Nintendo Characters & Their Disney Counterparts

Nintendo Characters & Their Disney Counterparts


Disney and Nintendo are two of the biggest entertainment brands of all time, and their characters share a lot of common traits and abilities.

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Both Nintendo and Disney are the creators of some of the most iconic, beloved animated characters in the history of movies and video games. Each company is a giant within its particular space and they have both had huge success in making characters that are beloved and well known all around the world.

They are some of the most marketable characters ever made, all having their own distinct personalities and charm. Nintendo has always made some of the most fun characters to play in games because they are so over the top and full of life. But if they were to be transported into the Disney universe, what character would they end up becoming?

10 Donkey Kong – Hercules

Nintendo Characters & Their Disney Counterparts

Donkey Kong is a beloved Nintendo character— its first real star character— technically who has had his own franchise, while also appearing countless times in other video games. He’s one of Nintendo’s most physically powerful characters and someone who is not to be messed with— yet despite that power, he is actually quite relaxed unless provoked.

Donkey Kong spends all of his time focusing on bananas, so take them and you’ll make him angry. This is why he’s similar to Hercules (minus the banana part), as he is someone not to be messed with, yet he isn’t an inherently angry person at all.

9 Luigi – Kronk

Nintendo Characters & Their Disney Counterparts

Luigi is one of the most underrated Nintendo characters, and that is instantly why Kronk is his perfect counterpart because he is also underrated. Kronk is one of the funniest Disney characters of all time, but because The Emperor’s New Groove isn’t one of the most popular films, he sometimes gets overlooked just as Luigi gets overlooked next to his iconic brother.

Both of these characters are happy to help whenever needed and always put 110% into things. While they are equally clumsy and not always perfect in their execution, they have hearts of gold and will always get the job done, even if it’s a little messy.

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8 Kirby – Olaf

Nintendo Characters & Their Disney Counterparts

Kirby may be Nintendo’s most popular non-Super Mario, non-Pokémon character, much like Olaf is in the Disney universe. Both of these characters are universally loved because of how much fun they are, with their over the top personalities really shining.

Each character is the epitome of good and they are always just looking to help others where possible. Both Kirby and Olaf also really rely heavily upon their bodies. Kirby uses it for most of his powers, while Olaf’s ability to change shape brings a lot of his funniest moments.

7 Fox McCloud – Peter Pan

Nintendo Characters & Their Disney Counterparts

Each character is an expert flyer and they’re both the main protagonists of their respective properties. Fox McCloud of Nintendo’s Star Fox franchise may have a team around him, but he is quite a self-centered character on the whole and often things about himself over others.

He can be arrogant and cocky at times about his abilities, and despite Peter Pan being seen as a true hero, he can also have those traits as well. Ultimately, they both help others, but that doesn’t mean that they are always overly nice with the manner in which they go about things.

6 Samus Aran – Mulan

Nintendo Characters & Their Disney Counterparts

Two characters that are seen as men throughout most of their journey, simply because they’re involved in male-dominated worlds and because they are elite fighters. These two female protagonists— one from Nintendo’s Metroid, the other from Disney’s Mulan— are great role models and truly elite warriors in their own worlds.

While Samus might be using guns and Mulan a more traditional sword, both of them are just as effective in combat. They also really rely on letting their actions do the talking for them, being two of the quieter characters for their respective companies.

5 Princess Peach – Rapunzel

Nintendo Characters & Their Disney Counterparts

Princess Peach and Rapunzel have aesthetic reasons for being counterparts, as they do have some similar features. However, it is the fact that they both need rescuing that really makes them similar. Princess Peach being kidnapped is often the main plot point of a Super Mario game, while Rapunzel needs Flynn Rider to actually leave her tower and help show her around in Tangled.

However, even though they both often need help at times, they’re not always damsels in distress. Peach has shown her abilities in various video games, while Rapunzel is no slouch either as she gains confidence the longer the movie goes on.

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4 Diddy Kong – Mushu

Nintendo Characters & Their Disney Counterparts

Both of these characters are excellent sidekicks and partners to the main attraction— Donkey Kong and Mulan, respectively. However, Diddy Kong and Mushu certainly play their roles perfectly and they are very helpful throughout their appearances.

Each of them brings quite a cheeky attitude to the situation as well. Diddy Kong can be quite playful and that makes him a lot of fun, whereas Mushu brings his sass out when he talks, having no shortage of confidence in saying whatever he wants.

3 Link – Robin Hood

Nintendo Characters & Their Disney Counterparts

The connection that these two characters share is very easy to see, with each of them being incredibly skilled with a bow and arrow. Each character is happy to fight when needed, but doesn’t actively go seeking it, although they are both focused in taking down evil, within their own respective worlds.

The fact that both Link and Robin Hood are willing to fight the ultimate villains, albeit very different types of villains, to help others showcases the type of people they are. They’re both true heroes and certainly similar characters.

2 Bowser – Maleficent

Nintendo Characters & Their Disney Counterparts

The ultimate Nintendo villain, Bowser is someone that everyone loves to hate, which is similar to Maleficent. In Sleeping Beauty, the latter is one of the most horrendous villains in Disney history— yet in her live-action movies, a softer, more sympathetic side is showcased.

This is often the case with Bowser, as he might be evil, but he can also be shown in a positive manner as well at times and depending on the game he is in— at times even being an ally to Mario. Both characters are incredibly powerful and use others to do a lot of their work, which makes them the perfect counterparts.

1 Mario – Mickey Mouse

There was only one possible Disney character that could be the counterpart to Mario and that is the big cheese himself, Mickey Mouse. These two are arguably the most well-known animated characters of all time and they are both the face of their respective brands.

They are the ultimate heroes and good guys who never put a foot wrong and are consistently shown in a positive light by their respective companies. They are seen as true beacons of light and happiness and that is why they are the perfect counterparts to each other.

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