Locke & Key Which Character Are You Based On You Zodiac Sign

Locke & Key: Which Character Are You Based On You Zodiac Sign?


The Locke & Key cast is as diverse as the wheel of the Zodiac. See which characters are your celestial siblings and unlock a new cosmic connection.

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Locke & Key Which Character Are You Based On You Zodiac Sign

After binging on the second season of Netflix’s Locke & Key, many are left anticipating season three (scheduled for 2022). While there were some positive outcomes for major players, like Ellie getting her old body back, there are plenty of unanswered questions at the end of the season.

Where will Tyler drive Gracie- and will he run into Gideon and the anywhere key? Is Eden the new “Well Woman”? It’s unlikely that answers will be found by reading horoscopes, but it may be possible to find some insight about the show in how the characters align with the Zodiac Astrologically, it seems they also have their own stellar counterparts.

12 Aries – Bode Locke

Locke & Key Which Character Are You Based On You Zodiac Sign

One of the most eager and powerful characters of Locke & Key, Bode Locke displays the classic Aries trait of being sure-headed, especially in his pursuit of the keys. A fearless leader with a rainbow lightsaber, he can come off as self-centered in his desire to be privy to Tyler and Kinsey’s exploits with the keys because he’s confident he’ll know what to do with them. He’s not wrong, as he proves his worth in the small details he retains that others might overlook and is able to shine a light on them even when pursued by the shadows. Bode’s attention to detail also helps him meet the needs of others, such as helping Ellie return to her old self and allowing his mother to regain her locked away memories of her husband.

11 Taurus – Tyler Locke

Locke & Key Which Character Are You Based On You Zodiac Sign

Balanced yet hard-working like many Taureans, Tyler Locke shows determination in everything he does. Whether it’s sports or pursuing Jackie, Tyler knows what he wants and goes for it. As one of the most sensual signs in the Zodiac it’s easy to feel bad for Tyler when manipulated by Dodge in female form. He is also pragmatic in classic Taurus fashion in the way he tried to keep order in his siblings’ use of the keys. He sees Kinsey’s embarrassment of Eden as an overstep in their agreement and expects her to keep her word. He holds onto this sense of order throughout the series.

10 Gemini – Ellie Whedon

Locke & Key Which Character Are You Based On You Zodiac Sign

Sociable and kind, Ellie starts off as an easy favorite in the series until it’s revealed that she’s playing two sides of the same coin. Her ability to survive for so long is grounded in her ability to adapt and think quickly on her feet. Her downfall lies in her indecisive behavior regarding her willingness to share information with the Locke family. Were she more willing to be honest with Nina earlier on, she may have avoided certain fates. When she takes the Crown of Shadows to Dodge she goes against the Gemini persona- giving into the threats on Rufus’ life instead of formulating a new plan. While Ellie’s return in season two can feel like one big Locke & Key plot hole, her journey of turning into Dodge, then back into herself also evokes the image of Gemini – two bodies, one soul.

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9 Cancer – Nina Locke

Locke & Key Which Character Are You Based On You Zodiac Sign

Nina’s story arc could be seen as one of typical motherly fashion for a character in other movies or shows, and that would be correct; at the same time, this tendency to nurture is one that is fundamental to the Cancer personality. The love Nina has for her children is unconditional and her desire to protect them outweighs her own safety. Cancers can be moody at times and Nina has plenty of ups and downs as she copes with the loss of her husband and adjusts to life in a new town. Instead of allowing her emotions to run away with her, she uses her own nurturing nature on herself by taking on a new restoration project, which in turn helps her start to move on from her grief with a chance at new love with Josh.

8 Leo – Eden Hawkins

Locke & Key Which Character Are You Based On You Zodiac Sign

Proof that sunshine is lovely but can give you a sunburn, Eden is the quintessential Leo. Eden has the ability to shine brightly, but can burn those around her by trying to maintain her status at the center of the solar system. Threatened by an attractive newcomer, Kinsey, this trait becomes magnified through their interactions. Eden goes full Leo in her first moment being magically tripped by Kinsey. Even when embarrassed publicly, one of the more positive traits of a Leo is being able to put a confident spin on things and brush off the negative opinions of others. Finding a compliment anywhere is another gift- feeling flattered at the attention when she finds out what Kinsey has done.

7 Virgo – Rufus Whedon

Locke & Key Which Character Are You Based On You Zodiac Sign

One thing Rufus has that points him towards Virgo is his attention to detail. With a love of model planes and military terminology, Rufus thrives under order. Shy at first, once you have a Virgo on your side, they’re your friend for life, fortunately for Bode Locke. It’s always possible to really count on a Virgo!

6 Libra – Doug Brazelle

Locke & Key Which Character Are You Based On You Zodiac Sign

While being a supporting character that mostly brings the puns, Doug is not lacking in depth. He perfectly encapsulates the diplomatic rapport Libras are known for via his membership in the Savini Squad.

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Doug enjoys being part of the group and keeping things up beat, doing his best not to offend. Every now and then he relies on his friends for a confidence boost- especially when swimming for his life in an underwater cave.

5 Scorpio – Duncan Locke

Locke & Key Which Character Are You Based On You Zodiac Sign

Represented by the Alchemist, Scorpios are one of the most mysterious and magical signs in the zodiac. When Duncan’s lost memories are fully restored, he completes a cycle of death and rebirth that allows him to become once again into with his magical abilities. Creator of the Demon key, Duncan wields a power inherent to the Scorpio nature that isn’t afraid to explore the darker aspects of life and teach others their ways. Duncan learned actual alchemy through the ghost of Chamberlin Locke and passes this knowledge to Tyler in order to create the Alpha Key.

4 Sagittarius – Jackie Veda

Locke & Key Which Character Are You Based On You Zodiac Sign

A seeker of truth, Jackie falls into Sag territory in her desire for Tyler to be honest with the boys about his romantic night with Eden. Even though he fails to meet this expectation she’s still amiable and open to his friendship.

Her disinterest in wars and love of Jane Austen also reveal her inner philosopher. Jackie follows her truth until the bitter end, giving up her memories of the magic and the keys in order to do things the honest way. When she forgets the information she needs from the summer reading(due to turning eighteen) is becomes clear that some things in life need to be done the hard way.

3 Capricorn – Scot Cavendish

Locke & Key Which Character Are You Based On You Zodiac Sign

Scot single-mindedly pursues his career even if it means upsetting his friends – however, this doesn’t mean he doesn’t care. He is mature enough to play the long game of love with Kinsey because he knows that, just like his career, that she is worth the time and effort.

2 Aquarius – Rendell Locke

Locke & Key Which Character Are You Based On You Zodiac Sign

Depicted by the healing Water Bearer, Aquarians are considered the most humanitarian of the signs. Concerned with how he can help heal the world, Rendell’s work as a guidance councilor pays off until Sam’s possession. He is able to bring groups together for the better such as Sam and Tyler for a time and later, without even trying- unites his own family through his own death- sacrificing himself for the greater good.

1 Pisces – Kinsey Locke

Ruled by Neptune, the planet of illusion, Kinsey is a day dreamer that spends much of her time escaping into her own mind via the Head Key. Pisces can impressionable, and Kinsey easily becomes swayed by the surreal form of freedom that the keys provide. Luckily for Kinsey she doesn’t stay in that dream world until she is consumed and realizes her identity as the sensitive, empathetic friend Pisces are known to embody. It’s through this sensitivity that she is able to overcome being seduced by the keys and defeating Dodge by putting herself in direct danger.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/locke-key-characte-zodiac-sign-traits/

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