The 10 Most Powerful Cosmic Characters In Marvel Comics Ranked

The 10 Most Powerful Cosmic Characters In Marvel Comics, Ranked


Marvel Comics has featured cosmic beings for decades. During that time, a few entities have proven to be the most powerful of them all.

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The 10 Most Powerful Cosmic Characters In Marvel Comics Ranked

The cosmic corner of the MCU continues to expand with the upcoming Secret Invasion series and other big movies and shows. It’s been a cornerstone of the Marvel Universe in the comic books since virtually the very beginning, and many of the most powerful cosmic characters in Marvel Comics are likely to appear in the MCU in the near future.

Looking back at the comics, it’s fun to see where the most powerful Marvel cosmic figures stack up. Some of them are obvious, while others not so much. The differences between many are slight, but all of them are beings of immense power and ability that can literally destroy worlds and in some cases, even universes.

10 Hyperion

The 10 Most Powerful Cosmic Characters In Marvel Comics Ranked

Hyperion is the leader of The Squadron Supreme, the focus of the Heroes Reborn comic book event which imagines a world where the Avengers never formed. Hyperion is based on Superman from DC Comics and as such, this alien being is one of the most powerful figures in the Marvel Universe.

He has a vast range of standard superpowers like strength, speed, and stamina. He also has the ability to view the entire electromagnetic spectrum. The Earth-712 version was even more powerful, able to harness cosmic energy to prolong his life.

9 Knull

The 10 Most Powerful Cosmic Characters In Marvel Comics Ranked

The King In Black has been a major threat to the Marvel Universe in recent comics. He leads a massive invasion of Earth with his symbiote army, but alone, he’s one of the most powerful Marvel cosmic characters. Knull is immortal, impossibly strong, and possesses Supreme Umbrakinesis, which allows him to fashion weapons and objects from simple darkness.

He can also create creatures from the dark, which led to the origin of the alien symbiote that eventually spawned characters like Venom and Carnage, both of whom will feature heavily in the upcoming Venom: Let There Be Carnage movie.

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8 Captain Marvel

The 10 Most Powerful Cosmic Characters In Marvel Comics Ranked

Captain Marvel is one of the strongest characters in the MCU, and in many ways, she’s even more powerful in the comics. Her powers have evolved significantly since her debut when she gained powers thanks to a transfusion from Mar-Vell. Carol Danvers is truly cosmic in her powers.

She can generate energy blasts of varying scope, as well as absorb energy attacks of terrific yield. Captain Marvel is also generally invulnerable to magic, and in the recent comics, is even exploring using magic herself, making her even more powerful.

7 Monica Rambeau

The 10 Most Powerful Cosmic Characters In Marvel Comics Ranked

An even more powerful version of Captain Marvel is Monica Rambeau. Monica was the second person to hold the title in the comics after Mar-Vell passed away. Monica’s powers are truly extraordinary. She can transform herself into any form of energy on the electromagnetic spectrum, such as light or X-Rays.

She can also harness and use that energy to fly through space at the speed of light, generate energy beams, become intangible, and much more. It was revealed recently she stopped Knull’s first invasion of Earth in the past.

6 Adam Warlock

The 10 Most Powerful Cosmic Characters In Marvel Comics Ranked

A lot of speculation surrounds the appearance of Adam Warlock in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3. Adam Warlock is one of the most powerful cosmic characters and an integral piece of the lore of the Infinity Gems in the comics.

He was the keeper of the Soul Gem, and beyond the powers incumbent with that (which allowed him to pass back and forth into the Soul World) he has terrific powers. He is immortal, able to generate through a cocoon, and can manipulate matter and energy on a cosmic scale.

5 Galactus

The 10 Most Powerful Cosmic Characters In Marvel Comics Ranked

Galactus is a legendary Fantastic Four villain and one of the greatest threats in the Marvel Universe. This ancient force consumes planets and generally doesn’t care who happens to be on them. The energy he consumes gives him god-like powers, such as being able to transmute matter, change his size, generate powerful energy blasts, and much more.

Galactus uses the Power Cosmic, a force with seemingly unlimited potential, giving him cosmic awareness of events through both time and space.

4 The Beyonder

The 10 Most Powerful Cosmic Characters In Marvel Comics Ranked

To go beyond Galactus in the hierarchy of Marvel cosmic beings is to get into truly god-like figures. The Beyonder is one such entity. The Beyonder exists beyond all reality and dimensions, with powers that defy any understanding.

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His primary power was altering reality, which he used to create Battleworld, a planet he transported all of Earth’s heroes and villains to in the 1984 Secret Wars crossover. The Beyonder isn’t all-powerful, however. He was incapacitated by Rachel Summers as the Phoenix when she inflicted a powerful psychic attack on him.

3 The Celestials

The 10 Most Powerful Cosmic Characters In Marvel Comics Ranked

Beyond even The Beyonder are the Celestials. The mysterious, ancient figures were born before the universe itself in the First Firmament. They can create and destroy universes at will, which was their primary function after the creation of existence. They draw power from Hyperspace, thought to be the source of all energy in the cosmos.

The Celestials are responsible for the creation of the Eternals, powerful beings who were elevated from early man thanks to the machinations of the Celestials in ancient Earth history. Thanos was the son of a pair of Eternals, who lived on another world, Titan.

2 The Phoenix Force

The 10 Most Powerful Cosmic Characters In Marvel Comics Ranked

The Phoenix Force may be the most powerful cosmic force in existence. An entity that consumes cosmic energy as well, often with devastating results. The Phoenix Force is effectively omnipotent, unable to be destroyed completely.

The Phoenix Force can alter matter and reality and render living or dead anything or anyone it wants, and as if that wasn’t enough, can manipulate time. The Phoenix Force, bonded to Rachel Summers, defeated both The Beyonder and Galactus. The Phoenix has shown vulnerability to chaos magic, though.

1 The One Above All

Many other cosmic beings populate the upper echelons of the Marvel Universe, but the One Above All appears to be literally and figuratively above them all. This cosmic entity created the entire multiverse and everything and everyone within it. Omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, The One Above All controls power on a scale that is impossible to comprehend.

The only threat this entity ever seemed to endure was from Thanos, who created a severe imbalance in the multiverse by absorbing the energy of other cosmic beings.

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