American Horror Story Season 8 10 Best Storylines

American Horror Story Season 8: 10 Best Storylines


Season 8 of American Horror Story was considered by fans to be an improvement after Roanoake and Cult. Here are the 10 best storylines in the season.

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American Horror Story Season 8 10 Best Storylines

Season 8 of American Horror Story was widely considered by fans to be a vast improvement after Roanoake and Cult. Apocalypse does an impressive job of tying together many of the previous seasons, such as Murder House and Coven. These seasons left fans with many unanswered questions, which were finally responded to in Apocalypse.

Season 8 weaves many complex storylines together to create the overarching peril of the end of the world. Through flashbacks and interlocking stories, fans slowly begin to understand how the apocalypse came about. Here are the 10 best storylines of season 8 of American Horror Story.

10 The Cooperative

American Horror Story Season 8 10 Best Storylines

Also known as The Illuminati, The Cooperative was essential in Michael’s plan to end the world and create secret underground outposts for a select few survivors. The Cooperative is connected to Michael because every member has sold their soul to the devil.

The first few episodes of Apocalypse set up the storyline of The Cooperative gathering members into the secret outposts. The survivors in Outpost 3 later become essential in defeating Michael.

9 The Church Of Satan

American Horror Story Season 8 10 Best Storylines

It’s not the most compelling storyline in the season, but it is important to Michael figuring out how to end the world. In the episode “Soujourn,” Michael finds an obscure Satanist church, where he meets Madelyn. She eventually takes him to a robotics lab, where a robotic Mead is created.

This storyline sets in motion Michael’s discovery of The Cooperative and planning of the end times. Plus fans love a good tie in with real-life murderers, like Anton Levay.

8 Timothy And Emily

American Horror Story Season 8 10 Best Storylines

The first storyline of Apocalypse involves a select few people chosen to be saved from the end of the world in several different outposts. Timothy and Emily are two such people selected. Their story in Outpost 3 is a lot more palatable than the other survivors who managed to gain a spot in the outpost because of their money, fame, or connections.

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The two engage in a sweet but brief romance and die together eating a poison apple. After Mallory reverses the apocalypse, the two meet in a very different scenario and eventually have a child together. After several years, their toddler kills his babysitter, and it is implied that he is the second Antichrist.

7 The Hawthorne School For Exceptional Young Men

American Horror Story Season 8 10 Best Storylines

The addition of a school for warlocks is an interesting one in American Horror Story. It does make sense, however, that if witches exist, so do their magical male counterparts. The Hawthorne School also ties in well with Michael’s discovery by the Coven and rise to power.

It completely does away with the idea that Michael’s power could ever be controlled or used for good, or the idea that he is a part of any human institution like the warlocks. It also creates a new rivalry between witches and warlocks.

6 Cordelia Reunites With Her Former Students

American Horror Story Season 8 10 Best Storylines

It’s fair to say that the end of Coven left fans disappointed with the outcome for some of the characters. Misty was stuck in her own personal hell and Madison was murdered by Kyle. Then in Hotel, Queenie was killed by Ramona and James March. In Apocolypse, Michael brings back Misty, Queenie, and Madison, and fans finally got to see what Madison’s personal hell looks like.

After Mallory prevents the apocalypse, she is able to stop Queenie from going to the Hotel Cortez and to use her leverage with Papa Legba to bring Misty back. She also states that she now knows where Madison is, and will eventually go back and get her.

5 The Murder House And Michael Langdon’s Childhood

American Horror Story Season 8 10 Best Storylines

Fans of AHS were no doubt dying to know what would become of little Michael Langdon after the events of Murder House. Eight seasons later, Madison and Behold return to the Murder House to get the full story. Constance relays her time raising Michael, discussing how he killed small animals and eventually his babysitter. After aging suddenly overnight, Michael also kills a Catholic priest who Constance hires. Constance commits suicide soon after this, and Michael is left alone.

This episode also gives fans some closure on the other residents of the Murder House. Moira is finally set free from the house by Madison and Behold. Ben discusses how he tried and failed to help Michael to be a good person and is finally reunited with Vivien. Vivien explains how Michael nearly extinguished her soul but was saved by Tate. She also reveals that Michael was not fathered by Ben or Tate, but from the evil of the Murder House. After Madison reveals these facts to Violet, she finally reunites with Tate, leaving a happy couple behind in the Murder House.

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4 Papa Legba And Voodoo

American Horror Story Season 8 10 Best Storylines

Papa Legba and the voodoo witches were not left out of season 8 of AHS. In the episode “Traitor,” Cordelia finds a voodoo queen named Dinah Stevens and uses her to summon Papa Legba. Then, fans were finally able to see what happened to Nan after her death in Coven.

Nan has been happily working with Papa Legba as his “favorite little helper,” and she assures Cordelia that he is nice to her. Dinah later turns out to be a traitor, pitting the Coven against a voodoo queen once again.

3 Miriam Mead And Her Robotic Recreation

American Horror Story Season 8 10 Best Storylines

Miriam Mead becomes an adoptive mother figure towards Michael after Constance kills herself. The attachment Michael has to her is fascinating considering he seems so heartless and uncaring toward everyone else. When Mead is burned at the stake by the Coven, Michael heads to Kineros Robotics.

There, Mutt and Jeff (hilariously played by Billy Eichner and Evan Peters) build him a robotic replica of Mead, who becomes essential in the plot to end the world.

2 Mallory’s Rise To Supreme

American Horror Story Season 8 10 Best Storylines

It’s always exciting to see a new Supreme rise. Myrtle notes Mallory’s power when she revives a dead deer, and Zoe expresses her belief that Mallory is the next Supreme after she saves Coco from choking.

After Mallory passes the test of the seven wonders she continues to become more and more powerful. Eventually, her powers become strong enough for her to travel back in time and save the world.

1 The Time Travel Plan

The Coven’s plan to save the world from the apocalypse is pretty complex. After Mrytle learns of Michael’s plans to end the world, she and Cordelia teach Mallory the time travel spell, Tempus Infinituum. Mallory tests the spell by traveling back to 1918 and attempting to save Anastasia Nikolaevna from her execution.

After she fails, Cordelia and Myrtle decide that Mallory needs more time for her powers to grow. They place Mallory and Coco under an identity spell and ensure that they are given a spot at Outpost 3, where they can survive while Mallory’s powers grow. Then, they and Madison bury themselves in the swamp mud and eventually emerge to release Coco and Mallory from the identity spell.

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