Marvels Wolverine Needs A Combat System Different From Batman Arkhams

Marvel’s Wolverine Needs A Combat System Different From Batman Arkham’s


Marvel’s Wolverine needs to avoid using the same combat system seen in Insomniac’s previous Spider-Man titles and the Batman Arkham games.

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Marvels Wolverine Needs A Combat System Different From Batman Arkhams

Wolverine of the X-Men will soon be taking center stage on PlayStation 5, as Marvel’s Wolverine is currently in development for the system. It’s being made by the same team behind Marvel’s Spider-Man; however, Marvel’s Wolverine will need its own gameplay style, as transplanting the combat system from Insomniac’s Spider-Man games (and the Batman Arkham series) won’t work with the character that people are familiar with.

The teaser trailer for Marvel’s Wolverine was revealed during the recent PlayStation Showcase. All that was shown of the game was a cinematic trailer, where Wolverine is shown sitting at the bar, following a vicious barroom brawl. No gameplay footage was shown during the event and Marvel’s Wolverine lacks a release window. Fans are still excited, though, as it’s being made by Insomniac Games, which is the company behind Marvel’s Spider-Man and Miles Morales.

Wolverine has appeared in numerous video games over the years and has even starred in a few, most of which were tied to the X-Men spin-off movies. The fact that Marvel’s Wolverine is being made by Insomniac is giving fans hope that it will be a high-quality affair, but the team behind the game cannot lean too heavily on their previous titles, as Wolverine and Spider-Man fight their enemies in very different ways.

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The Batman Arkham Style Doesn’t Work For Marvel’s Wolverine

Insomniac Games has said that Marvel’s Spider-Man was inspired by the Arkham series, and this is clear from its gameplay. The swift combat system, with its counters and fast-paced use of gadgets, is present in both franchises. Batman and Spider-Man are similar enough that the combat system works well for both characters. They are both agile and strong, while their ability to predict enemy blows is reflected in Spider-Man’s Spider-Sense and Batman’s combat training. They both use gadgets to quickly scale buildings and are just as comfortable picking off goons using stealth, as they are running headfirst into groups of foes.

Wolverine’s fighting style and power set, however, are a lot different from those of Batman and Spider-Man. He’s known for entering a berserker rage and ripping through enemies with little regard for his own safety. He can do this, thanks to his healing factor and his adamantium-laced skeleton. Wolverine isn’t known for displays of acrobatics or swinging from building to building. As such, Marvel’s Wolverine needs a distinct combat system that plays up to Wolverine’s strengths.

If the Arkham combat system is rehashed for Marvel’s Wolverine, then it won’t fit the character. Wolverine is not a master martial artist, nor a lightweight fighter who can outspeed his foes. Wolverine is all about brutally taking down enemies that stand in his way, and giving him a counter prompt or letting him dodge roll away from blows would be a mistake.

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