Star Wars The Bad Batch 5 Things We Want To See In The New Animated Show (& 5 Things We Do Not)

Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 5 Things We Want To See In The New Animated Show (& 5 Things We Do Not)


Star Wars: The Bad Batch is already highly anticipated. Fans have a lot they want to see in the series and things they feel must be avoided.

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Star Wars The Bad Batch 5 Things We Want To See In The New Animated Show (& 5 Things We Do Not)

In the wake of the success of the beautiful and brilliant The Clone Wars and Rebels, as well as The Mandalorian, the franchise’s next animated show for Disney+ has been announced as The Bad Batch, focusing on the titular group as seen in The Clone Wars’ final season. It was a surprising announcement and one that has fans feeling both excited and tentative.

The show definitely has a lot of potential with the people involved, the narrative premise, and the fact that it is Star Wars. As is always the case with new shows and movies, there are various things fans want for the show and things they do not want to see.

10 Want – Answers

Star Wars The Bad Batch 5 Things We Want To See In The New Animated Show (& 5 Things We Do Not)

Getting answers from questions risen from previous shows and movies, or tying up stories from them is not a necessity of any new show, but The Bad Batch is in the unique position to do so, and do so well.

Questions from The Clone Wars relating to Barriss Offee and other clones with Order 66 come to mind, as does the journey of Rex and Ahsoka, and, most notably from Rebels, how Gregor and Wolffe come to be with Rex without their chips. This show could answer those and many more.

9 Do Not – Just The Bad Batch

Star Wars The Bad Batch 5 Things We Want To See In The New Animated Show (& 5 Things We Do Not)

As the titular group of the show, Clone Force 99 will obviously be the central characters. While there is a lot of potential in them, they need regular foils.

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There is a ceiling to the Bad Batch as main characters, so, while it may seem obvious, having other characters in and around most episodes will be good for the group and the fans.

8 Want – Criminals & Imperials

Star Wars The Bad Batch 5 Things We Want To See In The New Animated Show (& 5 Things We Do Not)

There is little information fans have about the show, but one thing they do know is that the Bad Batch will be going on mercenary missions, and the one thing mercenary missions guarantee is mercenaries.

There is a slew of fantastic criminals in the Star Wars universe who could easily make their way to the show, from hilarious pirates like Hondo Onaka to underrated bounty hunters like Embo, to established warriors like Cad Bane.

7 Do Not – Overreliance On Clone Wars/Rebels

Star Wars The Bad Batch 5 Things We Want To See In The New Animated Show (& 5 Things We Do Not)

There are occasions where Star Wars has been known to rest on fan service, or familiarity too often. Three superweapons are too much, Artoo and Threepio in Rogue One is too much, and with all these new TV shows, things could become too much quickly.

Spending too much time on characters like Ahsoka, for example, could take away from the show, and Ahsoka, as well. That is not to say these characters cannot appear but an overreliance on the same old stuff and people from Clone Wars and Rebels would ruin the potential for new, fresh, exciting aspects.

6 Want – Cody (& Other Clones)

Star Wars The Bad Batch 5 Things We Want To See In The New Animated Show (& 5 Things We Do Not)

In saying that though, there is one group so thoroughly ingrained into The Clone Wars whose appearances in The Bad Batch would be welcome always; the clones.

Seeing clones like Cody in a new Galaxy is pretty much a must. Seeing the various clones fans came to love, and Commander Fox also would only serve to improve the show and add to the characters involved.

5 Do Not – The Same Feel

Star Wars The Bad Batch 5 Things We Want To See In The New Animated Show (& 5 Things We Do Not)

Similar to how an overreliance in the characters from The Clone Wars and Rebels would damage the show, so too would the show having the exact same feel and look to either of them.

The same animation style as The Clone Wars would be fine, but something different would be better. However, the actual atmosphere and look should be more mature and even darker, considering the time in the Galaxy, and the limited plot details fans know.

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4 Want – The Transition Of The Empire

Star Wars The Bad Batch 5 Things We Want To See In The New Animated Show (& 5 Things We Do Not)

Speaking of the time in the Galaxy the show takes place in; this will be the earliest look fans get at the Galaxy with the Empire ruling, taking place immediately after the Clone War.

Seeing how the Grand Republic transitions into the Empire, how stormtroopers phase out the clones, and how quickly the Empire imposes its tyrannical structure on the Galaxy will be great. It’ll be fascinating to see how much of this fans get.

3 Do Not – Purely Mission To Mission

Star Wars The Bad Batch 5 Things We Want To See In The New Animated Show (& 5 Things We Do Not)

As mentioned earlier, one aspect of the plot known is that Clone Force 99 will be heading on mercenary missions; however, should the entire show be one big Bad Batch season seven arc, it will not fair well.

While it most definitely will be amazing seeing the group on these adventures, a basic mission-to-mission show which gives glimpses of the Empire and the Galaxy would not work as well as one with an overall plot, with these missions sprinkled in, or even season-long missions.

2 Want – To See The Clone’s Place & Purpose In The New Galaxy

Star Wars The Bad Batch 5 Things We Want To See In The New Animated Show (& 5 Things We Do Not)

Going back again to the clones as well as the time in which the show takes place, one of the most significant aspects of the show, and perhaps the most exciting is the purpose of the clones within this new Galaxy.

Hopefully, this concept is fully explored, and not just about the Bad Batch, but clones in general, what they do within the Empire and out of it.

1 Do Not – The Same Bad Batch

This is not referring to not having the five members of the Bad Batch in the show, as having them will be good. Rather, having the same Bad Batch that has already been seen, and having them be the same throughout.

As of now, everyone but Echo is pretty one dimensional. Deep dives are needed into the other four members and their personalities as individuals, their histories, what makes them tick. It is essential for the show.

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