Star Wars 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Chewbacca

Star Wars: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Chewbacca


Chewbacca is one of the most loved characters across the entire Star Wars universe. But even still, there are things fans might not know about him.

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Star Wars 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Chewbacca

Chewbacca is one of the most loved characters across the entire Star Wars universe. His strange juxtaposition of looking terrifying and monstrous yet being incredibly gentle and caring makes him impossible not to love. Add to that the fact that he appears in almost every episode of the series (including Solo) and has one of the best friendships in the world with Han Solo and you’ve got one of the greatest characters in film.

That said, the Star Wars universe is expansive, and there is probably a lot you didn’t know about the huge Wookie; here are ten facts.

10 He’s Pretty Old

Star Wars 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Chewbacca

The fact that we got to see Chewbacca (looking exactly the same as in the original films) in Revenge Of The Sith and Solo, suggests that he has been around a long time, and doesn’t exactly have the lifespan of a dog.

What you might not know, is that he was around 200 years old during the events of A New Hope. Fast forward to the end of the sequel trilogy and the Wookie is moving rapidly towards his 300th birthday with no signs of slowing.

9 He Has A Whole Family

Star Wars 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Chewbacca

The Star Wars Holiday Special might not be the most well-loved piece of Star Wars history, but it’s canon and there is nothing you can do about that. It pretty much centers on Chewie (with a lot of scenes in untranslated Shyriiwook) and his family on ‘Wookie Life Day’.

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In the TV special, we are introduced to his wife Mallatobuck, his father Itchy, and a son, Lumpy.

8 He Died In The Expanded Universe

Star Wars 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Chewbacca

Before the idea of the Star Wars sequels came to be, various books depicted a totally separate Star Wars canon that showed events taking place after the original trilogy. In one of these books, Chewie died in Sernpidal aged 225.

Obviously, this was removed from canon when Disney acquired Lucasfilm, but it was still rather heart-breaking at the time.

7 And His Fake Death In Episode IX Was Spoiled

Star Wars 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Chewbacca

One of the most exciting moments in Episode IX came when Rey thought she had accidentally killed Chewbacca by crashing the ship he had been taken prisoner inside.

However, most of the audience wouldn’t have believed this misleading twist anyway, because the main trailer for the film showed Chewie and Lando laughing inside the Falcon together, and this scene hadn’t happened by that point in the film.

6 He Had Retractable Claws

Star Wars 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Chewbacca

One of the things we don’t really see in the films is Chewie in physical combat.

He has a bow which he is very skilled with, and never really needs to use his massive strength. However, Wookies have a set of sharp retractable claws which are used for climbing around the landscape of their home planet. Despite having them, Wookies aren’t supposed to use them in combat.

5 He Finally Got His Medal

Star Wars 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Chewbacca

It is well-known that there was outrage when Chewbacca wasn’t presented with a medal for his services in the original series, despite being just as important as everyone else.

By the end of Rise Of Skywalker, Maz Kanata (who refers to Chewie as her boyfriend) loving presented Chewie with the medal he so obviously deserved.

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4 Chewie Was Supposed To Kill Han

Star Wars 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Chewbacca

Despite the pair being inseparable throughout the entire rest of the series, Chewie and Han Solo’s first meeting wasn’t exactly under the nicest of circumstances. Solo was thrown into a pit to be killed the ‘the Beast’ and had to fight off Chewie at first.

The two bonded over his ability to communicate, and he was able to free both himself and the Wookie.

3 Peter Mayhew’s Size Helped His Career

Star Wars 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Chewbacca

Peter Mayhew is known for being the original man inside the Chewbacca suit. The main thing that landed him the role was the fact that he was naturally an impressive seven foot three inches tall.

Perhaps even more impressively, the thing that started Mayhew’s career was nothing more than his massive feet. He was featured in an article about people with big feet and started being cast in films from that onwards.

2 His Suit Changed

Star Wars 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Chewbacca

While you might like to view Chewie as a real-life Wookie who could warm you up on a cold day on Hoth, in the real world, he is just a man. Peter Mayhew, to be precise. The original trilogy costume was made of yak and rabbit hair, before being remade for appearances afterward.

These later appearances saw the introduction of a water cooling system, which stopped Mayhew from becoming overheated.

1 His Voice Is Pretty Interesting

The distinctive growl of Chewie’s voice (as he speaks his native tongue, Shyriiwook) is something known around the world. Somehow Han Solo can understand it even though a lot of it sounds roughly the same, but there you go.

Apparently, the sound effect created came from a blurry, heavily edited mixture of lion, walrus, camel, bear, tiger, badger, and rabbit sounds.

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