The 100 Why Octavia’s Ending Is Fitting (& Why It Makes No Sense)

The 100: Why Octavia’s Ending Is Fitting (& Why It Makes No Sense)


Octavia Blake had one of the most compelling arcs on The 100. In some ways, her ending was perfect but in other ways, it didn’t make any sense.

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The 100 Why Octavia’s Ending Is Fitting (& Why It Makes No Sense)

When CW’s The 100 ended its (fittingly) 100 episode run in 2020, long-time fans were divided over how the story ultimately unfolded. An introduction of a whole new race of beings in the final hours didn’t sit well with some, but seeing those who had struggled to survive in hostile environments since episode one get their happy endings did.

Octavia Blake is one of those survivors. Originally an illegally born little sister to Bellamy, she goes through a lot of names over the course of the show – the girl under the floor, Skairippa, Blodreina, etc. Her journey on the show is one of the most compelling, and while some fans will agree her ending is incredibly fitting, there are aspects of her final journey that don’t make sense.

10 Fitting: She Spends Her Last Days With Her Found Family

The 100 Why Octavia’s Ending Is Fitting (& Why It Makes No Sense)

A lot of Octavia’s early journey in the series is in finding a place to belong. She doesn’t feel like she belongs with the people of the Ark because they considered her a criminal just for existing. She also doesn’t entirely know if she belongs with the Grounders because she wasn’t born on the Earth. The truth is that Octavia belongs somewhere in between, just like the rest of the survivors.

The family Octavia builds for herself includes people like Clarke and Murphy, born and convicted on the Ark like her. It also, however, includes Grounders like Indra and Echo, who share in many of her traumatic experiences. Further, it includes Hope, the little girl she helped raise on a faraway planet, and Jordan, the first of his generation, born from two members of The 100. None of them really “belong” in the places they began on the show, but they all make up a community.

9 No Sense: Octavia Doesn’t Get To Say Goodbye To Bellamy

The 100 Why Octavia’s Ending Is Fitting (& Why It Makes No Sense)

Following Octavia’s time as Blodreina, she and Bellamy hit a rough patch. He even throws her out of a transport ship and tells her she isn’t his responsibility anymore. That doesn’t stop Octavia from trying to save him when he’s dragged into the anomaly.

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Their only interactions before Bellamy’s death involve Bellamy siding with the Disciples and Octavia being confused about his newfound faith. There is no closure for the audience concerning their falling out, and Octavia never has the chance to say goodbye to her brother.

8 Fitting: Octavia Steps Out Of Her Brother’s Shadow

The 100 Why Octavia’s Ending Is Fitting (& Why It Makes No Sense)

There is one good aspect of Bellamy being absent from Octavia’s life for most of the final season. He’s no longer a specter hanging over her head reminding her of what she should or shouldn’t do.

In the early seasons of the show, Octavia is very much defined by her role in Bellamy’s life. She’s his little sister, his responsibility, the one person Bellamy cares about more than his own freedom. When Octavia sets out to find herself, Bellamy stands in her way, even telling her to, “stop playing Grounder,” when she becomes Indra’s second. Octavia gets to grow in the final season because Bellamy is no longer trying to control her.

7 No Sense: She Doesn’t Help Clarke Get Revenge

The 100 Why Octavia’s Ending Is Fitting (& Why It Makes No Sense)

One of Octavia’s last actions before humanity’s final test is helping Clarke find Madi. When they find her, Clarke sets out to get justice for Madi by tracking down Cadogan. Octavia, on the other hand, sets out to find the clashing groups about to go to war.

While what results shows how much Octavia has grown since her time as Blodreina, it’s surprising that she doesn’t help Clarke find a way to get revenge on Cadogan for what he did to Madi. For all Octavia knows, Clarke could end up on a mission destined to fail, and Octavia isn’t someone who leaves people she cares about behind.

