Star Wars What Was Leia A Senator Of (If Alderaan Was Destroyed)

Star Wars: What Was Leia A Senator Of? (If Alderaan Was Destroyed)

Throughout the Star Wars saga, Leia Organa was a Princess, General, and Senator – but what did she represent if Alderaan was destroyed?

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Star Wars What Was Leia A Senator Of (If Alderaan Was Destroyed)

Leia Organa was one of the leads of the Skywalker saga and one of the most popular and beloved Star Wars characters, but her story left some questions, more so as this universe tends to be quite confusing, such as why was she a senator if her planet, Alderaan, was destroyed. The history of the Star Wars universe began in 1977 with the movie now known as Star Wars: A New Hope, which introduced the audience to the heroes and villains that would lead the saga and made way for eight more movies, two anthology ones, TV shows, various books, and a lot more.

Among the main characters that defined the Skywalker saga is Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher), Luke Skywalker’s twin sister and Darth Vader’s daughter, as well as one of the few characters who appeared in all three trilogies (though in the prequels, she only appeared as a newborn). Following the death of her mother, Padmé Amidala, Luke and Leia were separated in order to keep them safe: Luke was taken to Tatooine, with his father’s family, and Leia was adopted by Bail Organa (Jimmy Smits). As such, Leia became part of the Alderaanian royal family and succeeded her father by representing Alderaan in the Imperial Senate, and that’s where a big question about her and one of her roles in Star Wars is.

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When viewers met Leia, she was a princess and the senator of Alderaan, and by the time the sequel trilogy happened, she also held the title of general. During her time as a representative of her homeworld in the Senate, she secretly supported the Rebellion, which she continued to do until her final day. However, and as seen in Star Wars: A New Hope, Leia was captured by the Imperial Navy and threatened in order for her to give them the location of the rebel base. Leia gave Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin a fake location, but Tarkin destroyed Alderaan anyway and forced her to watch. Leia continued to serve as senator after Alderaan’s destruction, which raised the question of how was that possible or what was she a senator of if her homeworld was destroyed, and the answer to that is the Aldeeran sector.

Leia not only represented Alderaan but the Alderaan sector as well, as confirmed by Pablo Hidalgo in 2016, and in the current canon, Leia still did a lot for her people after the destruction of their planet. Leia helped bring together Alderaanian refugees and formed the Alderaan Flotilla, a collection of starships that carried the survivors of Alderaan. The flotilla was positioned in the remains of Alderaan in the Alderaan system and used the remains of the first Death Star to build a space station to house the ships. Alderaan’s destruction became a reminder of the terrors of the Galactic Empire and became a sort of taboo subject in the Star Wars universe, and while it wasn’t the only planet destroyed in the Skywalker Saga, it marked a turning point in the saga and the story of Leia Organa.

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Leia Organa never abandoned her people and did her best to ensure the safety of the survivors while representing the sector in the Galactic Senate of the New Republic and also continued working closely with the Rebellion, later founding the Resistance when the First Order emerged. The Star Wars universe can be confusing as some questions have been answered either in extended media, like comic books and novels, or separately by the authors and creators, so there are some answers that can be easily missed or overlooked.

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