies.


“One Thing That Sets Apex Predators Apart Is That There Are No Other Animals In Their Habitat Strong Enough To Hunt Them.”

Marvel’s Eternals 10 Best Quotes

Sersi said this at the beginning when she was teaching her class and it’s interesting how the quote was a way to foreshadow the events to follow. There was a change from the Deviants from Marvel Comics, in that they were presented as coming from the same side of the Eternals.

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Sersi believed that the Deviants were the apex predators as part of their biology, only to later learn that that Arishem had sent the Eternals to Earth after the Deviants had failed them. In many ways, Sersi’s quote was a hint for viewers that the Eternals were the apex predators that were mentioned.


“I Thought We Were Heroes – Turns Out We’re The Bad Guys.”

Marvel’s Eternals 10 Best Quotes

Gilgamesh was a character with promise who ended up being killed relatively quickly after he was introduced. He still had enough time to hit the Eternals with a dose of reality when he claimed that the titular characters themselves were the bad guys and they didn’t even know it.

Sersi learned that the Eternals were sent to kill off the Deviants so a new Celestial could be born, following which the Earth would be destroyed. Gilgamesh was disheartened by this news and came to a conclusion that viewers would no doubt have been thinking right before the words were said.


“They Give Me Faith Again. And I See The Good In Humanity In Them Every Day.”

Marvel’s Eternals 10 Best Quotes

Phastos’ backstory was that he provided early civilizations on Earth with technology who then proceeded to cause wars with whatever they learned from him. He went into exile because he lost faith in humanity altogether, only to turn in the present day as a married man and a father.

He credited the reason for his changed outlook to his family, claiming they were the reason he had faith in humanity and he needed to be reminded of it every day. It basically summed up Phastos’ characterization as a person who wanted to have hope and looked for every way he could to find it.


“You Know Why I Hated Living With Humans? Because They Reminded Me Of Things I Didn’t Even Know I Wanted.”

Marvel’s Eternals 10 Best Quotes

Sprite was content to live as an immortal but grew disillusioned with it when she didn’t age. Being left as a child for centuries did a number on her and she ultimately took Ikaris’ side to destroy the Earth. She justified it by claiming humanity’s potential reminded her that she didn’t have the possibility of any.

Sprite’s momentary villainous turn was a sympathetic one because what she said was absolutely true. She was written off as a child by her fellow Eternals as well – something that contributed to her feelings of inadequacy and identity crisis.


“I Didn’t Come To This Planet To Cower Behind Walls.”

Marvel’s Eternals 10 Best Quotes

Quite a few of the best action sequences in Eternals involve Thena, who was dubbed as the best warrior of the group. Her role was to provide proof of the characters’ fighting prowess, along with clues to their true nature through Thena’s memory issues.

Thena was repeatedly kept in check when she wanted to give in to her combative nature, as she claimed she wasn’t one who would ever be happy in hiding. As it turned out, she was right all along, with Thena eventually stepping up to take on Ikaris when it counted.

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“Find Your Own Purpose.”

Marvel’s Eternals 10 Best Quotes

Salma Hayek can’t generally be seen in leadership roles in movies other than Eternals, so it was intriguing for Hayek to step into the part of Ajak. As the “mother” of the Eternals, her responsibility was to guide them on their purpose, with Ajak telling them to find it by themselves in a flashback.

It was ultimately that led to the events of the film, as Ikaris just couldn’t reconcile the idea of going on his own path, while the other Eternals were able to do so. Ajak realized over her millennia of existence that freedom of will was better than being tied to a purpose that a person doesn’t agree with.


“We’re Just Like The Soldiers Down There. Pawns To Their Leaders. Blinded By Loyalty.”

Marvel’s Eternals 10 Best Quotes

Druig was suggested as the villain of the story early on, having been the most confrontational Eternal. He was unhappy with the ambiguity behind their purpose and was angered by the fact that they hunted the Deviants simply because they were commanded to do so.

This quote was uttered in a flashback before he left the group, which was implied to set up his villainous turn. However, Druig was eventually revealed to be the one who had the correct idea from the start, making his words a good piece of foreshadowing for the Eternals’ real purpose.


“We Should Have All Stayed Together.”

Marvel’s Eternals 10 Best Quotes

Kingo came across as self-centered due to his obsession with his celebrity status and his supposed abandonment of Sprite. It took him saying this quote for it to become clear that Kingo actually did care about the Eternals all along and that it was never his choice to separate.

Kingo mourned the loss of Ajak, where he held the belief that she died because the Eternals weren’t together. Kingo’s true personality came forward after this quote, as he progressively revealed that he was always loyal to Ajak and Ikaris, and that he still had an attachment toward Sprite.


“It’s The Only Path I Know.”

Ikaris turned out to be the killer of Ajak and the film’s true antagonist, although he still doesn’t qualify as a complete villain. Ikaris was raised to believe that his goal was to carry out the reason why the Eternals were at Earth, only to be informed by Ajak that they were to go against their orders.

Ikaris was right in his claim that the path he was on was the only one he ever knew, which is why he went on his villainous streak. While the other Eternals didn’t resort to his world-ending methods, Ikaris was burdened with the tag of being the most powerful one whom the others looked up to. In the end, Ikaris just couldn’t reconcile the fact that he had free will.

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