Rick And Morty 5 Times Jerry Saved The Day (& 5 Times He Ruined Everything)

Rick And Morty: 5 Times Jerry Saved The Day (& 5 Times He Ruined Everything)


Jerry Smith is mostly quite a pathetic character in Rick and Morty and messes things up for people (especially himself) but he does have his moments.

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Rick And Morty 5 Times Jerry Saved The Day (& 5 Times He Ruined Everything)

Everyone in Rick and Morty plays to a greater ecosystem with mostly positive roles, such as Rick’s leadership and Morty’s heart. However, if there was ever a person who has struggled to find their place among the Smith, it would be the supposed patriarch himself, Jerry Smith.

An outlet for everyone’s deepest frustrations, Jerry is often the butt of the joke, either being made fun of by Jerry or literally being the greater fool in an episode. Despite his numerous shortcomings in the series, one should never forget a few of the times that he did save the day (and definitely not forget the various times he’s messed up).

10 Saved The Day: Telling Pluto It’s Not A Planet

Rick And Morty 5 Times Jerry Saved The Day (& 5 Times He Ruined Everything)

While this action didn’t necessarily contribute to direct change, few instances of political honesty ever do. In the B-story of “Something Ricked This Way Comes,” Jerry tries to help build a model solar system with Morty for a school project. However, when Morty corrects him about Pluto not being a planet, he vehemently disagrees, leading to him and Morty being taken in by actual, Plutonian aliens.

Valuing Jerry’s stubbornness in the face of overwhelming facts, the political and corporate leaders tried to use him to misinform their people. While this gave Jerry a big head, he quickly realized how damaging this may be to Pluto’s citizens and his own son. In a great act of humility, Jerry uses his position as one of Pluto’s lead scientists to tell its people that Pluto is not a planet.

9 Ruined Everything: Dating A Warrior Priestess

Rick And Morty 5 Times Jerry Saved The Day (& 5 Times He Ruined Everything)

Divorce has a tendency to make people do stupid things. Some people buy expensive cars that they can’t afford. Others get into alcoholic benders. And then there are people like Jerry who rush into clearly toxic relationships to get back at their ex. And, as Jerry does, he finds the worst person for someone to have a spontaneous fling with, an alien, Warrior Priestess that mates for life.

After Morty and Summer advise him of his error, Jerry tries to break things off with his new girlfriend but ends up throwing his kids under the bus and in front of her spear in the process.

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8 Saved The Day: Saving Rick From Getting Murdered

Rick And Morty 5 Times Jerry Saved The Day (& 5 Times He Ruined Everything)

In Season 3, it was pretty easy to hate Rick Sanchez. He orchestrated an entire, murderous rebellion that, while liberating, was clearly focused at getting rid of all of his enemies, namely Jerry. Jerry of all people should have everything against Rick, especially given how Rick tended to rub his victory in Jerry’s face.

In “The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy,” he gets his chance for revenge when an old enemy of Rick’s asks him to help with an assassination plot. While Rick’s insults in this episode made choosing otherwise pretty wise, Jerry still tried to protect Rick’s life here, going as far as to sacrifice himself (whether he liked it or not) to save Rick.

7 Ruined Everything: Developing Glootie’s App

Rick And Morty 5 Times Jerry Saved The Day (& 5 Times He Ruined Everything)

Rick, on multiple occasions, has reliably and accurately advised the family how to survive different alien threats. Rick, in “The Old Man and the Seat,” clearly tattooed the words “Do Not Develop My App” on the forehead of his new alien assistant who inconspicuously keeps asking people to help build his app. Jerry Smith apparently can not read.

He helps Rick’s assistant, Glootie, build an app that, while seemingly helpful as a dating service, was meant to brainwash the Earth’s populace into an endless cycle of quick, romantic gestures so that Glootie’s race could rob the planet of its water.

6 Saved The Day: Giving Beth A Chance To Save A Deer

Rick And Morty 5 Times Jerry Saved The Day (& 5 Times He Ruined Everything)

There are few instances in the series where Beth and Jerry seem truly right for one another. More often than not, it seems as if Jerry’s just there to both humble and mooch off of Beth. However, there’s some genuine give-and-take seen in “A Rickle in Time,” when Jerry accidentally runs over a deer.

