10 Questions We Still Have About The Original Home Alone Movies

10 Questions We Still Have About The Original Home Alone Movies


The Home Alone movies are pure Christmas magic – even if the logistics make zero sense. Audiences have plenty of questions about Kevin’s adventures.

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10 Questions We Still Have About The Original Home Alone Movies

It has been over 30 years since its release, and Home Alone (and Home Alone 2: Lost in New York) still endures as a holiday classic. Kevin’s solo festive adventures as he prepares to defend himself from two burglars are the epitome of Christmas magic – even if they don’t always make sense.

Of course, plenty of movies – especially those that revolve around holiday hijinks – require some suspension of logic to enjoy them properly. However, there are lots of things about the Home Alone movies that audiences still question to this day.

How Do The McCallisters Have So Much Money?

10 Questions We Still Have About The Original Home Alone Movies

There’s a reason why the Wet Bandits want to target the McCallister family home so badly. It’s huge, luxurious, and basically a family estate in the middle of a Chicago suburb.

But the question is: how do the McCallisters afford such an incredible house? All while supporting seven children and paying for their entire extended family to take luxurious vacations to Paris and New York? The movie never makes it clear what either of Kevin’s parents does for a living, but it has to be incredibly lucrative.

Does Kevin Find The Spider?

10 Questions We Still Have About The Original Home Alone Movies

As part of Kevin’s increasingly complex obstacles in the first movie, he unleashes his older brother’s pet tarantula upon Harry and Marv. Harry tries to crush it with a crowbar, only for it to scurry away, never to be seen on screen again.

Considering the spider is his brother’s pet, surely returning it to its cage should be a priority. However, Kevin has bigger things to deal with, leaving the creature’s fate vague.

Why Does Kevin’s Dad Financially Support Uncle Frank?

10 Questions We Still Have About The Original Home Alone Movies

Uncle Frank isn’t the most savory of men. Not only is he rude and crass, but he borderline bullies his eight-year-old nephew, referring to him as a “little jerk” on multiple occasions.

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The fact that neither of Kevin’s parents calls him out is strange enough. That Kevin’s dad seems to financially support his incredibly unlikeable brother – taking Frank and his many children on luxury, first-class trips abroad out of his own pocket – is completely baffling.

Why Is It Kevin’s Responsibility To Pack His Bag?

10 Questions We Still Have About The Original Home Alone Movies

Kevin survived his first bout of abandonment in the first Home Alone movie, which does suggest that he’s much more capable than your average eight-year-old.

Regardless, nobody in his family knows that when they constantly push him to pack his own suitcase before their trip to Paris. It’s a huge task for a child that young – and is just one of the many strange ways that the McCallister clan quietly mistreats Kevin.

Why Do Harry And Marv Take Kevin On For A Second Time?

10 Questions We Still Have About The Original Home Alone Movies

Harry and Marv’s determination to see their burglary through the first time around makes sense, to an extent. Nobody would expect a child to repeatedly pose such an obstacle, so it’s easier to forgive their persistence.

However, they only have themselves to blame for taking him on a second time in Home Alone II: Lost In New York (arguably the best Home Alone movie). They’ve already seen what Kevin’s capable of – and it landed them in jail the first time around – so why even contemplate trying again?

How Does Kevin Clean Up The House?

10 Questions We Still Have About The Original Home Alone Movies

Kevin’s traps are complex by anyone’s standards, especially for an eight-year-old. Most of them involve crashing or falling through the many corridors and rooms of his family home.

They might be effective, but they’re messy. His house is practically a warzone by the time the hijinks are over. Considering it’s pristine when his mother arrives less than 24 hours later, it’s a miracle that he managed to restore it to its former state so quickly. How he ever recovered his uncle’s trap-trashed home in Home Alone 2 is even more confusing.

Why Doesn’t Kevin Try To Get Help?

10 Questions We Still Have About The Original Home Alone Movies

Kevin’s mom’s initial reaction to realizing (very late) that Kevin is home alone is to call their friends and neighbors. However, she soon discovers that everybody is out of town, so nobody can go and check on her son.

This alone is questionable. Would a family as big as hers really have zero connections remaining in Chicago over Christmas? But another more pressing issue is why Kevin doesn’t try to reach out to anyone for help. Even once he gets over the initial joy of having the house to himself, he just accepts his situation.

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Why Does Everyone Like Buzz So Much?

10 Questions We Still Have About The Original Home Alone Movies

Buzz gets away with an awful lot in the first two Home Alone movies. He actively bullies his younger brother – not just in private, but in front of an entire auditorium when he pretends to play the drums on Kevin’s head during his solo.

Despite Buzz being so much older than Kevin, his parents always take his side. They accept his phony apology for his actions in Home Alone 2, blaming Kevin more for retaliating than they do Buzz for humiliating him in the first place. Buzz never shows any redeeming qualities (besides half-heartedly complimenting Kevin in the finale of both movies) which just makes their parents’ judgment even more questionable than it already was.

Why Doesn’t Kevin Say What Happened When He Was Home Alone?

10 Questions We Still Have About The Original Home Alone Movies

When his family returns at the end of Home Alone, Kevin jokes that he just spent his time alone “goofing around”. Judging by his parents’ attitude towards him in the second movie, he never shares any more details, leaving the McCallisters in the dark over Kevin’s horror villain-esque actions.

While it’s possible that Kevin thought he’d get in trouble for telling the truth, surely it would have been best to let his parents know that he was now the arch-nemesis of two fully-grown burglars? He could’ve got some real sympathy and respect from his family for once – especially if they knew he’d saved their family home.

How Are Harry And Marv Not Dead?

The most baffling part of Home Alone is the fact that Harry and Marv survive long enough to see the sequel. In the first movie, they’re subjected to some serious torture, including a blowtorch to the head, an iron to the face, and a crowbar to the chest.

And it only gets worse in the sequel. Kevin throws bricks at their heads, they fall down a burning rope, and Harry is yet again subjected to a blowtorch. They’re injuries that wouldn’t be out of place in a horror film – yet, somehow, Harry and Marv repeatedly prove themselves to be two of the most resilient characters in movie history.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/unanswered-questions-plot-holes-original-home-alone-movies/

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