Star Wars 5 Moments Where Padme Was A Great Diplomat (& 5 Where She Was The Worst)

Star Wars: 5 Moments Where Padme Was A Great Diplomat (& 5 Where She Was The Worst)


Padme Amidala was a diplomat and ruler in the Star Wars universe, first and foremost – but was she any good at the job?

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Star Wars 5 Moments Where Padme Was A Great Diplomat (& 5 Where She Was The Worst)

When the Star Wars prequel trilogy came out, Padme Amidala was arguably one of the weakest characters on screen. Not because she didn’t have any skills, but because her motives and abilities always had such flimsy build-up. She quickly was relegated to Anakin’s pretty love interest and didn’t have much else to do.

Lucky for fans who wanted her to get fair representation, Clone Wars exists. In the animated series, Padme’s been able to show off her own heroic and diplomatic abilities.

While most of the time she was a dynamic, daring leader always willing to protect her people, Padme also made a lot of blunders in her career (some of which forever changed the galaxy).

10 Alliance With The Gungans (Great Diplomat)

Star Wars 5 Moments Where Padme Was A Great Diplomat (& 5 Where She Was The Worst)

When the Separatists attacked Naboo, Queen Amidala was in grave danger. However, her first and foremost concern was finding a way to protect her people and save the planet from occupation. She couldn’t let it fall in their hands.

To ensure that her world had its best shot, Padme revealed her true identity to the Gungan leaders and promised her fealty and allegiance if they helped protect their mutual world.

Lucky for Padme, that agreement did end up saving Naboo and it cemented her future as a diplomat, not just a child queen.

9 Supporting And Trusting Palpatine (The Worst)

Star Wars 5 Moments Where Padme Was A Great Diplomat (& 5 Where She Was The Worst)

Despite all of Padme’s great political accomplishments, one of her worst was supporting Sheev Palpatine. This Coruscant politician seemed like a well-meaning guy who involved himself in a lot of Jedi issues and policies, much like her. At first, of course he would look like a perfect ally and mentor.

However, over the years there were more and more signs that Palpatine was everything he seemed. Padme and other diplomats willfully ignored that, though, and blindly followed his powerful and confident leadership.

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It wasn’t until her pregnancy, when it was too late, that she realized something was very, very wrong with him.

8 Secured A Treaty Between The Hutts And The Republic (Great Diplomat)

Star Wars 5 Moments Where Padme Was A Great Diplomat (& 5 Where She Was The Worst)

The largest problem that the Republic always face against the Separatists was money. While they had better soldiers and standing with civilians, the Separatists had the banking clans. As the economic leaders of the galaxy, they fully funded all of the Separatist endeavors, no matter the cost.

However, despite the financial choke-hold they had on their enemies, Padme found a way to get around in. In securing a diplomatic alliance with the Hutts, they had somewhere powerful and wealthy to trade with, outside banking clan jurisdiction.

Her husband and his padawan had to cinch the deal in saving Rotta, but she put it all in motion.

7 Initially Refusing To Spy On Clovis (The Worst)

Star Wars 5 Moments Where Padme Was A Great Diplomat (& 5 Where She Was The Worst)

There were many people concerned that one of Padme’s fellow diplomats, Clovis, was a spy for the enemy. While they asked Padme to spy on him, because he liked her, she initially refused. She didn’t think it was right.

However, eventually she caved and started spying.

If Padme had agreed to help from the beginning, she might’ve not almost lost her life or risked exposing her marriage. While she tried to stick to her own personal morals, the better diplomatic choice would have been to keep an eye on him.

6 Involving Herself In The Mandalore Conflict (Great Diplomat)

Star Wars 5 Moments Where Padme Was A Great Diplomat (& 5 Where She Was The Worst)

Even though the Mandalorians faced great hardships in their time, their planet has always been resilient and a key part of any galactic conflict. And not just because of their warrior nature.

Many people didn’t want to get involved in Mandalore’s troubles, especially since they obstinately led the charge to keep many planets neutral instead of picking a side.

However, despite concessions, Padme involved herself in the conflicts on Mandalore, which propelled the Jedi to get involved, as well. Regent Satine was a worthy ally. Padme made the right call.

5 Failing To Capture Viceroy Nute Gunray (The Worst)

Star Wars 5 Moments Where Padme Was A Great Diplomat (& 5 Where She Was The Worst)

Nute Gunray, the Viceroy of the Trade Federation and a very high-ranking member of the Separatists, was once in Padme’s grasp to be taken in as a prisoner of war. However, she lost him. Then, she got him. Of course, then she lost him again, for good.

Not that Nute didn’t have countless counter-measures in place to get himself out of Republic prison, but capturing him would have done a great service towards ending the war instead of having it persist in the way that it did. It doesn’t make her a bad diplomat per se, just a disappointing one. Everyone kinda needed that win.

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4 Tried To Sacrifice Herself To Save The Galaxy From Infection (Great Diplomat)

Star Wars 5 Moments Where Padme Was A Great Diplomat (& 5 Where She Was The Worst)

There were many crises that Padme involved herself in, but the Blue Shadow Virus was one of the most dire. A once-extinct plague, Doctor Nuvo Vindi re-synthesized it to spread across Naboo and destroy its people.

Luckily, Anakin, Ahsoka, and Padme found his lab and stopped him. However, the latter two got trapped in a room with the last of the virus. They planned to stay there and sacrifice themselves to make sure the virus never destroyed people of the Republic and beyond.

Of course, Anakin found a way to save them, but she and Ahsoka were willing to be heroes. A good diplomat protects her people.

3 Going On Missions Without Checking With The Jedi (The Worst)

Star Wars 5 Moments Where Padme Was A Great Diplomat (& 5 Where She Was The Worst)

In the first official arc of Clone Wars, the heroes are dealing with the evil star destroyer Malevolence. Meanwhile, Padme goes on a secret diplomatic mission without checking with anyone except Palpatine, her informant.

Considering the Jedi were in active space battles with the Separatists, she could have at least checked in with her husband on secure channels. But no, instead she flew through space without intel and ended up in the middle of a violent battle, and tractor-beamed by the enemy ship.

At the very least this should’ve tipped her off that something was off with Palpatine, but no.

2 Defending Ahsoka Tano (Great Diplomat)

Star Wars 5 Moments Where Padme Was A Great Diplomat (& 5 Where She Was The Worst)

One of the Jedi’s darkest moments was falsely accusing Ahsoka Tano of blowing up the Jedi Temple, when Barriss Offee was the real offender. Despite so many of her closest friends and allies not trusting her, Padme chose to protect Ahsoka in her trial. She spoke in her defense, even though the case seemed airtight.

Eventually, the results of Padme’s (and other’s) efforts saved Ahsoka from imprisonment. Though she left the Jedi Order, Padme did the right thing as a diplomat, trusting allies and chasing the real truth, not just what “seemed” obvious. She saved a young woman from persecution and blame that she didn’t deserve.

1 Breaking All Jedi Rules With Anakin (The Worst)

Even though Padme was a revered diplomat who worked closely with the Jedi and respected their rules and ideals, she broke all of them with Anakin. They fell in love, married, got pregnant. She helped grow the seeds of paranoia and fear in him that eventually led him to betraying the order.

While the Jedi rules are harsh, she and Anakin didn’t try to do the diplomatic thing of changing them. They just deliberately defied them and dodged the consequences.

She wasn’t doing her job as a moral person, and she very much betrayed her own job as a diplomat.

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