The Circles Chris Sapphire Is As Real As it Gets

The Circle’s Chris Sapphire Is As Real As it Gets

Chris Sapphire discusses faith, sexuality, his celebrity crush and more in an interview that leaves nothing – and I mean nothing – unsaid.

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The Circles Chris Sapphire Is As Real As it Gets

Talking to Chris Sapphire from The Circle is like drinking a spicy margarita while someone tickles your toes. He’s not afraid to bring the heat with his refreshing takes and at the same time make you laugh uncontrollably with his colorful use of language. The Dallas native was the first entrant on the inaugural season of the U.S. version of the show, and though he finished fourth, he left a lasting impression on his cast and fans all around the world who have become engrossed in this Netflix sensation.

Known for his witty hashtags, like #SpreadLoveLikeButter, and his outspokenness about his faith and sexuality – two forces that can sometimes feel at odds with each other for those in the LGBTQ+ community – Chris gained more, as he calls it, GOD-fidence. In turn, he inspired others to carry themselves with pride.

During a meal at one of his favorite Mexican restaurants, Chris discussed all that he has gained from the show, all that he still hopes to gain (ALERT Sia, Chris is waiting for you to respond to his private chat) and what the future holds for him.

Screen Rant: Chris! How has life been since The Circle premiered?

Chris Sapphire: Oh my goodness, life has been absolutely surreal. I stepped out and went to a club this weekend to celebrate my friend’s birthday, and when I tell you I was ambushed by so many amazing fans, it was just the most surreal experience ever. It’s beautiful. I can’t say anything bad. It’s just absolutely beautiful. I feel like Pee Wee Herman. I feel like RuPaul.

Tell me more about your weekend. It sounds like it was a fun time.

I went out and about to the Dallas gayborhood. We have the biggest gayborhood in all of Texas. It’s a strip with tons of gay bars and I was out there celebrating my best friend’s birthday and people were just coming up and taking pictures at the club, out on the sidewalks. It was so beautiful.

It was a GREAT pleasure meeting many of the fans last night while I was tip toeing around the Dallas Gayborhood. It was so funny, many of them were like,”You are so tall in real life!” Its cute how people think Im short. Their faces are CRACKED when they realize Im a tall tamale!

Is there a moment that you’ve shared with a fan that has made a significant impact on you?

Oh my goodness, well get this: I was out on the patio and this girl actually started crying. Actually crying. She was so happy she couldn’t even come up to say hello. And I was like, “Baby, don’t cry! Don’t cry!” And the greatest thing that I’m taking from all this is that everybody is really resonating with the message I put out about believing in God. I actually was just contacted to go host a queer camp up north in the United States and I was just like, “Wow this is absolutely amazing.” That was definitely the mission for me. My whole aim is to spread the good word and be able to provide for my family, so it definitely is so beautiful that people who are resonating with this, especially the gay community, where we don’t really have that much representation out there in terms of gay people who have faith in Christ. So many of us have been told all our lives that we’re all going to hell and here I come out I’m like, “No baby, we ain’t going to hell. We got the key to heaven and we’re going to high our kick our way in there.”

There are still so many people in the LGBTQ+ community who are told it is wrong to be who they are. I’m sure you have been an inspiration to countless fans.

A lot of people have written me from all over the world saying that for many years, they struggled with believing in God because they felt like they were damned and that they found inspiration through my time on The Circle, and I write back to some of the fans and I let them know that nothing can separate them from the love of God. I even tweeted about it the other day. There’s a beautiful Bible verse that says nothing in all creation can separate you from the love of God, so I don’t see how these people can go around the world telling us as a community that we’re all damned when there’s a Bible verse that says nothing in all creation – and sexuality is part of creation – and if God says nothing I’m sure God knows that the word nothing means zero. And so it makes me so happy to see these people finding hope from my time on The Circle and rekindling that relationship with God, fearlessly. You’ve got to approach God fearlessly and not be afraid to have faith.

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The cast was not only super entertaining. They were very diverse in both race and sexuality. Do you think that helped the show become so successful?

I’m going to echo what the public is saying. They’re saying that this is the best cast reality show they’ve ever seen. In my humble opinion, I definitely agree. As a viewer myself, I thought it was entertaining. It was amazing to see every color of the rainbow represented, all sexualities. All types. We had bisexual, we had lesbian, we had gay, we had straight. We had it all. Whoever was casting this show, they did a damn good job and I love that the fans fell in love with the cast. They want to see us all together in a reality show. I think that’s so amazing. I’m so happy to have represented not only the gay community, but the Latin community as well because when I was growing up, we didn’t have that many people to look up to in mainstream showbiz.

The Circles Chris Sapphire Is As Real As it Gets

You had a close connection to Karyn/Mercedez early in the game. Where does that friendship stand now?

I fell in love with her. I fell in love with who I was talking to on The Circle. I didn’t care if it was going to be a catfish or real person that I was talking to. Karyn was hilarious. A lot of our conversations weren’t put in the show, but me and her bonded over so many things, especially a gay icon named Ts Madison…It was just an instant connection like family and we still talk to this day. She’s actually coming down to Dallas to party with me and I can’t wait for that to happen. I know a lot of people are going to love her.

