10 Fan Casts For A LiveAction Dragon Age (According To Reddit)

10 Fan Casts For A Live-Action Dragon Age (According To Reddit)


With rumors of a Dragon Age TV show spreading, many fans have already started fan-casting who they’d want to see as their favorite characters.

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10 Fan Casts For A LiveAction Dragon Age (According To Reddit)

According to Game Rant, there are rumors that a Dragon Age Netflix show is in production. While the adaptation is only speculation at the point, it certainly wouldn’t be out of the question for a show to be made from this franchise. If The Witcher could do it (and on Netflix as well), why not Dragon Age?

There have already been several discussions surrounding the potential cast for a Dragon Age show on the franchise’s subreddit. Many of these castings stem from similar roles the actors have already played, while others are simply due to a likeness between actor and character. Either way, the best of these fan castings make for some compelling possibilities.

10 Cole: Paul Dano

10 Fan Casts For A LiveAction Dragon Age (According To Reddit)

Paul Dano has a track record for playing well-meaning, yet somewhat strange and off-putting young men. u/MaggyTwoFlagons shows good judgment in casting Dano as Cole “off the top of their head,” citing Dano’s unsettling must-see performance in the 2013 film Prisoners and his brooding teen character in Little Miss Sunshine.

Cole is incredibly misunderstood and ultimately benevolent in his intentions, yet his confusion over his identity as a half-spirit, half-boy has made him do questionable things. He’s a tragic and melancholic character that many fans can’t help but feel protective over, and Dano would be able to convey all these emotions perfectly.

9 Varric: Tom Hardy

10 Fan Casts For A LiveAction Dragon Age (According To Reddit)

Tom Hardy has an incredibly magnetic onscreen presence, which is only enhanced by his rugged appearance. He can play the part of the swindler and the artist with ease and finesse as seen in such films as Inception and Layer Cake. As u/N-v-W points out, there’s truly no better actor to play the charming rogue Varric than Hardy.

Varric is a writer, first and foremost, but he’s also the son of a merchant who is just trying to make a living in a world that doesn’t offer many opportunities to dwarves. He’s not above getting his hands dirty, yet he sticks true to what he believes in, and Hardy would portray all of this with a classic Tethras smirk.

8 Alistair: Bradley James

10 Fan Casts For A LiveAction Dragon Age (According To Reddit)

u/MarioTheMojoMan commented that it was hard to get Bradley James out of their head when casting the role of Alistair Therein since the young actor already played a lovable punk of a prince in Merlin. Of all the many Arthurian spin-offs made over the years, James was able to bring King Arthur to life in a way that many actors simply couldn’t with a good dose of humor.

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Therefore, it’s an obvious choice to cast him as Alistair. The young prince-to-be lacks some of Arthur’s smarts and critical-thinking skills, but he shares his affability, silliness, and grudges against his lot in life as an heir to the throne. Bradley could bring the same skill and jovialness to Alistair as he did to King Arthur.

7 Dorian: Rahul Kohli

10 Fan Casts For A LiveAction Dragon Age (According To Reddit)

Rahul Kohli has already proven that he can fill just about any role was thrown his way. As seen in iZombie, Kohli can portray a gentle, clever, and passionate character. It’s no wonder u/PapillonEcarlate chose Kohli to embody Dragon Age’s dashing Dorian Pavus.

The Tevinter Imperium mage is smart, witty, and above all else, he cares very deeply about his friends and his homeland. He needs to be portrayed by someone who can tap into those feelings and bring them out with authenticity – and even just by going off of his sad performance in The Haunting Of Bly Manor, it’s clear that Kohli would be the ideal choice.

6 Solas: James McAvoy

10 Fan Casts For A LiveAction Dragon Age (According To Reddit)

Throughout these threads, some actors were mentioned by multiple users including u/Stiffupperbody, and this particular combination of McAvoy and Solas was a popular choice. James McAvoy is a talented actor who is capable of playing all kinds of complicated characters so it’s not a surprise fans would want him to embody the elven mage.

