Storm Reminds Fans The XMen Have Always Stuck To Their Roots

Storm Reminds Fans The X-Men Have Always Stuck To Their Roots

Over the years the X-Men may have evolved and grown, but at their core, they have, and always will be, a school first and foremost.

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Storm Reminds Fans The XMen Have Always Stuck To Their Roots

Warning: Spoilers for S.W.O.R.D. #7 ahead!

Recently the X-Men have created quite the name for themselves on Earth and beyond in Marvel Comics, but in S.W.O.R.D. #7 Storm reminds fans what they are, and have always been, at their core. The X-Men started as a team comprised of Professor X’s young students. Their beginnings were set against the backdrop of a school, a place of constant learning and growth. And now, even as the franchise and mutantkind have grown into so much more, they are still a school first and foremost.

It doesn’t matter whether people know the X-Men because of the comics or the films; if someone is a fan of the X-Men, they know about Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. The Xavier Institute is where it really all began. Professor X would find mutants and take them in, offering to train them on how to use their powers, while simultaneously building his own superhero, super-powered team. But first and foremost they were always a school for gifted mutants who needed a home, needed a family, needed a safe haven. Despite how far they’ve come since then, and how much bigger they’ve become, one mutant in particular hasn’t forgotten where it all began.

In S.W.O.R.D. #7, Storm, now Regent of Mars, sits down to a cordial meal with Doctor Doom. Although their meeting seems relatively pleasant at first, it’s not long before Doom’s arrogance and Storm’s stubbornness put them at odds. After all, when two extremely powerful, god-like beings are put together, each with their own agenda, it’s not hard to imagine it would lead to friction. So, when Doom points out that Storm and her fellow mutants opened a can of cosmic worms by introducing mysterium into the universe – that they’ve thrown off the balance of things, and that something is coming – it’s not surprising his help and advice are not altruistic. He wants something from them in return, but Storm is not one to make deals with her opponents so easily. The pleasant atmosphere between them quickly turns to aggression as Ororo makes one thing clear to Victor: they don’t need assistance learning to crawl when they are “already flying.”

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But there is one important thing she also admits with this bold claim, and that’s the fact that they do indeed still have more to learn, even if they’re refusing to learn from him. After all, she reminds Doom, they “have always been a school.” Considering how much has happened in the X-Men comics franchise as of late, and how all-powerful mutantkind as a whole has seemingly become, it’s nice to know that they haven’t entirely forgotten their origins. It’d be easy to lose sight of where they came from given how far they’ve come, but Storm hasn’t allowed anyone to forget what’s at the heart of it all for them.

Storm remembers what the X-Men are at their core, and she’s not going to let anyone, especially Doctor Doom, make her forget that. But regardless of acknowledging that there is more for them to learn, only time will tell if they actually do. Storm may not like how Doom approached her, but there’s a lot of truth to what he said. Dormammu’s forces are already here and it’ll only be a matter of time before they reach the Sol system. The X-Men and S.W.O.R.D. are going to have to put hubris aside and apply whatever knowledge they have so far, learn what they need to quickly, and prepare for an impending battle.

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