The Mandalorian Theory Who Saved Baby Yoda From Anakin Skywalker

The Mandalorian Theory: Who Saved Baby Yoda From Anakin Skywalker


The Mandalorian season 2 reveals the backstory and true name of Baby Yoda, but opens up another mystery. Who saved him from Anakin and Order 66?

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Following The Mandalorian’s latest shocking revelation, who saved Baby Yoda from Order 66? Since The Mandalorian’s debut on Disney+, Baby Yoda has been the biggest Star Wars mystery this side of “Han shot first.” The Force-sensitive child was uncovered by Din Djarin on Arvala-7, acting on behalf of Moff Gideon, who sought the “package” for the Imperial remnants still championing tyranny, injustice and oppression in the galaxy. Like Mando, viewers had no idea who was protecting Baby Yoda, or why the Empire sought him, but answers have arrived thick and fast in The Mandalorian season 2.

Previously, The Mandalorian revealed that Baby Yoda’s blood was being implemented in experiments carried out by Dr. Pershing on Gideon’s orders. By infusing the youngster’s DNA into a recipient subject, Gideon hoped to manufacture artificial Force abilities. The experiments have been unsuccessful thus far, and more donor blood is required from Baby Yoda’s tiny little arm. In The Mandalorian season 2’s “The Jedi,” Djarin found Ahsoka Tano, who could communicate with Baby Yoda through the Force. Ahsoka discovered the child’s real name was actually Grogu, and he was trained at the Jedi temple on Coruscant before being spirited away by an unknown Jedi.

This mysterious savior protected Grogu from Order 66 and the rampaging Anakin Skywalker, but Ahsoka was unable to determine exactly who the rescuer was. Here are the most likely folks who might’ve taken Baby Yoda from Coruscant and hidden him on Arvala-7, where he remained throughout the Star Wars original trilogy. While a number of different Jedi survived Order 66, only a handful had the influence, motivation, power and opportunity to rescue Baby Yoda in a way that makes sense in narrative terms.


The Mandalorian Theory Who Saved Baby Yoda From Anakin Skywalker

Based on what Ahsoka Tano is able to pluck from Baby Yoda’s mind, a few assumptions can be made. Ahsoka doesn’t recognize the green imp before reading his mind, suggesting his existence was a secret even among the Jedi Order. Secondly, Baby Yoda was trained by a series of different masters and had the honor of being saved when countless other younglings were slain by Darth Vader, which would imply a certain significance above the other students of the Force. Taking this in consideration, the most likely character who saved Grogu is arguably Yoda himself.

In the main line of Star Wars movies, there are 2 major Order 66 survivors: Obi-Wan Kenobi and Master Yoda. Since Obi-Wan never even remotely suggests that another Jedi might exist, his participation can be ruled out with a degree of confidence, but Yoda keeps many more secrets and operates far more enigmatically than Kenobi. If Grogu was a secret student among the Jedi, Yoda would be one of the few who knew of his existence, and there’s obviously a heritage connection between them, giving Yoda a personal motivation to rescue the child. The possibility that Grogu and Yoda are directly related also cannot be discarded. Yoda was fighting on Kashyyyk when Order 66 kicked off, but did return to Coruscant with Obi-Wan in the aftermath. While there, it’s possible Yoda found the hidden Grogu and arranged an escape, before making his own departure to Dagobah. Interestingly, Grogu responds when Ahsoka Tano mentions Yoda’s name – is this because Yoda was the one who saved him?

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Yoda saving Grogu could retroactively explain the Jedi master’s reluctance to train Luke Skywalker in The Empire Strikes Back. Although Luke is one of the last Jedi alive in the original trilogy era, Yoda doesn’t seem overly interested in nurturing his power, despite Obi-Wan’s insistence that Luke is the galaxy’s final hope. Perhaps Yoda knew that another potential hero was waiting in the wings.

Mace Windu

The Mandalorian Theory Who Saved Baby Yoda From Anakin Skywalker

Fans of Mace Windu have long suspected that Samuel L. Jackson’s character might’ve somehow survived Revenge of the Sith. The final installment of the Star Wars prequel trilogy sees Windu come painfully close to defeating Palpatine in battle, but Anakin steps in to assist the Sith Lord. The Jedi is blasted with Force lightning and thrown out of a Windu, but plenty of characters in Star Wars canon have survived falls from a great height – especially when the body isn’t shown hitting the ground. The Mandalorian season 2’s Baby Yoda reveal makes Mace Windu’s survival even more likely, as it gives him a reason to exist beyond the Star Wars prequels. Unlike Yoda, Windu would’ve been on Coruscant when Order 66 happened. Weak, and deprived of his right hand, Windu couldn’t have protected the Jedi temple from Anakin, but he might’ve been able to escape with a single student. Since Windu was a high-ranking Jedi and a renowned combatant, he surely would’ve been one of Grogu’s masters, and known precisely where the talented youngster could be found.

