The Boys Starlight vs Invincibles Atom Eve Whod Win a Comic Fight

The Boys’ Starlight vs Invincible’s Atom Eve: Who’d Win a Comic Fight

Invincible’s Atom Eve & The Boys’ Starlight are both from grisly superhero universes, but looking at their comic feats, there’s a clear victor.

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The Boys Starlight vs Invincibles Atom Eve Whod Win a Comic Fight

Starlight and Atom Eve are incredibly powerful heroines from the often grisly comic universes of the The Boys and Invincible. Not only are they similar in the way that they handle their superhero drama, but they also have similar power sets. The recent successful adaptations of The Boys and Invincible (both on Amazon Prime) have reinforced the characters’ popularity among comic book fans, but also predictably raised the question of which would triumph in a comic-accurate battle.

Annie January, AKA Starlight, got her powers as a child, having been exposed to Compound V. After joining the Seven, The Boys’ Justice League pastiche, she quickly discovered how corrupt the superheroes, or “supes,” were, but kept her heart set on helping others. It’s important to note that the comic-book Starlight has more powers than her on-screen counterpart. Annie has enhanced strength, durability, endurance, flight, a minor healing factor common to all supes, and of course her light-projection powers. One major downside to Starlight’s skills is that she hardly gets to practice as a superhero. Vought, the company that controls the Seven, fabricates most battles as entertainment or to cover up misbehavior, which means Starlight has little to no reason to train.

Like Starlight, Samantha Eve Wilkins, AKA Atom Eve, got her powers as a baby. When Eve was a teenager, she eventually joined the Teen Team alongside other young superheroes. Although she fights in many battles, Eve takes several hiatuses from the superhero life to pursue unique humanitarian projects thanks to her powers. Eve has the ability of molecular alteration, which manifests as several sub-powers like flight, regeneration, and energy construct creation. Unlike Annie, Eve gets to practice her powers all the time, both when she is with the Teen Team and when she joins the new Guardians of the Globe.

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Even though Eve was younger than Starlight when she joined the new Guardians, she gained confidence and support from other heroes throughout her career. It’s safe to say Eve has healthier superhero conditioning than Starlight, who was often isolated and had to rely on herself and brief moments of aid from Queen Maeve. Both have shown themselves capable of taking down other superhumans in crisis situations, but Eve has more experience in every conceivable field, and has unlocked new applications for her powers through her adventures. Even in The Boys: Dear Becky (from Garth Ennis and Russ Braun), which takes place years after the main series, Annie is only just capable of lifting Hughie with her when she flies. In Robert Kirkman, Cory Walker, and Ryan Ottley’s Invincible, Atom Even eventually becomes comparable to Watchmen’s Doctor Manhattan in her ability to alter the world around her.

Eve and Annie have many similarities, but there isn’t much of a chance for Starlight to win. While her light powers are formidable, Atom Eve has varied, incredibly powerful offensive and defensive abilities at any range, and the sheer versatility of her energy constructs make her an unpredictable opponent. Of course, underdogs can always win in comics, but the real clincher is the gulf of experience between the two – Starlight has had little training in truly using her powers in battle, where Atom Eve has spent her life honing her abilities. Ultimately, Atom Eve winning against Starlight makes complete sense – Invincible shows a clear love of superhero comics, while The Boys mocks and denigrates their narratives.

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