MBTI® Of Lost In Space Characters

MBTI® Of Lost In Space Characters


Lost in Space is Netflix’s take on an old TV classic, and here are the personalities of the main characters using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®.

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MBTI® Of Lost In Space Characters

“Danger Will Robinson.” A warning should come with a lot of reboots since so many don’t live up to the originals. But not Lost in Space (2018)—a reimagining of the 1965 series, except this new version is actually sci-fi and space-age with amazing special effects.

Once again the family of space colonists indeed get lost when they have to abandon the mothership, the Resolute, for a spacecraft called the Jupiter 2, which crashes on a planet who knows where. They’ve got to learn the lay of the land, and when they can finally lift off again and wander the heavens hoping to find their way to the Alpha Centauri star system that they were supposed to help colonize in the first place. It’s times such as these when everyone’s true colors eventually show. Let’s take a look at what the characters’ MBTI® personalities are like.

10 INTJ: John Robinson

MBTI® Of Lost In Space Characters

The key for this type is to feel in control with an emphasis on logic, hard work, and objective information with less interest in emotion. Hence day-to-day family life did not do it for him the was being a Navy Seal did, that’s why he kept volunteering for more missions, making his wife a de facto single mother to their three kids for years at a time.

He’s back now, traveling with them through space hoping to make amends–and they’re going to make him work for it.

9 ENTJ: Maureen Robinson

MBTI® Of Lost In Space Characters

Even though her husband is a warrior who was born to lead, this professor (Molly Parker) with a Ph.D. in Engineering (she is indeed a rocket scientist) is calling the shots on the Resolute’s mission as she does at home.

Although she loves and supports her children, warm-and-fuzzy was often pushed aside and her type came through loud and clear: Organized, self-assured, outspoken leader with a bit of impatience thrown in for good measure. Colonial representative Victor Dhar rued the day he tried to act like the boss of her.

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8 INFJ: Will Robinson

MBTI® Of Lost In Space Characters

As empathetic as all get out, this personality can form strong connections and loves to help people. Seeing the world through rose-colored glasses they just want to make everything better.

“The impossible happens all the time. You just have to believe it can.” Oh, the innocence and positivity of the youngest Robinson (Maxwell Jenkins). The budding scientist is open and friendly to the creatures on the alien planet, and because he’s such a soft touch, easily manipulated by Dr. Smith.

7 ISTJ: Judy Robinson

MBTI® Of Lost In Space Characters

Think the 3Rs: Responsible. Realistic. Really into the traditions and laws. And don’t get them started on the details. Can you say rigid and hyper-focused? This type cannot sleep until everything is in its place.

“There is a rule that is written in stone and it is never broken: the Robinsons stick together.” The sentimental may focus on the back half of this statement, but the beginning tells you who this 18-year-old doctor (Taylor Russell) who did an accelerated Doogie Howser-type program, really is. She’s the rule-following, perfectionist, caretaker in an if-you-want-it-done-right-DIY way.

6 ESFP: Penny Robinson

MBTI® Of Lost In Space Characters

Practical and resourceful, with a side order of optimistic and chatty, this people-person personality is quick-witted and keeps the mood light. They can be a bit insecure and use humor to cover it.

“Probably should have read the fine print before I launched into space.” Soft on the inside, smart-aleck on the outside. Every family has to have one because someone has to keep a sense of humor. The Jan Brady of the family (Mina Sundwall), aka the middle child, she often has issues with self-esteem.

5 ISTP: Don West

MBTI® Of Lost In Space Characters

These people want results, and are willing to take a risk to get it, but are also rather easy-going. They go with their “gut” and don’t do “commitment” as they value freedom and autonomy. They’re hard to get to know because others don’t often hold their interest.

The self-proclaimed “badass” (Ignacio Serricchio) is a highly-skilled mechanic who smuggled luxury goods as a side hustle. He’s all about the Benjamins as working stiffs need to be and has a looking-out-for-#1 attitude, but has found a soft spot for the Robinsons.

4 ENFP: June Harris/Dr. Smith

MBTI® Of Lost In Space Characters

Take the positive characteristics of this type: excellent people skills, enthusiasm, being understanding and flexible—then flip them to their negative versions: manipulative, self-absorbed, and disloyal. This bunch only cares about others in terms of what they can get out of them and get their way via any means possible.

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When she’s not lying, she’s manipulating; when not plotting, she’s planning. This pot-stirrer (Parker Posey) first stole her sister’s identity to board the Resolute to begin anew on another planet. When she got busted, she stole the ID of Dr. Z. Smith—changed the Zachery to Zoe and ended up being the thorn in the Robinsons’ side on the Jupiter 2. Deep down she wants what Maureen has.

3 ISFJ: Robot

MBTI® Of Lost In Space Characters

These are the great defenders of all personality types who will put themselves in harm’s way to save those they love. Structure, order, and people of few words. They have feelings but struggle to express them. They are reliable and know how to read the room.

Protection is the name of the game for this shape-shifting alien hunk of metal with organic thought patterns. In its own E.T. way, the robot forms an attachment to Will, first becoming his servant, then his friend. As it has helped save the family many times, a mutual trust built between the alien and all the Robinsons.

2 ENFJ: Victor Dhar

MBTI® Of Lost In Space Characters

Empathetic, encouraging, and organized as well as self-sacrificing and altruistic; devoting themselves to advocating for others. They are particularly good at bringing consensus among diverse groups. They lead in an unassuming way–the opposite of bombastic. They are also what is known today as “helicopter parents,” very involved in what’s going on in the lives of those they care for.

This life-long politician (Raza Jaffrey) was elected leader of the colonists, which includes the Robinsons. He explains to Will that although brave men risk their lives for others, history is written by the survivors, of whom this dignified, educated, and often know-it-all man is one.

1 INTP: Angela Goddard

Loyal and affectionate to loved ones, when it comes to dealing with everyone else, including their work, they are logical and objective, placing value on intelligence and knowledge. This personality has trouble expressing feelings, usually shunning others with passive/aggressive behavior, but when pushed to the brink will ignore any kind of moral code.

The brilliant scientist (Sibongile Miambo), who neutralized the rust virus plaguing the amber planet, watched the Robot kill her musician husband right in front of her. In her sorrow, she was still smart enough to escape the “tell me where it hurts”machinations of Dr. Smith but succumbed to her baser instincts to seek revenge upon her spouse’s murderer.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/lost-space-characters-mbti-personality/

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