Scrubs 10 Major Flaws Of The Show That Fans Chose To Ignore

Scrubs: 10 Major Flaws Of The Show That Fans Chose To Ignore


Many shows from the 2000s had some problematic behavior that would not be on the air today, and Scrubs was no exception.

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Scrubs 10 Major Flaws Of The Show That Fans Chose To Ignore

It’s no secret that most 2000s sitcoms have their flaws, especially as the world becomes more receptive and progressive, and as beloved and close to fans’ hearts as Scrubs is, the show is no different.

From the absurd development of its characters to the underdevelopment of other characters, and is extremely problematic at times, there were some clear prejudices below the surface of the show. It might be unfair to cast a 21st-century critical eye on the show since it ended more than a decade ago, but its flaws were visible even when it was on the air. However, the show’s alluring, brilliant, and unique concept made fans overlook them.

10 One-Dimensional Side Characters

Scrubs 10 Major Flaws Of The Show That Fans Chose To Ignore

One of the best things about Scrubs is the side characters, as the show wouldn’t be the same without the Janitor’s bullying, Ted’s manic depression, or Doug’s incompetence. The show is filled with Looney Tune-type characters. However, besides their schtick, there’s nothing more to them. They don’t have any depth, and the show never tries to develop them into anything more than props that spit out one-liners.

9 Transphobia

Scrubs 10 Major Flaws Of The Show That Fans Chose To Ignore

Storylines about transgendered people aren’t exactly common in the show, but there are a few examples of how the medical sitcom perceived such people in a rather negative light.

J.D. has joked that Turk “groped a transsexual” when he was on a red-eye flight, and it was a completely throwaway line that wasn’t related to anything, only the butt of the joke was a transgendered person for being exactly that. And though Scrubs was ahead of its time in many ways, the way it casually threw around words like “hermaphrodite” as an insult is astounding.

8 Flanderization Of The Characters

Scrubs 10 Major Flaws Of The Show That Fans Chose To Ignore

In the first season, all of the characters were nervous med students and they each had their own little quirks, just as everyone does. But with each passing season, all of the characters almost became caricatures of themselves, as their strangest quirks would consume the whole character.

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J.D.’s sensitivity, Dr. Cox’s alpha male attitude, and Todd’s pervertedness, among many others, all went to extremes. The whole show turns into a cartoon, as at one point, Turk is literally Carrying J.D. around in his backpack, which is something that would usually be one of J.D.’s daydreams.

7 Sexist Assumptions

Scrubs 10 Major Flaws Of The Show That Fans Chose To Ignore

The show is full of great female characters, but as the seasons went on, they became more based on the stereotypes of men’s presumptions of women. Dr. Cox’s wife, Jordan, became more and more of a “ball buster” throughout the series and Elliot became much needier and more self-conscious. Not only that, but they were all also the victims of casual sexual harassment that they tolerated, which is particularly one of the reasons we hated Dr. Kelso.

6 Treatment Of Gay Characters

Scrubs 10 Major Flaws Of The Show That Fans Chose To Ignore

There are several gay characters that are mentioned by name that are never actually seen, but they all exist for one reason: to be the butt of the joke. One recurring gag is how Dr. Kelso’s gay son has the weirdest occupations, such as cooking crystal meth or being a “man-whore,” and in Kelso’s mind, it’s all correlated to his sexuality. On top of that, J.D. and Turk might be TV’s best bromance, but one thing that the show has made fun of on countless occasions is how much the two of them fear they’ll be thought of as a gay couple, and it’s always at the forefront of their minds.

5 The Girl Names

Scrubs 10 Major Flaws Of The Show That Fans Chose To Ignore

One of the running gags in the show that happens almost every episode, and sometimes several times per episode, is how Dr. Cox will never call J.D. by his actual name, but by a random girl’s name, like Tammy or Susie. The alpha male doctor obviously does this to make J.D. feel inferior and to get a cheap laugh from the viewers. Dr. Kelso even calls all the female doctors sweetheart, and when he’s actually called out on this by Elliot, Dr. Cox just tells her to “suck it up,” which is one of the times we felt bad for Elliot.

4 Racial Stereotypes

Scrubs 10 Major Flaws Of The Show That Fans Chose To Ignore

Even with one of the show’s lead characters being black, Scrubs doesn’t do much in the way of ending black stereotypes on TV. In fact, it plays into them, and Laverne is the biggest and most obvious example, as she plays a typical sassy Black woman.

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The character might be lovable and hilarious at times, and she had an amazing send-off in season eight, but the character is blindingly ignorant. However, the show has brilliantly approached stereotypes in ingenious ways too, such as when Elliot and Turk argue over whether it’s worse to be Black or a woman in their field of work.

3 The Todd

Scrubs 10 Major Flaws Of The Show That Fans Chose To Ignore

Todd is a bad example for so many things that it’s hard to even know where to start. At first, the character was a chad, heterosexual male who always made crude jokes about women, going so far as to even leave things on the floor just so that women would bend over to pick them up. Then several seasons in, he came out as homosexual, and then bisexual, but instead of using this as a way to be progressive, the show just used it as a way to make the character act more perverted, which is why he has one of the worst story arcs.

2 Mansplaining

Scrubs 10 Major Flaws Of The Show That Fans Chose To Ignore

Scrubs is filled with female characters that have tons of depth, but their depth is stunted whenever a male character is in the vicinity. Though it could be argued that Dr. Cox talks to everybody without any kind of respect, he speaks to people like Carla and Elliot, one who is a seasoned nurse and another who is an insanely skilled doctor, like they don’t know anything, and it’s very clearly a case of mansplaining. It isn’t just Dr. Cox either, as almost all of the male characters have done it on at least one occasion.

1 Season 9

There is such a huge gap in quality between the ninth season and even season eight, which isn’t generally considered a great season in the first place. As the season saw all of the best characters from the series get sidelined for newer and younger characters, it was a failed attempt to kick some life into the show.

It was especially insulting to fans because the final scene of season eight was as perfect of an ending as a TV show could ever have. However, there are still some people who like it, as the idea that season nine is good is one of the unpopular opinions on Reddit.

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