SheHulks Link to the Celestials Reveals Her True Power

She-Hulk’s Link to the Celestials Reveals Her True Power

She-Hulk just shed the powerful form she was gifted by the Celestials, but she does so in a way that reminds fans of her cosmic significance.

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SheHulks Link to the Celestials Reveals Her True Power

Warning: contains spoilers for Avengers #50!

While She-Hulk is often equated to her older cousin the Hulk, and has filled his role as a superstrong behemoth during her recent membership of the Avengers, she recently reminded fans that she has unique cosmic significance.

In Avengers #50, She-Hulk is finally transformed back into her classic style from her previous bulked-up form, which gave her a look more similar to the Hulk. After absorbing absurd amounts of gamma radiation and racing off to Avengers Mountain to let the energy blow, Jennifer Walters is reverted to her most famous look. This is a sensible move on Marvel’s part, keeping the iconic character closely associated to her upcoming live-action counterpart, but it also refocuses Walters on what is arguably her most unique attribute: her ability to merge superhuman strength with near-unparalleled legal genius.

It’s no secret that She-Hulk is just as formidable a lawyer as she is a fighter, if not more. Her legal prowess has even given her special standing among the highest of cosmic beings. She-Hulk was designated to be part of the Magistrati, the Enforcers of Universal Law for the Living Tribunal. The Living Tribunal is a multiversal being tasked with preserving the balance of the multiverse, sitting only below the One-Above-All in the cosmic power rankings. For She-Hulk to be designated as a Magistrati sets her firmly as one of the most universally trusted minds in the Marvel Universe, and while she fulfilled this role, her judgments came with the authority of a god, binding even the Watchers to her decisions.

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SheHulks Link to the Celestials Reveals Her True Power

As she thanks a fallen Celestial in Avengers #50, fans are reminded that Jennifer’s new form was a gift from the Celestials, who foresaw she’d need a power boost for the threats ahead. While the Celestials aren’t quite on the Living Tribunal’s level, they are incredibly powerful and cosmically wise, making it clear that Jen’s various upgrades are no fluke – she is inherently trusted by the greatest forces of the Marvel Universe, to the point where they will grant her untold power when needed.

SheHulks Link to the Celestials Reveals Her True Power

One of the biggest criticisms from fans since She-Hulk took her new, Celestial-empowered form has been the lack of nuance for the character. Walters was a lawyer long before she was a superhero, so her sense of equity and justice is ingrained in her, powers or not. While her new form was able to shine a unique light on what it means to process grief and anger, it forced the character to shed much of what made her a feminist icon in the first place, swapping her balance of brains and brawn for abilities founded on emotional volatility. Now that balance is back, Avengers #50 smartly reminds readers that Jen only got her enhanced form in the first place because Marvel’s cosmic powers keep choosing her as their champion.

With the return to her classic form, She-Hulk gets the chance to bring more nuance to her life as a Hulk, once again employing a legal mind so incredible that the most powerful beings in the multiverse want her on their side.

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