Ace Attorney Bot Turns Reddit Arguments Into Classic Courtroom Drama

Ace Attorney Bot Turns Reddit Arguments Into Classic Courtroom Drama

A Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Reddit bot is taking the website’s notoriously pedantic arguing and transforming it into hilarious courtroom drama.

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A new Reddit bot from YouTube user micah takes classic argument threads and turns them into scenes from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, and the result is predictably hilarious. For those unfamiliar with the Ace Attorney series, it’s a franchise of games from Capcom that follows the exploits of defense attorneys (or, in the Miles Edgeworth spin-offs, prosecutors) as players collect evidence, assemble a case, and try to puzzle out the truth of various crime investigations.

The series is known for its over-the-top representations of courtroom drama, with Phoenix Wright’s iconic “Objection!” often used in memes. Ace Attorney is a dialogue-heavy experience with a lot of back-and-forth verbal exchanges between its characters, and the result of those discussions often ends in someone revealing a terrible secret or deconstructing a lie in hyperbolic fashion. In short, Ace Attorney often plays out the same way a comment exchange between two forum users on the internet might, minus perhaps the excess of curse words or spelling errors.

Ace Attorney’s courtroom scenes are a natural home for some of Reddit’s more hilarious comment exchanges, and bot creator micah has fashioned a way to port those conversations into the game’s world. The Reddit Ace Attorney bot was showcased in a video uploaded by micah earlier, transforming a pedantic discussion between users into an animated legal battle, complete with character reactions consistent with the tone of the comments. In the explanation following the bot’s demonstration, micah states that the bot checks for the most common redditors in a comment chain, assigning Phoenix Wright to the most common and Miles Edgeworth to the second. There’s even a neural net that checks the tone of the comments, assigning negative comments – or those with 0 or less upvotes – an “Objection!” comment, while positive or happy tones get given equally pleased sprite animations.

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By the creator’s own admission, the Reddit Ace Attorney bot is currently still buggy, but they provided the source code for the bot and are encouraging users to let them know what they think. So far, users appear extremely excited to put the bot to work, and if it remains functional and sees further improvements, it feels like the sort of creation that could become a staple of the website.

Turning Ace Attorney into a representation of online arguments is so clever that it’s incredible it took this long for someone to develop a Reddit bot for it. Of course, it doesn’t sound easy to make, and micah’s project seems particularly well-made. While the bot remains fresh and relatively obscure now, however, fans may want to brace themselves for Miles Edgeworth talking about being downvoted more often in the near future.

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