Unlike Yoda, Mace Windu would’ve held the advantage of being presumed dead by the Sith. Both Anakin and Palpatine appear to disregard Windu following his ejection into the Coruscant skyline, and this anonymity would allow the Jedi Master to move with relative freedom across the galaxy. Accounting for Mace Windu’s movements after getting Baby Yoda to safety presents a canon stumbling block. If Samuel L. Jackson’s Star Wars warrior was still alive during the original trilogy era, he surely would’ve participated in the battle against the Empire. This is a plot hole The Mandalorian would need to fix if Mace Windu is eventually revealed as Baby Yoda’s protector. Fortunately, the prospect of Samuel L. Jackson appearing in The Mandalorian falls very much within the realm of possibility.

Coleman Kcaj

The Mandalorian Theory Who Saved Baby Yoda From Anakin Skywalker

Rather than revealing a big-name Jedi to be responsible for rescuing Baby Yoda, The Mandalorian might opt for a lesser-known Order 66 survivor, thereby reducing the risk of plot holes emerging. Introduced in Revenge of the Sith, Coleman Kcaj was a member of the Jedi council, and would’ve been aware of any secret students on the Order’s books. He also appears to have been stationed on Coruscant when Order 66 began – perfectly placed to save Baby Yoda from the sand-inspired wrath of Darth Vader. The survival of Coleman Kcaj is revealed in the Darth Vader Marvel comic series, where he’s listed as a Jedi the Inquisitors are unable to find. So good at hiding was Kcaj, that none truly know what became of him after Order 66.

As the hide & seek champion of the Jedi Order, Coleman Kcaj is well-placed to find a suitable location for Baby Yoda to remain undiscovered throughout the entire original Star Wars trilogy. And with audiences less familiar with Kcaj than Yoda or Mace Windu, The Mandalorian can easily explain what happened to him after Arvala-7. Perhaps Kcaj hid so well, not even the other Jedi knew he still lived, or maybe he simply didn’t possess the moral fortitude required to jump back into action against the Sith. There are other background Jedi who are confirmed to have survived Order 66, but none fit the bill for Baby Yoda’s knight in shining armor quite as neatly as Coleman Kcaj, albeit perhaps with the exception of one…

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Jocasta Nu

The Mandalorian Theory Who Saved Baby Yoda From Anakin Skywalker

Introduced in Attack of the Clones, Jocasta Nu is the Jedi’s resident librarian, and looks over Obi-Wan Kenobi as he peruses the Jedi archives searching for a lost planet. However, Jocasta Nu was a Jedi master in her own right and had the perfect motivation to save Baby Yoda from the Jedi purge. Jocasta Nu’s survival of Order 66 is documented in the Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith comic books, which reveal the librarian’s intention to establish a new Jedi school and keep the Order alive. Jocasta Nu gathers and preserves as much of the old Jedi ways as possible, honoring her position as the custodian of their knowledge, and she continues even while being ruthlessly hunted by Darth Vader. Crucially, Jocasta Nu also risks her life on an ill-fated mission to retrieve a holocron containing data on Force-sensitive children from the Jedi temple of Coruscant.

Jocasta’s preoccupation with the future of the Jedi and the safety of its children make her a leading candidate to rescue Baby Yoda from Order 66. As the temple’s librarian, Nu likely knew every nook and cranny of the grand building, aware of where Grogu could be found, and how to break him free in secrecy. Jocasta Nu’s escape with Baby Yoda would act as a precursor to her story in the Marvel Star Wars comic books, and wouldn’t interfere with existing canon. Making Jocasta Nu a more influential figure in the Star Wars galaxy would honor the character’s actress, Alethea McGrath, who sadly passed away in 2016.

Anakin Skywalker

While it’s natural to assume a Jedi was responsible for harboring Baby Yoda to safety, The Mandalorian has sprung surprise after surprise. Anakin Skywalker sparing Grogu in the midst of his Jedi slaughter would top them all. After being reborn under the Darth Vader moniker, Anakin killed the youngling students at the Jedi temple, much to the amusement of Ewan McGregor, who couldn’t help but corpse when delivering the line to Natalie Portman’s Padmé. But what if Anakin couldn’t bring himself to kill all of them? As the man leading the assault on Coruscant, Anakin was best-placed to find any survivors, and might’ve discovered Baby Yoda on his bloody tour of the Jedi temple. Anakin could’ve felt something in the Force that stayed his blade (he and Baby Yoda were born in the same year), or maybe he took pity on a child even more defenseless than the young Jedi students in the temple’s classrooms. Anakin’s remorse and virtue may not have been eclipsed entirely at this point.

Although Anakin’s movements post-Order 66 are documented in Revenge of the Sith, he might’ve taken a second detour between Coruscant and Mustafa, other than to tell Padmé about the tough day at work. Alternatively, Anakin could’ve hidden Baby Yoda in the Jedi temple and returned at a later date to transport him to Arvala-7. Anakin rescuing Baby Yoda would add a fascinating extra layer to the character’s redemption arc. In Return of the Jedi, Anakin fulfilled his destiny of bringing balance to the Force, but his arc was muddled by Palpatine’s return in The Rise of Skywalker. By sparing Baby Yoda the end of his lightsaber, Anakin’s role in the Skywalker saga could change completely, depending on the path chosen by young Grogu in The Mandalorian.

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