Love Actually 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Christmas RomCom

Love Actually: 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Christmas Rom-Com


Love Actually provides a bit of escapism for everyone over the holiday season, and it’s a Christmas classic for a reason, even if it’s a bit silly.

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Love Actually 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Christmas RomCom

Love Actually is a classic Christmas movie, but it stills falls victim to some of the standard rom-com tropes. As such, some of it doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense. That’s not to say the movie isn’t good. It is, and it’s a Christmas classic for a reason, as fans love to be swept away by the various love stories, no matter how implausible, at times.

Even then, some of the most egregious examples of nonsense and/or confusing plotlines can be forgiven for the sake of feel-good sentimentality. But they should still be addressed, if only for the fun of it.

10 So, Was Rowan Atkinson An Angel, Or …?

Love Actually 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Christmas RomCom

One of the weirdest aspects of Love Actually is the inclusion of Rowan Atkinson’s character. He is seen twice – first, he takes a hilariously prolonged time gift wrapping Harry’s necklace, and later, he’s seen distracting an airport employee to allow Sam to run past security.

It seems as if he’s a guardian angel of some kind, attempting to punish Harry for his transgressions and rewarding Sam and Daniel. But this is never really explained, and it leaves a bizarre, surreal quality to the otherwise grounded and realistic film.

9 Learning To Play The Drums In Mere Weeks

Love Actually 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Christmas RomCom

Love Actually begins five weeks before Christmas. This means that Sam had just five weeks to learn the drums – a fact that is near impossible to believe. Sam is a complete novice, seemingly self-teaching himself, and this was before YouTube made simple drumming tutorials free and easily accessible.

There is no way a child would be able to teach themselves the drums in just five weeks. And even if he did learn the basic beat, there’s no way he would be proficient enough to perform the type of drum fills that Sam does.

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8 Sam Runs Through The Airport

Love Actually 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Christmas RomCom

Speaking of Sam, his subplot contains the most clichéd ending imaginable, as he bypasses security and runs through the airport to catch his crush and say goodbye. It’s a cute moment, but it would have landed Sam and Daniel in a world of trouble.

9/11 had occurred just two years earlier, and airport security was at an all-time high. They would never have the patience to deal with a kid bypassing security to say goodbye to his crush. Sam would have likely been slapped with a major trespassing charge of some kind, and Daniel would have been forced to pay a pretty hefty fine.

7 Mark’s Weird Filming Style

Love Actually 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Christmas RomCom

The Mark and Juliet subplot is perhaps the most well known in the film, owing to the famous cue card sequence. However, it contains quite a contrived moment when Juliet discovers Mark’s love for her through his wedding video.

For some reason, Mark decided to focus entirely on Juliet and film her in some extreme close-ups – an act that borders on voyeurism. Even if Mark loved Juliet, it makes little sense that he would film the wedding video like that. What purpose does it serve? It doesn’t even look good!

6 Colin Meets Four Bombshells

Love Actually 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Christmas RomCom

Colin’s subplot is perhaps the most unbelievable in the entire movie. Wishing to meet some attractive and “loose” American women, he travels to Milwaukee of all places and goes to a local dive bar. It’s there that he meets three absolute bombshells, all of whom fall in love with his English accent and invite him back home.

While there, he meets a fourth attractive roommate and they all spend the night together. It’s so unrealistic that it comes across as an imaginary dream sequence.

5 Natalie’s Figure

Love Actually 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Christmas RomCom

At numerous times throughout the movie, Natalie is referred to as chubby and fat. It’s a ridiculous assertion, and it doesn’t really make sense within the context of the movie.

In the movie’s defense, it seems to poke fun at this assertion through Prime Minister David, who continuously defends Natalie’s weight. Even if it’s played for laughs, it doesn’t really make sense for so many characters to think she was fat when she so clearly wasn’t. And the inaccuracy isn’t even the main issue, as it’s the actual fat-shaming itself.

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4 Ancient Jerusalem

Love Actually 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Christmas RomCom

While rehearsing the school play with her children, Karen inadvertently says, “It was a starry night in ancient Jerusalem, and the baby Jesus was in his manger.” In reality, Jesus was said to be born in Bethlehem. Bethlehem should not be used interchangeably with Jerusalem, as Bethlehem lies roughly 10 kilometers to the south and is a completely separate city.

This is more of an error than anything else, but if her kids were performing a nativity scene, she should have definitely known that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, not Jerusalem.

3 Why Does Aurélia Learn English?

Love Actually 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Christmas RomCom

The end of Jamie and Aurélia’s subplot concerns a cute little moment in which they declare their love for each other in the broken language of the other. It makes sense that Jamie learned Portuguese, as he had every intention of reuniting with Aurélia and declaring his love.

But why does Aurélia learn English? She returned back home, and she likely had no intention of meeting Jamie again. Was she hoping that he would arrive one day in a dramatic declaration of love? Was she planning on surprising him one day? This is somewhat unclear.

2 Billy Mack’s Comeback

Love Actually 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Christmas RomCom

The end of the movie establishes that Billy Mack has enjoyed a public comeback owing to his successful Christmas single. However, this seems highly unlikely for a number of reasons. Billy Mack was a washed-up rock star that no one cared about anymore, and his Christmas single was a lazy iteration of a previously-released song.

Billy even publicly denounced it as being “crap.” There’s little reason to think that the single would blow up. Even if it was somewhat popular, Christmas singles don’t often prove big enough to completely revitalize dying careers.

1 David Takes A Public Flight

The ending reveals Natalie embracing David after he arrives home from a flight. However, there is absolutely no way that the Prime Minister of England would be flying on a public, commercial aircraft.

It seems like nothing more than a way to wrap up their storyline with everyone else in The Big Happy Climax, and that’s OK because it did make for a really sweet scene.

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