Symbiotes Are The Most Hated Species in the Marvel Universe

Symbiotes Are The Most Hated Species in the Marvel Universe

Eddie Brock is facing an uphill battle as the new King in Black, as his symbiotes are among the most hated creatures in the Marvel universe.

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Symbiotes Are The Most Hated Species in the Marvel Universe

Warning: contains spoilers for Venom #1!

After the King in Black’s attack, and subsequent defeat, Venom ascended to the role, and has begun steering the symbiotes in a new, more benevolent direction, as seen in Venom #1. He will face an uphill battle, both on Earth and in the galaxy at large, as, because of the King in Black’s recent attack, symbiotes are the most hated species in the universe.

Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman’s recently concluded Venom run expanded the character’s mythos, introducing new characters and concepts that took Venom in new directions. Eddie Brock learned that not only did he have a long-lost son, Dylan but also of the existence of Knull, otherwise known as the King in Black. The god of the symbiotes, Knull waged a war on the universe, slaughtering and enslaving Celestials and other deities. Knull attacked Earth, easily tearing through the planet’s first line of defense. He almost succeeded but Eddie Brock, thanks to an upgrade from the Enigma Force, defeated Knull once and for all. With Knull now dead, Eddie Brock took his place and Dylan became the Venom of Earth. Shortly after King in Black ended, Marvel launched another symbiote-themed event, Extreme Carnage. During the event, it was revealed that in the wake of Knull’s attack, symbiotes have become public enemy number one, with some in power even calling for their extermination, and that sentiment stretches out into the larger Marvel Universe.

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In the issue, by Ram V, Al Ewing, Bryan Hitch, Andrew Currie, Alex Sinclair, and Clayton Cowles, Eddie Brock, now in space as the new King in Black, detects a ship in distress, routing four symbiotes to assist. As they board, they are greeted with a less than warm reception by the ship’s crew—who are also smuggling contraband. The aliens immediately detect the symbiotes and one curses at it. Another fires a laser cannon at the symbiotes, swearing revenge “for the dead of Largo-4.” Eddie does not recognize the planet, but he infers that these aliens lost their world to the King in Black during his campaign of conquest—and now they have an ax to grind with all symbiotes, regardless of intent.

Extreme Carnage showed the hostility and resentment humanity had towards the symbiotes, and Venom #1 makes it clear that Earth is but one of many planets with a grudge against the symbiotes. The anger the universe feels towards the symbiotes is understandable—many around the cosmos saw their worlds destroyed and loved ones killed or enslaved. Knull and his symbiotes hordes left a lasting scar on the Marvel Universe, one that will take time to heal—if it ever does.

What is truly tragic is that these attitudes exist right as a new day is dawning for the symbiotes. Eddie Brock, well aware of the atrocities committed by Knull and his armies, seeks atonement for the sins of the symbiotes. He is guiding them in a new direction, but it may not be enough for the worlds of the Marvel Universe.

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Eddie Brock and Venom have their work cut out for them in the wake of Knull’s assault on the universe, as it has made symbiotes among the most hated creatures in the galaxy.

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