10 MCU Actors That Have Also Starred In Monster Movies

10 MCU Actors That Have Also Starred In Monster Movies


Most MCU heroes have come across monsters before in some shape or form. But which have encountered creatures in their other work?

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10 MCU Actors That Have Also Starred In Monster Movies

There are a great number of heroes and villainous characters featured in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that have battled against monsters in the franchise. Many of the actors that have portrayed these characters have also found themselves battling monsters and other fantastical creatures in other projects, though.

With so many classic monster movies getting the Hollywood remake treatment as well as action-packed monster-based franchises being rebooted it’s no surprise to see many MCU actors starring in these big horror and sci-fi blockbusters. Many of them have even found themselves working alongside other members of the MCU on the project.

10 Aaron Taylor-Johnson – Godzilla (2014)

10 MCU Actors That Have Also Starred In Monster Movies

Aaron Taylor-Johnson’s involvement in the MCU was unexpectedly short. Starring as Pietro Maximoff (better known as Quicksilver), he was sadly killed in Avengers: Age of Ultron at the hands of Ultron himself as he took an onslaught of bullets fired by Ultron to save Hawkeye and a Sokovian child.

Taylor-Johnson appeared in the 2014 version of Godzilla, director Gareth Edwards’ franchise reboot as US Navy lieutenant Ford Brody. Ford assisted the secret US government organization Monarch in dealing with Godzilla and the other MUTO’s (Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organism) in the movie as he made his way back to his own family.

9 Elizabeth Olsen – Godzilla (2014)

10 MCU Actors That Have Also Starred In Monster Movies

Wanda Maximoff has an important role in the future of the MCU and it’ll be some time yet before actress Elizabeth Olsen hangs up her cape as the Scarlet Witch. Olsen is no stranger to appearing alongside monsters on-screen having starred, along with her MCU co-star Aaron Taylor-Johnson, in Gareth Edwards’ 2014 reboot of Godzilla.

In the movie, Olsen plays nurse Elle Brody, the wife of Taylor-Johnson’s aforementioned character Ford. Olsen’s supporting role in the movie finds Elle protecting their son as she deals with the ongoing destruction and panic around her caused by the monsters. Olsen and Taylor-Johnson played the Maximoff twins in Avengers: Age of Ultron before Pietro met his demise.

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8 Tom Hiddleston – Kong: Skull Island (2017)

10 MCU Actors That Have Also Starred In Monster Movies

Loki has had an incredible journey through the MCU flitting from being the good guy to being the bad guy to being the anti-hero. The much-beloved character, played by British actor Tom Hiddleston, appeared most recently in his self-titled Disney+ series which has had an incredibly important role in the future of the MCU.

Hiddleston has also had his run-in with monsters when he starred in the Jordan Vogt-Roberts helmed King Kong reboot Kong: Skull Island. Hiddleston starred as Captain James Conrad, an ex-British Special Forces soldier hired to help guide the military team on the island. The movie was the follow-up entry in Legendary’s new MonsterVerse, after 2014’s Godzilla, and he wasn’t the only MCU star to appear. The movie also saw Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, John C. Reilly, and Shea Whigham appear, all of whom have appeared in the MCU. Even motion-capture actor Terry Notary, who provided the movement for Guardians of the Galaxy member Groot, starred as the giant gorilla.

7 Josh Brolin – Planet Terror (2007)

10 MCU Actors That Have Also Starred In Monster Movies

There’s no doubt that Thanos was very much the central villain and genocidal titan featured throughout Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He was portrayed by Josh Brolin, who has had his fair share of experiences playing threatening characters.

Brolin also starred as Dr. William Block, the unhinged and abusive physician, in the schlock-styled zombie horror Planet Terror. The movie, directed by Robert Rodriguez was part of the special Grindhouse double feature. Quentin Tarantino’s Death Proof served as the other half of the release.

