10 Life Lessons SpiderMan Taught Us In The Movies

10 Life Lessons Spider-Man Taught Us In The Movies


Spider-Man is one of the most inspirational characters of all time. Throughout seven solo films, fans can find plenty of important life lessons.

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10 Life Lessons SpiderMan Taught Us In The Movies

Sometimes, superheroes aren’t dark and brooding. Sometimes, they’re uplifting and inspirational. One of the best examples of this is the wall-crawling teen, Spider-Man. Spidey has been in eight solo movies with another, No Way Home, due to hit theatres in December 2021.

There are plenty of life lessons in the movies that fans can take to heart and apply to their daily lives. While not everything in the character’s history is so happy and uplifting, most fans choose to focus on the lighter side of Spider-Man and try to live their life based on the lessons learned from watching him.

10 How To Deal With Loss

10 Life Lessons SpiderMan Taught Us In The Movies

An important (and inevitable) part of life, fictional or otherwise, is loss. One thing Spidey has had to learn the hard way is that he can’t save everyone. In real life, everyone will have to deal with the loss of someone close to them and have to go on living their lives.

It is one thing to mourn, it is something else to dwell on the loss and let it cast a shadow. Spider-Man has been through many sad moments, and sometimes he has let these moments get to him and cause him to lash out or give up entirely. Spider-Man knows, however, that the best way to honor the fallen is to keep pushing and live his best life, which is a perfect life lesson.

9 Be Willing To Accept Help

10 Life Lessons SpiderMan Taught Us In The Movies

Spider-Man has changed many times since his introduction, but one thing that hasn’t changed is that he has always had loyal friends and family who are willing to help. The problem is, especially in his early days with his powers, Spider-Man has felt as if he has to do things on his own because no one can understand what he is going through. The best example of this is in Sam Raimi’s first Spider-Man when Pete shuts down Uncle Ben’s offer to lend a hand.

In each big-screen variation, he learns that he can’t do everything on his own, and sometimes the consequences are worse than if he had just accepted help. In life, many people feel they have to handle their issues alone when that is far from the truth. Whether professional help or through a close friend, everybody should reach out for help when things get tough.

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8 Do What Is Right

10 Life Lessons SpiderMan Taught Us In The Movies

Sometimes one should do what they feel in their gut is right, even when it means defiance. Spider-Man’s instincts are typically pretty sound, so when he feels he has to do something difficult or even life-saving for the greater good, he doesn’t think twice about it. A great example is in Into the Spider-Verse, (for many, the best superhero movie ever made), when Miles has to defy his mentor and go rushing into battle without fully understanding his powers.

Peter wants what is best for Miles, but the latter knows Peter will need all the backup he can get. Sometimes, people should follow their instinct as opposed to what others tell them if they feel deep down that it is the right thing to do.

7 Think Things Through

10 Life Lessons SpiderMan Taught Us In The Movies

One of Spidey’s character traits is that he is willing to jump into battle at a moment’s notice. The issue though is that this often leads to him suffering a brutal defeat or causing unneeded destruction or casualties. It is important to do what one thinks is right, but it is even more important to think things through and consider the consequences of one’s actions beforehand. Spider-Man can be impulsive at times, and this is a trait many people share with the fictional hero.

Fans should see that jumping to a problem headfirst is not and should not be the way to go about anything. Sometimes quick thinking is needed in emergency situations, but that doesn’t mean one shouldn’t take a few seconds to think of the outcome.

6 Family Is Everything

10 Life Lessons SpiderMan Taught Us In The Movies

Spider-Man has a support system that helps him keep his sanity as a crime fighter. The biggest part of this support system is his family. He relies on them as his crutch when he deals with deadly foes and terrifying circumstances. Sam Raimi’s first Spider-Man got some things right and some wrong, but one thing it got right is how it deals with Peter’s relationship with his family.

In real life, some people have a rocky relationship with their blood relatives. Family doesn’t always mean someone in the same gene pool and sometimes can be those close friends that will drop everything and come running should the need arise.

5 Some Secrets Should Be Kept

10 Life Lessons SpiderMan Taught Us In The Movies

It is widely believed that one shouldn’t keep secrets from those close to them, and for the most part, this is true. In some cases, however, keeping secrets to protect those close to you is the right thing to do. Spider-Man does just this by keeping one giant secret from the people who mean the most to him.

He doesn’t do this because he doesn’t trust them, but because he knows that if his secret were to fall into the wrong hands, it could endanger them. People shouldn’t betray the trust of those closest to them, but under certain circumstances, it can be okay. The circumstances may not be as drastic, but it is still a life lesson that should be remembered.

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4 Sacrifice Is Key

10 Life Lessons SpiderMan Taught Us In The Movies

Sometimes it is important to sacrifice one’s happiness to ensure the safety or happiness of others. Peter Parker was desperately in love with Mary Jane Watson, yet he had to shut her down when she revealed she felt the same in the 2002 Spider-Man. He did this because he knows that if his enemies discovered who he was, she would be in harm’s way.

This is one of several examples of Spidey giving up his happiness for the sake of others, and oftentimes this happens in real life. This is especially prevalent with families, where someone may have to give up their dream job because it could not support a family. These are not easy moments, and not always recommended or necessary, but sometimes these sacrifices are what make real-life heroes.

3 Look Out For The Little Guy

10 Life Lessons SpiderMan Taught Us In The Movies

When many fans think of comic book adventures, they think of superheroes going after incredible and cosmic threats. While Spider-Man has more than his fair share of these adventures, he is also known for handling smaller-scale threats. While Spider-Man differs between the comics and movies, he is known as “Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man” for a reason, and that’s because he always keeps an eye out for the little guy.

This isn’t to say other heroes don’t, as well, but with Spidey, it’s a character trait. There is always going to be somebody less fortunate, so it is important for people to help out the “little guy” in these situations. Fans may not be able to sling webs or walk on walls, but they can volunteer their time to help out those who need it.

2 Forgiveness

10 Life Lessons SpiderMan Taught Us In The Movies

It is often hard to forgive those who wrong you, including Spider-Man. One quote in Spider-Man 3 proves as much when Peter claims to Eddy, “You want forgiveness? Get religion.” However, later in the film, Peter learns his lesson, as does Harry, who finally forgives Peter for his father’s death.

It is incredibly easy to hold a grudge against someone. However forgiving takes someone with strong resolve and builds stronger relationships. Not everyone necessarily deserves forgiveness, but in certain circumstances, it’s the right thing to do.

1 With Great Power…

Everyone is capable of being a hero. This is the ultimate life lesson the Spider-Man films have taught, and it is one everyone should take into heart. “With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility” is the quote that inspired Peter Parker to do good in most of his adaptations, and one that he passed to Miles Morales.

While this is literal in Spider-Man’s sense, in real-life, this could have several interpretations. One is that everyone has the power to do good, but it takes a real hero to dig deep and find it.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/important-life-lessons-taught-spider-man-movies/

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