Because of her background as a horse surgeon, Beth valiantly tries to save the deer’s life but gets into a dispute with the hunter that had just shot it. In one of his grandest, romantic schemes to date, Jerry arranges a complex hoax to get the hunter and forest rangers off her back so that she could operate on the deer in peace.

5 Ruined Everything: Being Too Incompetent For The Meeseeks

Rick And Morty 5 Times Jerry Saved The Day (& 5 Times He Ruined Everything)

It’s hard to really blame Jerry for this one, but it’s not easy to respect him for it either. In “Meeseeks and Destroy,” Rick gives the family a special device that allows them to summon Meeseeks, alien servants meant to help them with a singular task.

While Beth and Summer seem to have an easy time with their Meeseeks, Jerry seems to be the only person in the universe too incompetent to be properly helped by them. This causes his original Meeseeks to constantly shift responsibilities to another Meeseeks, quickly developing a small gang of enraged aliens literally driven mad by Jerry’s poor golf skills.

4 Saved The Day: Saving Beth From Herself With Herself

Rick And Morty 5 Times Jerry Saved The Day (& 5 Times He Ruined Everything)

Likely the result of complicated romantic stuff going on in creator Dan Harmon’s life, Beth and Jerry’s crumbling marriage was a major theme during the first half of the series. Things got so heated that Rick eventually just sends them to the best couples counseling center in the galaxy.

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There, the doctors use a machine to manifest the toxic perceptions of people’s significant others into living metaphors of how ridiculous people’s romantic imaginations can get. Unfortunately for them, Beth’s and Jerry’s decided to stage a revolt in the center. With some surprisingly quick thinking on his part, Jerry uses the machine to manifest an army and even a godlike Beth to fight back.

3 Ruined Everything: Rewinding Morty’s Romantic Journey

Rick And Morty 5 Times Jerry Saved The Day (& 5 Times He Ruined Everything)

“The Vat of Acid Episode” was special in more ways than one. Besides being a glorious monument to how petty Rick Sanchez can be, it also had one of the best montages in television history, initially showing Morty having some good, time travel fun with his new rewind remote and later an entire romantic journey that he never wants to go back on.

After going through an entire heart-wrenching journey to be with his girlfriend, it seemed like Morty was truly satisfied enough to stop using the rewind remote, that is, until Jerry mistakes it for the TV remote and undoes Morty’s entire, romantic journey. It didn’t even look like a television remote.

2 Saved The Day: Distracting Phoenixperson

Rick And Morty 5 Times Jerry Saved The Day (& 5 Times He Ruined Everything)

Jerry’s most explicitly heroic moment came in the Season 4 finale, “Star Mort Rickturn of the Jerri,” when Space Beth returns to Earth. She initially wants to take revenge on Rick for implanting a bomb in her neck and lying to her about the cloning process, but she and the family change priorities when she inadvertently leads the New Galactic Federation and Phoenixperson to Earth.

When it seemed like Phoenixperson had Rick and the Beths cornered, Jerry used his once ridiculed puppeteering skills to distract Phoenixperson from killing them, giving one of the Beths enough time to shut off Phoenixperson. In an episode where Rick goes full anime and Beth has new, action hero skills, Jerry turned out to be the hero.

1 Ruined Everything: Accidentally Killing Gobo

Rick and Morty’s end credits scene don’t get enough credit for how wonderful they are. They act as nice bookends to the episodes while adding a few extra ideas that never made it into full episodes. One of the most tantalizing and resounding shorts from these came when the series did an E.T.: The Extraterrestrial Parody.

Rick, the Smiths, and some of the school kids all worked together to save an innocent alien named Gobo from the government. Their plan seemed to hinge on the fact that Jerry was so unnoticeable that he could sneak the alien under everyone’s eyes. Unbeknownst to them, Jerry had forgotten the entire idea and accidentally left the dying alien in a hot car.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/rick-morty-jerry-heroic-moments-ruined-everything/

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