Smokey And The Bandit & 9 Other Hilarious Road Trip Comedies

Smokey And The Bandit & 9 Other Hilarious Road Trip Comedies


Smokey And The Bandit is just one of the hilarious road trip comedies here that will appeal to anyone looking for some adventure on wheels.

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Smokey And The Bandit & 9 Other Hilarious Road Trip Comedies

Road trips are fertile ground for comedies. Real-life road trips are rarely anywhere near as eventful as the movies make them out to be, but that’s what makes road movies so fun – they’re the road trips we wish we could have. A cross-country journey opens up characters to all kinds of wacky encounters.

A prime example of a road trip comedy is Smokey and the Bandit, which stars Burt Reynolds as a trucker who’s hired to drive a shipment of beer to a truck show and picks up a runaway bride along the way, but there are plenty of other great ones.

10 Smokey And The Bandit (1977)

Smokey And The Bandit & 9 Other Hilarious Road Trip Comedies

The coolest trucker in America is sent to pick up a stash of beer to bring to a truck show in Smokey and the Bandit. The eponymous roles are played by Burt Reynolds and Jackie Gleason, two screen legends each giving one of their career-defining performances.

Jerry Reed co-stars in the movie and also contributed the unforgettable “East Bound and Down” (and “West Bound and Down,” when they’re on their way to pick up the beer) to the soundtrack.

9 Paul (2011)

Smokey And The Bandit & 9 Other Hilarious Road Trip Comedies

After collaborating with Edgar Wright on delightful homages to zombie movies and buddy cop actioners, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost penned their own homage to sci-fi movies. In Paul, they play a pair of geeks whose dreams come true when they encounter a true-to-life alien on a road trip across America and have to hide him from the U.S. government.

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Pegg and Frost’s unparalleled on-screen chemistry ensures the movie is plenty of fun, even if it doesn’t quite reach the satirical heights of the Three Flavors Cornetto Trilogy.

8 Dumb And Dumber (1994)

Smokey And The Bandit & 9 Other Hilarious Road Trip Comedies

The Farrelly brothers’ Dumb and Dumber stars comedy superstar Jim Carrey in one of his most outrageous ’90s roles and respected dramatic actor Jeff Daniels as the perfect foil for his antics.

The plot revolves around two morons driving from Rhode Island to Colorado to return a woman’s briefcase (which was left intentionally to pay the ransom on her kidnapped husband).

7 Little Miss Sunshine (2006)

Smokey And The Bandit & 9 Other Hilarious Road Trip Comedies

A family takes a yellow Volkswagen T2 Microbus across America to get their young daughter to a beauty pageant in Little Miss Sunshine. It’s a brilliantly made comedy with plenty of hysterical moments, but it also has strong dramatic elements.

Michael Arndt’s Oscar-winning screenplay is perfectly structured, with characters that ring true, and those characters were beautifully brought to life by an immensely talented ensemble cast including Toni Collette, Greg Kinnear, Steve Carell, Paul Dano, Abigail Breslin, and Alan Arkin.

6 National Lampoon’s Vacation (1983)

Smokey And The Bandit & 9 Other Hilarious Road Trip Comedies

John Hughes loosely adapted his own short story published in the National Lampoon magazine into a screenplay, then the dream team of director Harold Ramis and stars Chevy Chase and Beverly D’Angelo turned it into a timeless comedy classic from the ’80s.

The Griswolds’ ill-fated journey to Walley World walks a fine line between identifying the relatable frustrations of family vacations and cartoonishly exaggerating them.

5 Sideways (2004)

Smokey And The Bandit & 9 Other Hilarious Road Trip Comedies

Alexander Payne’s Sideways is a zany comedy about a bachelor party, but it’s as different than The Hangover as possible. In fact, it’s the opposite of The Hangover.

Instead of a weekend of gambling and lap dances in Vegas, it’s a pleasant drive through wine country. Instead of celebrating masculinity, Sideways explores its dark side.

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4 Midnight Run (1988)

Smokey And The Bandit & 9 Other Hilarious Road Trip Comedies

Robert De Niro and Charles Grodin star in Midnight Run as a bounty hunter and his bounty, who’s being chased by the mob, the feds, and other bounty hunters. It’s like Planes, Trains & Automobiles with guns.

Unlike most action comedies, which usually lean one way or the other, Midnight Run works as a great action movie and as a great comedy.

3 Borat (2006)

Smokey And The Bandit & 9 Other Hilarious Road Trip Comedies

When it hit theaters in 2006, Borat was a cultural landmark. Adapted from Da Ali G Show, it’s a mockumentary exposing ignorance, prejudice, and outright bigotry in Bush’s America.

The movie is essentially a social experiment as Sacha Baron Cohen presents Americans with a wacky foreigner and documents their actions when their guard is down.

2 The Adventures Of Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert (1994)

Smokey And The Bandit & 9 Other Hilarious Road Trip Comedies

At a time when LGBT stories still hadn’t made it to the mainstream and LGBT characters were rarely depicted in a positive light, writer-director Stephan Elliott came along to fix both of those things with The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.

The plot loosely follows two drag queens and a transgender woman on their journey across the Australian Outback, encountering a bunch of different people along the way.

1 Planes, Trains & Automobiles (1987)

Arguably John Hughes’ finest comedy, Planes, Trains & Automobiles stars Steve Martin as a high-strung corporate suit trying to get home to his family in time for Thanksgiving and John Candy as a well-meaning, happy-go-lucky shower curtain ring salesman who just wants to make a new friend. The beauty of the movie is that the characters feel like real people and not just one-note archetypes.

All the irritating downsides of travel, from cramped buses to indefinitely delayed flights to incompetent car rental clerks, are exemplified in this movie. Planes, Trains & Automobiles is hilarious from start to finish, but it’s also touching, culminating in a tear-jerking finale.

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