The Great British Bake Off 10 Most Controversial Eliminations

The Great British Bake Off: 10 Most Controversial Eliminations


From fridge gate to Juergen’s shock exit before final week, which of these controversial elimination is the one that angered fans the most?

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The Great British Bake Off 10 Most Controversial Eliminations

From stunning showstoppers to problematic practicals, The Great British Bake Off continues to dominate prime time TV. This fan-favorite series has recently been extended for three more years, but the show has also been host to a few controversial moments in its time including the memorable fridge gate.

Fans are quick to hold the judges accountable in favor of keeping deserved bakers on their screens armed with flour and icing sugar but let’s not forget about those ex-bakers that waved goodbye to being star baker before their time was fully over.

10 Makbul

The Great British Bake Off 10 Most Controversial Eliminations

Makbul – known commonly on the show by his nickname Mak – stole viewers’ hearts quickly on his short time on the show, but he was eliminated in the second week. Fans were left shocked when Mak was booted off the show with many claiming it should have been Rowen – who instead of being consistently good was consistently poor but utterly hilarious. Viewers claimed that Mak had been eliminated too early and was cut short in proving how talented he was as a self-taught baker.

9 Michelle

The Great British Bake Off 10 Most Controversial Eliminations

Season 10 saw a shocking and unusual double-elimination due to their being one more contestant than the previous season. Michelle was the first to be sent home following roaring twenties week, which led to controversy within the fan world. Many expressed the opinion that Rosie should have left due to the issues she faced during the week. Michelle was a good baker with lots of potential and a comforting personality, but the double-elimination left her waving goodbye to her baking dreams in what has been deemed one of the worst episodes of The Great British Bake Off.

8 Helena

The Great British Bake Off 10 Most Controversial Eliminations

The second victim of the double-elimination was Helena, whose bakes often focused on gothic topics including witch fingers and spider bakes. Helena’s love of Halloween-themed bakes alongside her unique personality led to many fans pitching her as the winner of season 10. However, she was eliminated alongside Michelle which resulted in viewers complaining and questioning the judge’s decision. It was a departure that had a particular effect on host Noel who met his platonic soulmate that also loved all things spooky.

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7 Manon

The Great British Bake Off 10 Most Controversial Eliminations

Manon attracted some controversy in her time within the tent, including an accusation of cheating in one of the challenges. She soon gained popularity with fans again which is why her elimination led to some angry reactions. Manon was asked to leave the tent after failing to match the expected standard of the showstopper – however, fans were quick to suggest that her exit should have been replaced by Rahul whose one bake was labeled as inedible. This left fans confused and furious as to how an inedible bake resulted in Rahul remaining in the tent, sparking outcry for Manon and upset for Rahul who became a well-liked contestant of Season 9!

6 Phil

The Great British Bake Off 10 Most Controversial Eliminations

Viewers of the show have a tendency to show their support or criticisms following eliminations, especially seen when Phil from season 10 was ditched from the tent. Phil was a steady baker but found himself saying his goodbyes despite fellow contestant Priya’s baking disasters.

There was controversy surrounding his departure with many asking if Phil was eliminated for not fitting the demographic of the show, either way, Phil had a lot more potential to show and was missed dearly after his exit but still continues to bake avidly.

5 Freya

The Great British Bake Off 10 Most Controversial Eliminations

Freya made waves in the most recent season 12 as the first vegan baker on the show. Her plant-based bakes seemed to go down well with judges, despite a few ups and downs. She was also known for her floral tops, specifically her sweater vest that attracted viewers. She made firm friendships in the tent with Lizzie and other contestants prompting her to go on a road trip to see them all after her departure. Freya exited the show just prior to the free-from week which left viewers feeling cheated from seeing her excel in a challenge that was essentially made for her and her northern charm, with many claiming it was one of the shadiest moments seen on The Great British Bake Off.

4 Dan

The Great British Bake Off 10 Most Controversial Eliminations

Season 10 was deemed one of the most controversial, with not only the double-elimination but also the shocking exit of Dan who was the first contestant to leave. The quarrel began when Dan hugged his other contestants goodbye after presenting the judges with a raw cake that needed a little bit more time to prove its worthiness, just like Dan in the tent. His shock exit left viewers fighting his corner against Jamie whose mishap in the kitchen saw him leave eggs out of his main bake which prompted some questions over whether he deserved to stay in the competition. Since season 10, Dan has continued his passion for baking sharing regular posts of his bakes on his Instagram page.

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3 Hermine

The Great British Bake Off 10 Most Controversial Eliminations

Hermine proved popular with both judges and viewers with her innovative bakes, including her amazing jelly flower cake the week before she was booted off the show. This left many viewers frustrated and angry, with some even claiming it was Laura who should have left. Hermine said her goodbyes and left the tent after her showstopper which she had replanned, failed. Hermine had proved herself to be a talented baker compared to the ups and downs of Laura, Hermine was a much-adored contestant of season 11 for both her sensational bakes and likable personality, which is why fans were so upset to see her go.

2 Juergen

The Great British Bake Off 10 Most Controversial Eliminations

Juergen became a staple contestant in the most recent season of The Great British Bake Off ,when his wholesome attitude and top-notch baking skills earned him a firm spot both on the show and in the hearts of the nation. He achieved star baker for three weeks straight alongside a well-deserved Hollywood Handshake, but in the semi-final, Juergen was left handshake-less. Fans were gutted when Juergen was ditched a week before the final, with many feeling his consistency should have seen him achieve a place. If his final farewell wasn’t sad enough, he was also the only contestant to not receive a final handshake. Following this year’s finale, fans are still mourning the loss of Juergen with some viewers still seething at judge Paul Hollywood.

1 Iain

Iain’s name continues to haunt the show’s hall of fame for all the wrong reasons. His appearance in season 5 led to not only one of the most dramatic moments in the show’s history, but also the most controversial exit. Iain lasted till episode 4 before being booted off – after he threw his showstopper straight in the bin following an event labeled as fridge gate (sometimes referred to as bin gate). His iconic reaction where he presented the bin as his showstopper didn’t stop him from being eliminated, which prompted fans to leave complaint after complaint. Whilst Iain didn’t get enough time to showcase his baking skills, he definitely remains a staple in The Great British Bake Off with viewers still protesting his unlawful exit.

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