Minions 2 Is The First July Movie To Be Delayed Due to Coronavirus

Minions 2 Is The First July Movie To Be Delayed Due to Coronavirus

Minions: The Rise of Gru becomes the first July movie to be delayed due to coronavirus, as Illumination is unable to complete work on the film.

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Minions 2 Is The First July Movie To Be Delayed Due to Coronavirus

Minions: The Rise of Gru becomes the first July movie delayed due to coronavirus. It goes without saying the spread of COVID-19 has had an unprecedented impact on the entertainment industry; several movie theaters are closed indefinitely, effectively wiping the release calendar through May clean. Over the past few weeks, major tentpoles like No Time to Die, Black Widow, and F9 have been postponed, putting studios in a tricky position as they will try to reschedule these projects once the crisis has passed. Some of the delayed films have new release dates, though there are several left in a state of limbo.

Currently, the movies planned to hit theaters in June and July (including Wonder Woman 1984, Tenet, and more) have held on to those dates, but there remains the possibility they will be delayed as well. It all depends on when it is safe for theaters to open again and how studios navigate the impending minefield of a release calendar thrown into flux. As viewers await to see what transpires, coronavirus has now affected a movie set for a July premiere.

Today, Universal announced animated sequel Minions: The Rise of Gru has officially been delayed. It was slated for a July 3 premiere. A new date will be announced at a later time. Because Illumination had to close their French studio due to the health crisis, they are unable to complete the movie.

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Whereas the April and May movies are pushed back over concerns about the global theatrical marketplace, Minions 2 is delayed because COVID-19 has disrupted the film’s production timeline. It is definitely possible other June and July releases are in a similar situation. Animated movies in particular take a long time to finish, meaning Pixar’s Soul could also be impacted. In the case of live-action films such as Free Guy, Ghostbusters: Afterlife, and Jungle Cruise (all July debuts) probably still visual effects to finalize, and the respective crews may not be able to do the necessary work. Even movies supposed to come out in the fall could be affected. Marvel’s Eternals has wrapped principal photography, but it’s unknown how post-production is proceeding in light of current events.

In a perfect world, if movies scheduled for June and July are postponed, the original April and May films could slide to those dates, but that is a best-case scenario reliant on a number of factors. It’s unknown if it will be safe for theaters to reopen come June, and the studios aren’t going to want to release their tentpole titles until they’re assured the films will be able to do robust business around the globe. The worldwide box office is of utmost important to Hollywood’s major studios – particularly when it comes to the summer movie season. With everything up in the air, it’s impossible to predict how things will transpire over the next several months.

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