Scarlet Witch is Back From The Dead and Hunting Her Killer

Scarlet Witch is Back From The Dead, and Hunting Her Killer

In the newest issue of Marvel Comics’ Trial of Magneto, Wanda Maximoff’s Scarlet Witch knows who killed her (and it wasn’t her “father”).

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Scarlet Witch is Back From The Dead and Hunting Her Killer

Warning! Spoilers ahead for The Trial of Magneto #4

While Marvel’s Scarlet Witch was recently murdered, the powerful magic-user got over it pretty quickly and has already come back from the dead. However, she now knows who killed her. While the primary suspect had been Wanda Maximoff’s “father” Magneto, that no longer appears to be the case as The Trial of Magneto has progressed. Instead, it looks as though someone was trying to frame the Master of Magnetism using similar methods when they killed the Scarlet Witch.

In previous issues of The Trial of Magneto from Leah Williams, Lucas Werneck, and David Messina, an autopsy revealed that Wanda was seemingly killed via strangulation by someone capable of manipulating metal on the mutant island nation of Krakoa. While cursory evidence pointed to Magneto being Wanda’s killer, it doesn’t seem as though the former X-Men villain would have the motivation. Magento still sees Scarlet Witch as his daughter (despite their lack of a biological connection), so why would he kill her?

All the same, Wanda Maximoff came back to the land of the living rather quickly. Despite her dark past where the Scarlet Witch nearly caused a complete genocide of mutants in House of M, Krakoa’s Five used their resurrection protocols to bring her back (ignoring the Quiet Council’s decision to not revive her). However, the memory backup they had was from before House of M, resulting in a younger version of Wanda coming back while her present self and future self battle in a mystical realm known as the Eldritch Orchard in Trial of Magneto #4. Regardless, these three Scarlet Witches eventually reconstitute themselves back into the present Wanda, and she soon reveals that she knows who tried to kill her.

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Because Wanda embraces her “father” and stands by his side when she claims to know who murdered her, the issue seemingly confirms that Magneto is not the Scarlet Witch’s killer. Instead, it’s far more likely that the killer is one of the many mutants on Krakoa who still despise Wanda for the sins of her past, wanting to see her pay with her life while setting up Magneto to be the perfect scapegoat.

As it stands, it could very well be that this entire murder mystery stems from mutants’ ongoing hatred for the Scarlet Witch. While she may have reconciled all the parts of herself and the guilt she’s carried for years, that doesn’t mean every mutant on Krakoa has forgiven her. Now, several mutants are closing in while Scarlet Witch is defended by a collection of X-Men and Avengers. However, it’s likely that Wanda Maximoff’s killer will finally be revealed when the next issue of The Trial of Magneto releases on December 22nd.

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