6 Fitting: Octavia Chooses Her Fate

The 100 Why Octavia’s Ending Is Fitting (& Why It Makes No Sense)

For much of Octavia’s life, her choices are made for her. Her mother hides her under the floor on the Ark. When she’s discovered, she’s sentenced to confinement until her 18th birthday. When she makes it to Earth, it’s Bellamy who urges her to be the first person off the ship.

Octavia only starts to get her freedom when she begins to study the Grounder culture, but even there, she’s boxed in by what others think of her, and later, by her duty as leader. Octavia gets to choose whether or not she wants to transcend. She gets to decide what the rest of her life will be like without the interference of anyone else. For someone who has wanted to have that ability since the first season, that’s certainly a fitting end.

5 No Sense: She Doesn’t Question The Authority Of The Higher Beings

The 100 Why Octavia’s Ending Is Fitting (& Why It Makes No Sense)

It’s in Octavia’s nature to question what’s put in front of her. Despite both Kane and Indra mentoring her at different points, she still questions their decisions multiple times. Likewise, she doesn’t go into Bardo and life with the Disciples blind, but instead with a curious mind.

That’s why it’s unusual that once it turns out humanity’s last stand is a test instead of a war, she doesn’t question why these other beings get to decide humanity’s fate. She simply accepts that Bellamy was right about transcendence.

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4 Fitting: Octavia Reminds The Audience Of Her Capacity For Empathy

The 100 Why Octavia’s Ending Is Fitting (& Why It Makes No Sense)

Though Octavia might be one of the deadliest characters on the show, she’s also one of the most empathetic. Octavia can kill someone in the blink of an eye, but she can also make the decision to help them. Even at the start of the series, it’s Octavia who decides they can’t just leave Jasper behind to die when he’s run through by a spear.

Octavia stepping into the middle of a potential war between what’s left of the human race and encouraging them to all put their weapons down is reminiscent of the Octavia who wouldn’t leave Jasper behind. She wants to help, and she believes everyone is important.

3 No Sense: She Fought Against The City Of Light

The 100 Why Octavia’s Ending Is Fitting (& Why It Makes No Sense)

When Octavia and her friends learned about what transcendence entailed, no one thought to take issue with the obvious similarities to the City Of Light. As someone who spent so hard fighting against it when Thelonious Jaha spread ALIE’s chips, Octavia might have wondered why transcendence was acceptable.

In the City Of Light, ALIE promised that there would be no pain and that people’s minds would live in long after their bodies were gone as part of a community. That’s exactly what transcendence entails as people’s minds become a smaller part of a whole and their bodies transform into light when they leave them behind. Octavia was one of the people who guarded Clarke’s body when her mind entered the City Of Light to stop ALIE. Wouldn’t she have wondered why they weren’t fighting back again?

2 Fitting: Octavia Is Truly Seen

The 100 Why Octavia’s Ending Is Fitting (& Why It Makes No Sense)

Just as Octavia reminds the audience that she’s more than someone who can cut people down with a sword, she also is finally truly seen for herself, not the role assigned to her by those around her.

When Octavia stands as a single force urging for peace, the groups of people in question can finally see her for who she is. She isn’t a Disciple conscripted into war. She is no longer Blodreina or a member of Skaikru. Octavia is simply a human being who wants to stop the bloodshed.

1 No Sense: Octavia Accepts Clarke Killing Bellamy Quickly

Throughout the entire run of the show, Octavia is someone who knows how to hold a grudge. She, like Clarke Griffin, goes after justice for lives lost. Pike’s making an example of Lincoln and executing him as a representative of the Grounders is something that causes Octavia to see how unfair the animosity is between the two groups.

When Clarke kills Bellamy, Octavia doesn’t even seem shocked or angry. She simply accepts that it happened and moves onto the next thing. She and Echo both agree that they had already lost Bellamy before Clarke shot him. It’s an odd reaction for Octavia since she never even really got to make amends with her brother for all of the animosity between them.

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