Squid Game The 10 Saddest Quotes Ranked

Squid Game: The 10 Saddest Quotes, Ranked


There’s no shortage of heartbreaking moments in Netflix’s Squid Game. Fans likely won’t forget the incredibly sad quotes that come with them.

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Squid Game The 10 Saddest Quotes Ranked

Netflix’s hit drama, Squid Game, didn’t only become popular because of its intriguing premise of pitting desperate players against each other in life-or-death games. The show has also become widely known and loved for its hard-hitting emotional scenes and heartbreaking deaths.

The most moving parts of the series often come with the saddest lines. From Ji-yeong’s reason for her sacrifice to Gi-hun’s final words to his mom, there’s no shortage of tear-jerking dialogue in Squid Game. These unforgettable quotes stay with viewers long after they’re done watching the show.

10 Kang Sae-Byeok:

“You Took More From Me Than Whatever I Might Possibly Owe.”

Squid Game The 10 Saddest Quotes Ranked

Sae-byeok is one of the most likable characters on Squid Game, even though this isn’t the case when she’s first introduced. She’s initially hesitant to trust others like Gi-hun but eventually learns to rely on her fellow players as the competition progresses.

When she’s confronted by Deok-su about her unpaid debt, she says a cryptic line about him taking more from her than what she owes. Audiences realize later that Sae-byeok had been cheated out of her agreement with the gangster and their group. Instead of getting her entire family out of North Korea, she’s only able to bring her brother. While her statement to Deok-su carries this depressing implication, it’s more puzzling than sad at that moment.

9 Oh Il-Nam:

“Do You Know What Someone With No Money Has In Common With Someone With Too Much Money? Living Is No Fun For Them.”

Squid Game The 10 Saddest Quotes Ranked

Il-nam is responsible for some of the most horrific acts on Squid Game, but the worst thing he’s ever done is make the whole thing possible. His shocking confession to Gi-hun details his twisted reasoning behind creating the deadly games.

It turns out that Il-nam and his friends got bored with their immense wealth and decided to entertain themselves by watching others suffer. His callous attitude towards the hundreds of lives he’s taken is upsetting and his confession predictably angers Gi-hun. Il-nam’s quote that explains his cruel intentions is sad not because viewers feel bad for him, but because like Gi-hun, most fans likely felt betrayed and disgusted because of his actions.

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8 Jang Deok-Su:

“This Is Hell. What Are The Rules In Hell?”

Squid Game The 10 Saddest Quotes Ranked

No one was probably too sad to watch Deok-su die, as he is often considered one of the villains on the show. That said, just like the rest of the players, Deok-su is a victim trying his best to survive the lethal games.

He understands that despite his strength, he can’t win the merciless competition without taking advantage of others. He has betrayed and hurt others to reach the glass stepping stones game, so it doesn’t matter if he bends the nonexistent “rules in hell” one more time. It’s a distressing statement that underscores how the contest can bring out the worst in people, which is exactly what it does to Deok-su until the very end.

7 Oh Il-Nam: “I Wanted To Just Feel Something, Just One Last Time Before I Die.”

Squid Game The 10 Saddest Quotes Ranked

The second half of Il-nam’s confession explains why he chose to join the contest instead of watching from the sidelines. He uses his dying breath to unburden himself and reveal the truth to the stunned Gi-hun.

It almost seems like he’s trying to make Gi-hun understand and accept what he has done. If the wild Squid Game fan theory about Il-nam actually being Gi-hun’s father turns out to be true, then this moment would be even more depressing to look back at. For now, though, it’s only slightly sad because while audiences may want to feel bad for the dying man, they likely feel more outraged by his shocking confession.

6 Cho Sang-Woo:

“We’ve Already Come Too Far To End This Now.”

Squid Game The 10 Saddest Quotes Ranked

There’s a moment during the final game when it seems as if Sang-woo may be changing his mind about trying to kill Gi-hun. He reminisces about their childhood friendship and talks about how they may never see their mothers again.

