Supermans Origin Just Received A Huge Change In Dark Knights of Steel

Superman’s Origin Just Received A Huge Change In Dark Knights of Steel

Superman has one of the most iconic origins in all comics. However, in Dark Knights of Steel, it just got changed in a significant way.

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Supermans Origin Just Received A Huge Change In Dark Knights of Steel

Warning! Spoilers for Dark Knights of Steel #1 by DC Comics

There is no character’s origin in all comics that’s as iconic and memorable as Superman’s. However, in the new Dark Knights of Steel limited series from DC Comics, Kal-El’s origin story just got flipped on its head. Instead of being the sole survivor of Krypton, the new comic showcases a universe where both his parents escaped the destruction of their planet and crash-landed on Earth as Lara-El was pregnant with the hero.

In more than 80-years of comic book stories, Superman’s origin has remained largely the same. As Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely described in All-Star Superman, Superman comes from a doomed planet, where his desperate scientist parents sent him off-planet in a rocketship as Krypton was on the verge of destruction. Kal-El represented the last hope for his people and ended up crashing in Kansas to a kindly couple, who raised him as their own. Now, in a world of swords and sorcery, Superman’s origin just received a big change.

In Dark Knights of Steel #1 by Taylor, Yasmine Putri, and Wes Abbott, the book opens up with a familiar site for comic readers: the destruction of Krypton. However, this time, Jor-El and Lara-El aren’t sending their son off by himself as Krypton’s last hope; but instead, they get into a rocket ship to escape themselves. In this origin, their rocket ship crashes on Earth, and when the door of the ship is blown off, it’s revealed Lara-El is pregnant and is about to give birth to Kal-El.

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Superman’s origin takes a dark turn, where several archers on horses arrive at the scene of the crash and barrage the couple with arrows despite Jor-El’s protests. Jor-El pleads with the archers to stop, but once it becomes clear Lara-El is in danger, he sends a powerful blast of heat vision at them, melting the skin off of their bodies. Jor-El turns around and finds Kal-El has been born with a healthy Lara-El holding him tight. The Kryptonian’s arrival would begin a prophecy about the end of the world.

Jor-El and a pregnant Lara-El taking the trip to Earth instead of Superman adds a new dynamic to his origin. Kal-El was born on Earth, not Krypton, giving him an even stronger connection to the world. His parent’s arrival started a deadly prophecy and led to even more conflict in the present-day story. Instead of Kal-El being found by a loving couple, his parents are immediately attacked in medieval times. In response, Jor-El violently erupts and kills the archers who threatened his wife and newborn child. Ultimately, landing on Earth was the catalyst for warring houses decades in the future – which turns deadly later in the first issue. Dark Knights of Steel #1 by DC Comics is in comic book stores now.

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