6 Natalie Portman – Annihilation (2018)

10 MCU Actors That Have Also Starred In Monster Movies

Actress Natalie Portman played Jane Foster, a leading astrophysicist, in the first two Thor installments. Now nearly a decade later, Portman is due to return to the role in the forthcoming Thor sequel Thor: Love and Thunder where she is expected to become Mighty Thor.

In Alex Garlands’ 2018 sci-fi monster flick Annihilation, Portman played a biologist who, along with a team of explorers, enters a mysterious quarantined area called The Shimmer which is believed to be causing animals and flora inside to mutate due to an unexplained alien occurrence. The movie also stars MCU alumni Tessa Thompson and Benedict Wong, who play Valkyrie and Wong respectively.

5 Vin Diesel – Pitch Black (2000)

10 MCU Actors That Have Also Starred In Monster Movies

He’s never actually appeared on-screen in the MCU and has contributed nothing more than a single phrase of dialogue but Vin Diesel’s involvement in Guardians of the Galaxy has been essential. Diesel provides the voice of each version of Groot in the Guardians series and will reprise his role in the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

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Back in 2000, Vin Diesel starred as Riddick in David Twohy’s sci-fi monster movie Pitch Black. When a space transport vehicle crashes onto a desert planet Riddick, an escaped convict, must work with the survivors to fend off flesh-eating aliens that show up to feast when the planets’ suns go down.

4 Jeremy Renner – 28 Weeks Later (2007)

10 MCU Actors That Have Also Starred In Monster Movies

Jeremy Renner plays Clint Barton (AKA Hawkeye) in the series of Avengers movies as well as in Captain America: Civil War. Later this year, fans will get to see him in action once more in his own Disney+ series Hawkeye, alongside Hailee Steinfeld and Black Widow star Florence Pugh.

In 2007, Renner starred in the infection/zombie sequel 28 Weeks Later. He played Doyle, an American Delta Force sniper, brought to London to help secure an area in the city for survivors to repopulate the devastation caused by the outbreak. MCU and DCEU actor Idris Elba also starred.

3 Kurt Russell – The Thing (1982)

10 MCU Actors That Have Also Starred In Monster Movies

Veteran actor Kurt Russell was the ideal choice to play Peter Quill’s biological father in James Gunn’s action-packed sci-fi sequel Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Russell played Ego, a Celestial being and an actual planet. He had hired Yondu, the Ravager who had taken Quill from Earth, in an attempt to find if one of his many offspring had inherited his Celestial DNA.

Russell faced off against something particularly sinister in John Carpenter’s iconic sci-fi remake The Thing. Russell played MacReady, a helicopter pilot stationed at an American research outpost in Antarctica. That is until a mysterious extraterrestrial parasite finds its way into the station and begins assimilating and imitating the research group.

2 Rebecca Hall – Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)

10 MCU Actors That Have Also Starred In Monster Movies

British actress Rebecca Hall played Maya Hansen in Iron Man 3, the scientist who had helped antagonist Aldrich Killian develop the Extremis virus.

More recently, the Iron Man 3 star had appeared as Dr. Ilene Andrews, a Monarch anthropological linguist, in the fourth entry in Legendary’s MonsterVerse, Godzilla vs. Kong. Hall starred alongside Alexander Skarsgård and Stranger Things’ Millie Bobby Brown.

1 Daniel Brühl – The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)

Brühl starred as Baron Zemo, the notorious Sokovian, in both Captain America: Civil War and the recent Disney+ series The Falcon and The Winter Soldier.

Brühl also appeared as German physicist Ernst Schmidt in the sci-fi horror The Cloverfield Paradox, the third movie from the Cloverfield franchise, in which a team of scientists orbiting the Earth test a device that creates a paradox and unlocks a terrifying alternate reality. The movie also starred Elizabeth Debicki, who played Ayesha the Golden High Priestess of the Sovereign in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/macu-actors-worked-monster-films/

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