Speaking of catfishes, near the end you started to have your suspicions about whether Rebecca was legit. How did you feel when you found out you’d all been duped by Seaburn?

Well, I got more suspicious near the end, when she started talking about how she was sad with the whole Adam thing. I was like, “Girl how the hell are you going to be sad over someone that you just met like two minutes ago?” It was so silly. And so, at the dinner table, we finally get to all meet each other. It did not even click in my head that that was Rebecca at the table, so you saw the clip where I throw my hands up and I’m pointing in the direction of where Seaburn is at. I honestly thought it was a producer.

What was that final dinner like? I’m sure it had to be a surreal moment for all of you.

I gotta tell you, it was just so much fun. Because when you’re in The Circle, of course, you’re in isolation, playing the game, it’s very psychological. Pretty much, it’s just you and a TV sending you ALERTs and you’re all in your head trying to navigate through this game, and mind you, I didn’t even know how to play The Circle. And so, finally, when you get some human interaction, you’re like thank God! And then they were so much fun. It was really cool to see that they were real and weren’t catfishes. Well, besides Rebecca [laughs]. But I loved seeing Sammie and her reaction. It was so beautiful. I walked in looking like Barney the dinosaur with that purple jacket. It was off the chain!

You got some love from Sia recently. She said she wanted to help you and your mother. Has she followed through yet?

My heart was so full. I was trembling. I felt like Ellen DeGeneres had just reached out to me. It was wild. I reached back out to her and now I’m just living on a prayer, hoping to God she sees my message. I know she gets a lot of messages from all over the world, so I’m hoping mine didn’t get lost in the inbox.

Honey, now I can be EVERYWHERE like MAGIC! POOF! Need me to tell your boss YOU QUIT, your homegirl HAPPY BIRTHDAY, or your crush just how much you LOVE them!? Oooooo! Click on the link here and I will! 😂😂🥰🎉🌈💜

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You talked about wanting to buy a tiny house for yourself.

Honey, if you only knew. I still be here in the hood, praying to God, not only for a whole new window, baby. We need a whole new house! I would love to have my own little home. I don’t mind being close by to my parents. We could live on the same block, the same street. I would just love to have my own home because I love to party. I love to entertain. I love to have a house that when you walk in, you feel the energy, the peace, the life, the love. Honey, I want that bar to be so stacked with Grey Goose bottles. Oh my gosh! I cannot wait. YES! And I love to have music real real loud. I’m the loud ass person that’s always bumping Disney music at 4 in the morning.

If you could change one thing about The Circle for season two, what would it be?

Honestly, I don’t know. I know some people online were saying it’s hard having people come in when others get eliminated because the originals have teamed up so the new players don’t have any chance of working their way up the ladder. But that’s not always true. Here in our season, thankfully we all liked to get along and we were all OGs and so we had each other’s back, but that’s not always going to happen. So, if it’s not broke, don’t fix it.

What is the biggest lesson that being on The Circle taught you?

I think the biggest thing I learned about myself is that I am on the right track and God is definitely working through me. God assured me that He is present – not that I had any doubt, but He really assured me…Before I went on the show, I said, “Dear Lord, we both know how reality TV can be. It can go either way. The people are going to either hate you or they’re going to love you”…I said please protect me, and boy did He.

If you could be on one other reality show, which one would it be?

So I’ve been single since I was about 15 years old. I haven’t had a boyfriend since. Every guy that I have ever liked has rejected me, and honey, I got spider webs all up in the cooch. I would love to do a reality show where it’s all about finding love like the gay Bachelor. I’m going to be the gay Bachelor and I’m out there to find love. I want to meet a guy who loves old school ’90s music, loves to have barbecues and loves to drink beer and margaritas [laughs] and loves to sleep. I need a man who loves to sleep on Saturdays who ain’t trying to wake me up.

They do need a gay Bachelor. It’s time.

I’m a real ass person. On The Bachelor, it’s always some rich ass dude. I’m not rich yet, but I’m rich in personality and I’m looking for love in the real world.

You are rich in personality. That’s why it baffles me you’ve been single for half your life.

That’s the question mark in this lifetime. I don’t know, I will tell you, times are changing and I feel like a lot of feminine gay men are being embraced because there was a time when I was younger where it was frowned upon when people thought I was too gay for wearing makeup and being flamboyant. But now the times are changing where it’s cool. People see it’s cool and say, “Oh, I love the queens.” We see that drag is taking over the world. We see gay men of all types, shapes and sizes are more accepted in the world and I’m just like, thank you Lady Gaga. Thank you Cher. Thank you to all the pioneers out in the world that are changing the tide. Thank you Jonathan Van Ness from Queer Eye. I love him…Thank y’all for knocking down the doors.

And thank you, Chris. I think you can call yourself a pioneer now too.

I’m happy to join the list for the Latin community and the queer community, the drag community. Baby, I’m happy to be up there with them. It’s a beautiful thing. That’s one of the reasons I was single for so many years. I’ve always had a crush on Jay Manuel from America’s Next Top Model. I hope you’re listening Jay!

Put it out into the universe. You never know.

You never know.

It was great talking to you, Chris. I’ll let you get back to your meal. What are you eating, by the way?

I’m always eating chicken fajitas. I’m a chicken girl.

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