Stranger Things Jonathans 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst)

Stranger Things: Jonathan’s 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst)


Jonathan Byers is one of the most divisive characters in Netflix’s Stranger Things. He’s got some good and some bad traits throughout the show.

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Stranger Things Jonathans 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst)

Jonathan Byers is one of the most divisive characters in Netflix’s Stranger Things. He’s the loving, protective older brother of Will, but he’s also partly responsible for his disappearance in that he wasn’t properly looking after him that night. He also becomes romantically involved with Nancy, but he first stalks her and takes inappropriate photos of her.

Suffice it to say, Jonathan makes his fair share of mistakes throughout the series, but he redeems himself a few times as well. His fellow Hawkins citizens may be quick to judge him, but in his heart, he knows that he’s being his truest self, even if he doesn’t quite know who that is yet.

10 BEST: Protective

Stranger Things Jonathans 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst)

Even if Jonathan is partly to blame for Will’s disappearance, viewers see enough of the brothers’ relationship to know that he is very protective of Will. He goes so far as to get into a fistfight with Steve to defend his family’s reputation.

He also tries to keep Lonnie away from the family because he isn’t good for any of the Byers. One of Jonathan’s top priorities is protecting his family, whether that be from dangers, social perception, supernatural threats, or abusive people.

9 WORST: Ignorant

Stranger Things Jonathans 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst)

Even though he’s intelligent, Jonathan can be oddly ignorant at times. Perhaps it’s selective, like when he chooses to ignore the problems Nancy is going through at the Hawkins Post.

At first, Jonathan agrees that she is being treated unfairly, but when things come to a head, he gets angry at Nancy and blames her for other people’s behavior. His reaction is grossly unfair, and it comes during a time when Nancy needs his support more than ever.

8 BEST: Caring

Stranger Things Jonathans 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst)

No matter how ignorant Jonathan chooses to be, he’s still a very caring person. When worst comes to worst, he shows up for the people close to him. In the end, he admits to Nancy that he was wrong, and apologizes.

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He also shows how caring he is to his brother, for whom he cooks breakfast. He also introduces Will to The Clash, explaining that it’s better to be yourself and be different, than unremarkable like everyone else.

7 WORST: Timid

Stranger Things Jonathans 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst)

Being introverted is by no means a bad thing, but Jonathan internalizes everything to the point that he is sometimes caught in awkward situations. For example, he’s too shy to talk to Nancy or anyone, really, and ends up taking inappropriate photographs of her from a distance, instead.

His timidity is a problem in several other situations, too. For instance, when Nancy has troubles at work in season 3, Jonathan observes and is well aware of the issue, but does nothing. He is afraid of losing his job by speaking out, so he ends up being a bystander.

6 BEST: Compassionate

Stranger Things Jonathans 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst)

Though Jonathan is afraid to make the first move and speak out, once he’s comfortable with a person, he reveals himself to be a very compassionate person. He listens carefully to others and offers help where possible.

He even understands Joyce’s pain when she’s spiraling in the first season. He tries to make life easier for her, validating her feelings and allowing her to feel them, even if he is frustrated and upset by her actions.

5 WORST: Independent

Stranger Things Jonathans 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst)

Independence can be a very good trait, but Jonathan is too independent for his own good. He’s also still a kid, and he shouldn’t have to fend entirely for himself.

His independence leads him to take an extra shift at work the night Will goes missing. It also leads him on a reckless trip to Lonnie’s house, and on a potentially dangerous investigation that Nancy later joins him on. He doesn’t like to open up to other people because he doesn’t trust them and doesn’t like them – but this is one of his greatest weaknesses.

4 BEST: Selfless

Stranger Things Jonathans 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst)

Though Jonathan’s absence the night of Will’s disappearance is definitely a problem, what drives him to take the shift was selflessness. He worries that Joyce is doing too much work as a single mom and tries to take extra work shifts to help out when he can.

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Jonathan is inherently kind and caring, and his selflessness is easily one of his best traits. He does so much for his family and his group of friends, often more than what is asked or expected of him.

3 WORST: Irresponsible

Stranger Things Jonathans 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst)

Jonathan may be selfless, but he certainly isn’t responsible. He fails to take care of his brother the night it matters most and fails to take responsibility for stalking Nancy and Steve and taking photos of them.

Similarly, Jonathan fails to take responsibility for his wrongdoings in season 3. He doesn’t exactly cause any trouble, but he certainly doesn’t help solve it – that is, he chooses to blame Nancy for their job loss instead of accepting that he was a bystander.

2 BEST: Courageous

Stranger Things Jonathans 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst)

Say what you will about Jonathan, but he has guts. First of all, he thoughtlessly enters the woods in the middle of the night on countless occasions. He also tries to lure a potentially murderous monster into his own house and fight it with a baseball bat.

These things may be attributed to recklessness, but there are some occasions on which Jonathan truly shines. For example, he saves the Party from both human and supernatural threats multiple times, tries to get the Mind Flayer out of Eleven’s leg in season 3, exposes the lab with Nancy, and of course, dares to be different in a conservative society.

1 WORST: Conservative

Jonathan may be different, but like his mom, Jonathan is actually averse to change. The clearest example of this is seen in the third season when he refuses to accept that Nancy is right and the workplace is run by men with inflated egos.

He would rather believe that everything is okay than admit that things need changing. In season 1, he also refuses to believe Joyce about the nature of Will’s disappearance, or that the body is a fake, or that he’s in the lights. He cannot accept change and would prefer to be a social lowlife than take a risk and form meaningful relationships. However, he grows throughout the series and is a much more open-minded person by the end of season 3.

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