MCU 5 Ways Tony Stark & Rhodey Have The Best Friendship (& 5 Ways It’s Steve Rogers & Bucky)

MCU: 5 Ways Tony Stark & Rhodey Have The Best Friendship (& 5 Ways It’s Steve Rogers & Bucky)


The MCU has a few great friendships but the ones between Tony and Rhodey and Steve and Bucky are at the top. One has to be the best, though.

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MCU 5 Ways Tony Stark & Rhodey Have The Best Friendship (& 5 Ways It’s Steve Rogers & Bucky)

There have been many double-acts in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ever since its inception. The first one to be established was between Tony Stark and James Rhodes, whose bromance was a mainstay in the series until Tony’s demise. However, another long-running friendship that rivals this pair is that of Steve Rogers and James Barnes.

Steve and Bucky have gone through so much together that their friendship usually trumps others. Still, Tony and Rhodey have their own strengths as a unit along with their longevity. Due to the many strong points both of these duos have, it’s worth taking a deeper look into which one is better than the other in certain aspects.

10 Tony & Rhodey: Tony Trusted Rhodey To Be His Successor

MCU 5 Ways Tony Stark & Rhodey Have The Best Friendship (& 5 Ways It’s Steve Rogers & Bucky)

The ending of Avengers: Endgame saw Steve hand over the title of Captain America to Sam Wilson, opting not to do this with Bucky. Meanwhile, when Tony had thought his life was about to end in Iron Man 2, he devised a plan to make Rhodey take on the mantle without the latter realizing it.

It was this way that War Machine came to be, as Tony trusted his friend with the responsibility of the Iron Man armor when the government was at his throat to acquire it. It also shows that Tony had more faith in his best friend to be a hero than Steve did.

9 Steve & Bucky: They’ve Been Through All Kinds Of Thick And Thin

MCU 5 Ways Tony Stark & Rhodey Have The Best Friendship (& 5 Ways It’s Steve Rogers & Bucky)

Considering both Steve and Bucky lived over a century and reunited with one another, the duo pretty much went through everything together. It’s one of the many reasons why fans “ship” them together, as the pair stuck by one another through all kinds of tragedies.

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Tony and Rhodey were along the same lines as well, but they didn’t go through the same trauma that Steve and Bucky did. The latter duo endured being branded as fugitives and an entire world war together, during which their friendship remained as resolute as ever.

8 Tony & Rhodey: They Don’t Have An Extreme Codependency

MCU 5 Ways Tony Stark & Rhodey Have The Best Friendship (& 5 Ways It’s Steve Rogers & Bucky)

Tony and Rhodey were friends since they met at MIT, but even during their thirty-year friendship, the pair weren’t lost without the other. They sprang up to defend one another when the time called for it and were present in each other’s lives while retaining their independence, in that they didn’t “need” this friendship to define who they were.

Steve and Bucky had a kind of codependency that wasn’t healthy at times, as the two became lost when they were separated, being unable to function to the best of their abilities. They needed one another’s validation all the time, something that wasn’t an issue for Tony and Rhodey.

7 Steve & Bucky: The Subtle Romantic Elements

MCU 5 Ways Tony Stark & Rhodey Have The Best Friendship (& 5 Ways It’s Steve Rogers & Bucky)

There’s always been an argument among fans that Bucky is Steve’s true love since the latter held him in pretty much the same light as he had Peggy Carter. Their relationship had a subtle romantic element that could have been broached had it come down to it.

Due to this, there’s a level of intrigue in their interactions as it’s similar to a burgeoning romance. It’s also what gets fans even more behind the duo since their relationship is layered further than just a friendship.

6 Tony & Rhodey: They’re Similar In Attitude

MCU 5 Ways Tony Stark & Rhodey Have The Best Friendship (& 5 Ways It’s Steve Rogers & Bucky)

The reason why War Machine was such a good fit with the armor is due to Rhodey being so similar in personality to Tony. Both of them had a snarky quality where they frequently made sarcastic remarks and poked fun at the rest of their friends.

Steve and Bucky initially had the latter be the happy-go-lucky type with Steve being the straight man until Bucky’s personality changed due to his brainwashing. Tony and Rhodey remained perfectly in sync as their attitudes were largely the same.

5 Steve & Bucky: They Never Bickered Or Argued

MCU 5 Ways Tony Stark & Rhodey Have The Best Friendship (& 5 Ways It’s Steve Rogers & Bucky)

One of the tiring aspects of Tony and Rhodey’s relationship was how they constantly kept arguing over one thing or another. Although this was mainly out of love, it was still a chore at times. Bucky and Steve were never this way, remaining pals in all sense of the word.

Even the times they did argue were kept at a rhetorical pace, in that both of them knew they weren’t going to listen to what the other had to say and just rolled with it. There was a sense of calm in their interactions that both severely needed.

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4 Tony & Rhodey: Their Friendship Had More Laughter

MCU 5 Ways Tony Stark & Rhodey Have The Best Friendship (& 5 Ways It’s Steve Rogers & Bucky)

Tony and Rhodey didn’t indulge in feeling sorry for each other, especially during times of duress as their way of coping with it was to bring a sense of humor into the proceedings. This was best seen when Tony was rescued from his capture and when Rhodey lost control of his legs, with the two using humor as a way of helping the other get over their trauma.

Steve and Bucky were very much willing to let their sadness envelop them, which was healthy at times since they confronted their grief but also didn’t enable them to find as much happiness. Tony and Rhodey made their best efforts to keep the laughter in their lives.

3 Steve & Bucky: They Understand Each Other Completely

MCU 5 Ways Tony Stark & Rhodey Have The Best Friendship (& 5 Ways It’s Steve Rogers & Bucky)

There were occasions where Tony and Rhodey had some miscommunication as either of them failed to understand what the other was going through. Steve and Bucky were always on the same page, having accepted their lives were a struggle and that being together was their way of confronting this.

Neither of them bought a lie the other told, as they understood each other’s state of mind. Bucky understood that Steve was going to return to Peggy despite Steve not mentioning it, while Steve knew the true personality of Bucky remained alive even when he had been brainwashed.

2 Tony & Rhodey: They Were Never Apart

MCU 5 Ways Tony Stark & Rhodey Have The Best Friendship (& 5 Ways It’s Steve Rogers & Bucky)

No matter how many ways the MCU has changed, what remained the same was Tony and Rhodey being together. They were never apart from one another, even managing to survive the Snap together. Other than Tony’s imprisonment by the Ten Rings, the friends remained around one another throughout their lives.

Steve and Bucky were not only separated by their times in stasis but were permanently apart after Steve chose to go back to Peggy. As far as Tony and Rhodey are concerned, the pair were together when Tony took his final breath.

1 Steve & Bucky: They Brought Out Out Each Other’s Strengths

A positive side effect of Steve and Bucky’s codependency was that they were each other’s strengths. Even when the world saw him as a villain, Bucky knew he could count on Steve who enlivened the fire in Bucky’s spirit to seek justice.

They were even better as a fighting duo, going so far as to beat Tony in the Iron Man suit due to their perfect synchronization in battle. It was due to Bucky that Steve wanted to become a soldier in the first place while the latter continued the fight in order to honor Steve’s memory.

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