10 Most Terrifying Moments In Spookys House Of Jumpscares

10 Most Terrifying Moments In Spooky’s House Of Jumpscares


Though it seems cutesy at the outset, Spooky’s Jump Scare Mansion is full of freights which will intimidate even the most hardened horror gamers.

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10 Most Terrifying Moments In Spookys House Of Jumpscares

Released on October 24, 2014, Spooky’s House Jump Scare Mansion (aka Spooky’s House of Jumpscares) is a videogame in which players are dared to enter “1,000 rooms of cute terror” without being scared to death. The game centers on the primary protagonist, Spooky, the small, bluish, hovering ghost of a little girl whose supernatural strength wields tremendous power of the mansion.

As users progress through the game, they are subjected to increasingly terrifying jumpscares from an escalating array of frightening creatures. Ghosts, spiders, deadly creatures, deformed monsters, serial killers, and more abound in the mortifying mansion. Scroll below for some of the most harrowing instances in the game.

10 Casper’s Ex – Room 168

10 Most Terrifying Moments In Spookys House Of Jumpscares

The first 50 levels (or rooms) of the horror game feature an assortment of cute and innocuous baddies such as ghosts and giant spiders. However, one of the first genuinely terrifying moments comes when a far more frightening ghost is introduced.

While inside Room 168, Spooky guides a player through a series of dark corridors until arriving in a wooden room with glowing green pools of liquid on the sides. From a distance, a wan female ghost appears from the corner, hovers over a puddle of water before floating right at you.

9 Naked Slenderman – Room 222

10 Most Terrifying Moments In Spookys House Of Jumpscares

One of the most terrifying moments in the entire game comes when the floors and walls suddenly morph into a blurry blood-red scrim in Room 222, making it difficult to see where you are going and navigate the potential pitfalls.

Worse yet is the ghoulish phantom, almost mummylike in appearance, that suddenly appears through the dense blood walls and begins stalking the player with a large meat-cleaver of some sort. The facially featureless monster with no eyes or mouth is as freaky as they come in the game.

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8 Giant Needle & Eyeball – Room 300 (Roughly)

10 Most Terrifying Moments In Spookys House Of Jumpscares

Right around Room 300 or so, a player will have trouble evading a yellowish phantom with an odd-shaped head and maniacal grin. Upon coming face to face and staring into the eyes of the monster, a genuinely frightening consequence ensues.

Mixed with a freaky sound effect, the walls become blurry and blood-colored before a giant eyeball rises into the frame from below. A moment later, a gigantic needle comes plunging down from the ceiling directly into the eyeball. It turns out to be a giant puppet that proves awfully tricky to defeat. It’s a terrifying moment unlike any other in the game.

7 Disembodied Figures – Room 412

10 Most Terrifying Moments In Spookys House Of Jumpscares

After encountering a creepy kitten in Room 410, things only grow scarier by the time a player reaches Room 412. The room is aligned with checkered flooring, a glowing blood-red hue, and comes with a freaky high-pitched horror movie soundtrack.

Worse yet, once a player enters the room, they are immediately greeted by deformed and disfigured body parts such as a pair of human legs stacked atop one another. If that wasn’t enough, giant black demonic faces with large horns, glowing red eyes, and a mouthful of jagged white teeth appear in the walls as players attempt to navigate the room.

6 Killer Deer – Room 555

10 Most Terrifying Moments In Spookys House Of Jumpscares

Given the sheer shock factor of seeing a cute little doe suddenly lash out with large, sharpened, bloodstained teeth in Room 555, it’s easily one of the most alarming moments of the entire game. It’s even worse than the Deer Lord. In order to ward off the vicious killer deer attacks, the game provides players with a sharp ax for protection.

Another aspect of the room that is so freaky is how it appears outdoors, almost as if the player has finally escaped the Mansion. Nothing could be further from the truth.

5 Floating Parasite Head – Room 617

10 Most Terrifying Moments In Spookys House Of Jumpscares

Another legitimately heart-pounding moment in the game comes when players reach Room 617. The dark, gray, empty rectangular room with low-ceilings resembles an industrial storage garage of some sort.

Just when you think it’s safe, the floating supersized head of an unidentifiable sea-creature-like parasite suddenly pops through the metal ventilation grate. The frightening monster appears in startling close-up with jet-black eyes that are feet apart, and a gaping maw exposing humongous white fangs.

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4 Sickle-Dragging Maniac – Room 810

10 Most Terrifying Moments In Spookys House Of Jumpscares

While inside Room 810, players are encouraged to hide behind a stack of boxes to remain invisible to a blood-covered serial killer who limps around while dragging a huge sickle behind him. What makes the moment extra terrifying is how the madman whispers “where are you” as the player hides.

The moment of terror is increased when the sickle-dragging maniac begins stalking the player through a dirt-covered underground crawlspace akin to a tunneled-out gravesite.

3 Topless Underwater Ghost – Room 910

10 Most Terrifying Moments In Spookys House Of Jumpscares

Another mortifying moment of the game comes when players reach level 900. Inside Room 910, users are forced to enter an underwater labyrinth, perhaps a sewer-way, with rising steam that makes it difficult to see what lies ahead.

However, the first thing one can spot when entering the room is a bone-chilling image of a nude woman with long blond hair, sitting on a block in the water with her back turned to the camera. It’s a jolting image on its own, made worse when players spend the next ten rooms trying to evade the same menacing force.

2 Green Skeletal Jumpscare – Room 991

10 Most Terrifying Moments In Spookys House Of Jumpscares

Since the game is named for its monumental jumpscares, it’s worth highlighting one of the most authentically terrifying ones of all. With less than 10 rooms to navigate before conquering the game, the designers upped the quality of jumpscares inside Room 991.

While traversing an empty and seemingly harmless corridor, as one does regularly in the game, an absolutely horrifying disembodied demon head pops up out of nowhere just before making it to the end of the hall. The ghoul resembles a zombified Slimer from Ghostbusters, but it’s the sudden appearance right before leaving the room that makes it so terrifying.

1 Final Boss Battle – Room 1000

The single most terrifying moment in Spooky’s House of Jumpscares is almost certainly the final villain players are forced to battle in order to beat the game.

In addition to the creepy sound effects, what makes the moment so mortifying is the unsettling appearance of the final baddie and its relentless pursuit of victory. The ghoul appears to be a skinned human corpse with gigantic hands and outstretched arms as if in a crucifixion pose. The blood-covered phantom hovers above and around the room until a player is forced to repeatedly hack it to death with an ax.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/spookys-house-jumpscares-most-terrifying-moments/

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