10 Best Peter Jackson Movies According To IMDb

10 Best Peter Jackson Movies, According To IMDb


IMDb ranks the career offerings of Peter Jackson, whose films span the genres of cult classic horror, documentary and epic fantasy. Take a look.

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10 Best Peter Jackson Movies According To IMDb

Peter Jackson is best known for his beloved interpretation of Middle Earth, resulting in six lengthy films. His stylish interpretation of strange horror and boundless creativity smoothly lent itself to those fantasy epics. It’s easy to forget the gritty practical effects of the earlier films before the prequels prioritized CGI.

However, after Jackson’s underappreciated origins in thrills, his ability to transition into blockbuster remains impressive. The personality of his camerawork adds a certain ferocity, inventiveness and meticulousness in any budgetary realm. Somehow, Jackson can surpass absolute weirdness without sacrificing heart, pacing or fun. It’s a fascinating magic trick, but he remains consistently unafraid to widen his range and surprise.

10 Heavenly Creatures – 7.3

10 Best Peter Jackson Movies According To IMDb

Perhaps the closest on-screen relative in Jackson’s filmography is The Lovely Bones, but this is quite a different animal. It is significantly edgier, with sharp character development and grounded horror.

The film is actually based on a true story of murder in New Zealand, Jackson’s birthplace. Kate Winslet shines in this strange film, which is unlike any of Jackson’s other chillers. So much of his earliest work leaned towards shock and fireworks. This one, however, is a more reserved, methodical and immersive approach for the true tragedy.

9 Forgotten Silver – 7.4

10 Best Peter Jackson Movies According To IMDb

Forgotten indeed. This unexpected TV movie was not actually a debut film, though it could have been. Peter Jackson co-directed this unusually short comedy, clocking in just shy of an hour.

It’s an intriguing mockumentary about a fictional filmmaker named Colin McKenzie. This isn’t an outright comedy, so viewers shouldn’t expect the mad genius of Jackson’s exploration into ghosts and zombies. But aside from the hoax gimmick, the actual plot unfolds with satisfying sentimentality and sincerity.

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8 The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies – 7.4

10 Best Peter Jackson Movies According To IMDb

Much like the controversial prequels of Star Wars, Jackson’s new trilogy in Middle Earth was highly divisive. Truly an exercise in excess, the smallest of Tolkien novels was transformed into its own elaborate series. This destabilized the overall pacing, leaving many things distinctly bloated—especially noticeable in this ambitious finale.

Thorin’s madness is tiresome, and Alfrid’s extensive screen time is unanimously rejected. Every skirmish is lengthy, but the titular battle is particularly muddled. Still, this final chapter boldly kills off significant characters, and Bilbo’s own story was neatly closed.

7 Dead Alive – 7.5

10 Best Peter Jackson Movies According To IMDb

Perhaps the only appropriate word for this film is “bizarre”. It’s actually set in Jackson’s birthplace of Wellington, New Zealand. The protagonist Lionel spends most of his team cleaning up after a zombified mother.

The unapologetic level of gruesomeness in this film never stops escalating, and that demented imagination is the film’s charm. In one of cinema’s bloodiest scenes, Lionel takes a lawnmower to an entire room of zombies. Endlessly quirky, oddly paced, and always disgusting, this unusual cult classic is impossible to look away from.

6 The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug – 7.8

10 Best Peter Jackson Movies According To IMDb

This film loses a tie with its predecessor by mere votes. The exchange between Bilbo and the titular dragon was just the fuel these prequels needed. Benedict Cumberbatch successfully captures the menace, ego, and wit of Smaug. This film is perhaps better paced, with thrilling action sequences that vary from cartoonish joy with barrels, to a terrifying house invasion.

The story has been simplified to an outright race, with our heroes being chased throughout. But this allowed for some enjoyable character work, despite the debated love triangle.

5 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey – 7.8

10 Best Peter Jackson Movies According To IMDb

Jackson’s first return to Middle Earth was always going to be overshadowed by his previous, nigh unparalleled success. However, Martin Freeman was the perfect selection for a youthful Bilbo. His comedic timing and capacity for drama would consistently propel the new trilogy.

And Bilbo himself is an absolutely crucial addition to the franchise. His quirky sense of humor and distinct boldness are a far cry from Frodo’s passive nature. Quite overlong, and occasionally silly beyond reason, the beginning of this journey was alternately taxing and rewarding.

4 They Shall Not Grow Old – 8.3

10 Best Peter Jackson Movies According To IMDb

In a stunning turn of events, Peter Jackson delved into an outright documentary about World War I. And further, he will actually be releasing another documentary about the Beatles. But his range proves utterly fruitful in this dynamic, unusually close scrutiny of an epic war.

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With a subject matter so broad, and already traversed so often, Jackson mustered a unique approach, nonetheless. It’s a haunting documentary, with brilliant pacing and fidelity to the restored footage at hand.

3 The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers – 8.7

10 Best Peter Jackson Movies According To IMDb

An often celebrated film, this sequel again received countless award nominations, but it does remain the weakest of the original trilogy. True, given the company, that’s hardly an insult. The pacing is simply different, with subplots that can feel overlong.

Gollum’s incessant conversations with himself are superbly performed, but exhausting. Merry and Pippin’s relentless pleading with the Ents is necessary, but tedious. However, with the iconic Fellowship disbanded, Jackson successfully juggles everyone’s varied storylines into a satisfying ending.

2 The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring – 8.8

10 Best Peter Jackson Movies According To IMDb

This film marks the great turn for fantasy filmmaking, which elevated the genre beyond all expectations. The Fellowship of the Ring was an ambitious undertaking, with a clear vision for Middle Earth that remains ubiquitously accepted.

Tolkien’s archetypes and detailed world were brought to life by an ensemble cast, awe-inspiring effects, and Jackson’s compelling iconography. The sheer level of artistry is totally immersive, unique, and fascinating. The world feels lived in, organic and thoroughly explored. This adventure is a cornerstone of cinema, a sweeping epic with charming characters and an exciting mythology.

1 The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King – 8.9

This gargantuan conclusion successfully resolves every loose end from the elaborate plot preceding it. The action scenes are utterly breathtaking—from the grimy showdown with Shelob, to the waves of ghosts and Oliphaunts. Jackson’s eye for innovative battles keeps such sequences from feeling redundant. But he also grounds every thrill with intimate character attention. Likewise, the final threat is a simple brawl with Gollum, quite the opposite of clashing armies.

This trilogy is beloved because it was always character-driven. It used broad, accessible themes and archetypes to traverse its grandiose lore. Consequently, these films transcended high fantasy. They pleased Tolkien fans and casual viewers alike, using breakthrough technology, powerful artistic collaborations, and an endearing cast.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/best-peter-jackson-movies-imdb/

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