After all, without spoiling anything, there is a lot more to Solas than meets the eye, and upon replaying the game, players might notice various things he says and does which allude to major parts of his character. McAvoy is certainly capable of conveying these subtleties, but it also helps that they look fairly similar – and, as the user said, McAvoy “already has experience playing bald men with mystical powers.”

5 Hawke: Karl Urban

10 Fan Casts For A LiveAction Dragon Age (According To Reddit)

Another popular fan casting was Karl Urban as Hawke, which one deleted user supported after seeing “a Tumblr post” suggest the casting. Obviously, they look almost identical, and with a bit of blood across his nose, Urban could cosplay Hawke any day of the week with ease. Plus, he already has experience playing as a tough fantasy character in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

More than that, though, Hawke needs to be played by someone who can portray just how complex his personality can be. He begins his journey as a humorous, optimistic young man, and by the end, has adopted a grizzled, hardened outlook on life. Thankfully, Urban has a history of playing world-weary men, so taking on Hawke’s multi-layered character would be no trouble for him.

4 Zevran: Gael García Bernal

10 Fan Casts For A LiveAction Dragon Age (According To Reddit)

In just about every role he’s played, from a skeletal virtuoso in Coco to a wild-haired maestro in Mozart in the Jungle, Gael García Bernal has brought unforgettable energy and presence. As u/ZeroQuick must have noticed, he’s naturally confident, handsome, and versatile, all of which would make him an ideal actor to play Zevran Aranai.

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Zevran might seem like a stereotypical playboy, but he’s one of the most unique characters in the franchise. He’s confident and knows who he is and what he likes, yet he’s open to change and undergoes some of the best character development in Origins. Bernal would be an obvious choice to play him, especially as an older Zev in his attempts to take down the Antivan Crows.

3 Isabela: Tessa Thompson

10 Fan Casts For A LiveAction Dragon Age (According To Reddit)

Because she’s so beloved by fans, Isabela needs to be played by someone who can handle her with respect and excitement. Tessa Thompson would be just the actress to do that, with a history of roles in films like Thor: Ragnarok and Sorry to Bother You that are intriguing, adventurous, and just plain fun. And as u/DragonQueen777666 said in their comment about the actress’ fan casting, “Tell me you can’t see that s**t.”

Captain Isabela deserves to be played by someone as poised as Thompson because she is the rare sort of female character in video games who is unapologetically herself and doesn’t answer to anyone. Like she said to fellow companion Aveline: “They don’t know me. I know me.” It’s this unshakeable confidence that only an actress as self-assured and bold as Thompson can fully embody.

2 Morrigan: Anya Chalotra

10 Fan Casts For A LiveAction Dragon Age (According To Reddit)

Users u/Sealgaire45 and u/evictedfrommyaccount suggested that Anya Chalotra – who played Yennefer in The Witcher Netflix series – might be better suited to play Morrigan. They believed that she was “of a better age to play Morrigan [than] Yen,” which certainly has some merit to it. After all, her performance as Yen was fiery and tempestuous, which suits Morrigan well.

Although Morrigan hides behind many walls, she’s incredibly venomous and unafraid to make herself known. At the same time, she’s very naive to the ways of the world, and it shows in all kinds of situations, from her first forays into the “real world” to the moments when she’s shown genuine compassion. Judging from her Yen performance, Chalotra could easily slip into a role as Morrigan.

1 Iron Bull: Freddie Prinze Jr.

User u/bosknickers13 wasn’t the only one who believed that Iron Bull’s voice actor would be the best physical actor to play him. Many agreed that Freddie Prinze Jr. really brought life to the Bull and that to cast him would “feel right.”

Bull is a lot of things: he’s a spy for a nation he’s at odds with, he loves his band of misfits, he enjoys fooling around with others, and he’s deceptively one of the smartest characters in the game. Prinze Jr. clearly enjoyed playing him, as seen in this video, so imagining him playing Bull on the big screen would probably be one of the best things to see in a live-action Dragon Age.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/fan-casting-movie-version-dragon-age/

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