When he snaps out of it, viewers can see how he has to brace himself for what he has to do. He’s killed so many people to get to this point that he knows it would be a waste to turn back now. It’s a poignant line that’s unfortunately tarnished by all of his horrible actions – he’s already come too far to get viewers to feel fully sympathetic towards him.

5 Kang Sae-Byeok:

“Don’t Do It. That Isn’t You. You’re A Good Person At Heart.”

Squid Game The 10 Saddest Quotes Ranked

Despite being gravely injured, Sae-byeok manages to stop Gi-hun from making the worst mistake of his life. She knows that her friend is better than that and understands that unlike her, he hasn’t become a jaded and hopeless person.

She also understands that she’s endangering her own life by preventing Gi-hun’s attempt at killing Sang-woo. However, after everything she has seen and done not just in the games, but in her life as well, she probably wants to preserve what little innocence the protagonist has. It’s both a touching and frustrating sentiment.

4 Player 322:

“I Don’t Have A Home To Go Back To. In Here, I Stand A Chance At Least. But Out There? I Got Nothing Out There.”

Squid Game The 10 Saddest Quotes Ranked

When players are given the option to vote as a group to end the competition or to keep playing, there’s a surprisingly high number of people who choose to stay. This causes tensions to rise, with some contestants rightly pointing out that it’s a sick game.

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Nobody can argue against player 322’s point, though, as they all know that it’s a statement that applies to them as well. These individuals were chosen and targeted specifically because of their personal and financial problems. Player 322’s quote is sad and jarring because it is true, which is why it’s disappointing that he’s a forgettable character beyond this one impactful line.

3 Kang Sae-Byeok:

“Just In Case Either Of Us Can Actually Make It Out Of This Hellhole Somehow, We’ll Look After Each Other’s Loved Ones, Okay?”

Squid Game The 10 Saddest Quotes Ranked

Sae-byeok cares about her family above anything else in her life. She works hard but fails to get them out of North Korea, except for her little brother who sadly must stay in an orphanage while she’s away.

During her final moments, she’s aware that any breath could be her last. Her conversation with Gi-hun is a tear-jerking scene, especially when she asks him to make a pact. It’s even more tragic when fans realize that she likely knew she was about to die and her pact with Gi-hun was actually a request. She trusts him enough to care for the one person she loves the most in the world.

2 Seong Gi-Hun:

“Mom, Are You Asleep? Hey, Ma. Mom, I’m Home. Come On. I Came Home, Ma. Just, Just Open Your Eyes. Come On.”

Squid Game The 10 Saddest Quotes Ranked

One of the most heartbreaking deaths on Squid Game ironically happens after the competition is over. Gi-hun has won the prize money and all he wants to do is use it to help his mom get the medical treatment she needs.

Fans likely immediately know that something is terribly wrong when Gi-hun steps into a dark home with rotten food on the table. After everything he has been through, the worst part is that at that moment, he was probably thinking it was all for nothing. He watched as hundreds of players died and experienced severe trauma only to find his mom dead. It’s painful to think she died alone and that if he had come home a bit earlier, there’s a chance he could’ve saved her life.

1 Ji-Yeong:

“You Have A Reason To Leave This Place, But I Don’t.”

Most viewers probably didn’t know what to expect from the side character Ji-yeong. She seems calm and collected through most of the games, up until she talks about her tragic past that involves murder, abuse, and jail time.

When Ji-yeong realizes that Sae-byeok has more to live for outside of the competition, she loses the marbles game on purpose. This unsurprisingly frustrates Sae-byeok who is used to having to do everything on her own. Ji-yeong’s moving speech about being grateful for getting the chance to meet and befriend Sae-byeok is one of the saddest moments in the series. Like Sae-byeok, most fans were likely wiping away tears as Ji-yeong smiled for the last time.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/squid-game-netflix-saddest-quotes-ranked/

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