The Mandalorian 10 Star Wars Saga Characters Who Could Appear In Season 2

The Mandalorian: 10 Star Wars Saga Characters Who Could Appear In Season 2


The Mandalorian is heading towards season 2 and it would be great to see some of these iconic original Star Wars Saga characters make an appearance.

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The Mandalorian 10 Star Wars Saga Characters Who Could Appear In Season 2

The Mandalorian gave the Star Wars universe so many incredible characters, all of whom were brand new. Baby Yoda was the closest thing to the Skywalker Saga, but it was this distance from the Saga that made it such a hit.

Now, though, with the reports that Skywalker Saga characters will be appearing in The Mandalorian season 2, everyone wants to know who we can expect. Given the timeline of Star Wars, there are certain limitations to who can show up. And so, with that in mind, let’s talk about who could show up and work in a little who should show up, as well. Here are 10 Skywalker Saga characters who could make appearances in The Mandalorian season 2.

10 Boba Fett

The Mandalorian 10 Star Wars Saga Characters Who Could Appear In Season 2

Always best to get Boba Fett out of the way earlier when discussing possibilities. Sure, he’s a Mandalorian himself, arguably “the original” Mandalorian, but his involvement in the Skywalker Saga seemed pretty conclusive and pretty underwhelming. He carried over a reputation from the graphic novels that didn’t translate well to the movies other than a cool look.

Plus, he kind of died. The Sarlacc takes no prisoners. Although the case can be made (and it has … a lot) that he is still alive and could make his (semi) glorious return to the screen.

9 Lando Calrissian

The Mandalorian 10 Star Wars Saga Characters Who Could Appear In Season 2

Lando already made a fantastic return to the Star Wars universe when he appeared in the grand finale of the Skywalker Saga. With a small part that still allowed him to flourish on the screen, Lando also opened up the possibility of a spin-off of his own, perhaps delving into the Lando graphic novel series.

If Lando were to appear in The Mandalorian, it would have to be Danny Glover’s rendition, but whatever the case, seeing as how Din Djarin has to avoid detection in some sketchy places and Lando has a tendency to pop up in such places …

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8 Nien Nunb

The Mandalorian 10 Star Wars Saga Characters Who Could Appear In Season 2

Mostly, Nien Nunb is included here because the Star Wars universe owes him better than what he got. After being such a hit in the Return of the Jedi, this Rebel icon was done away with in The Rise of Skywalker with a split second death that was in no way commemorated.

If there is any justice in the galaxy, there has to be some kind of recompense for Nunb’s ridiculously small dismissal. Having him appear, even in the smallest of capacities, would be a massive fan service and, while The Mandalorian is in no way about fan services, surely they can make an exception here.

7 Chewbacca

The Mandalorian 10 Star Wars Saga Characters Who Could Appear In Season 2

Obviously, some of the bigger names from the Skywalker Saga aren’t going to be here. Han Solo, in any incarnation, won’t be. Luke Skywalker won’t be. Leia won’t be. None of these characters will be there in the flesh. But it wouldn’t be unfathomable for Chewbacca to appear, as he, like Lando, has a natural tendency towards sketchy places.

And for the viewership, seeing Chewbacca on the screen would be enough to assume that Han was nearby, even if he’s never shown on screen. So it’s kind of an assumed 2-for-1, which isn’t such a bad deal.

6 Doctor Aphra

The Mandalorian 10 Star Wars Saga Characters Who Could Appear In Season 2

Okay, so she isn’t technically part of the Skywalker Saga since she didn’t appear on screen, but fans of the graphic novels will know that she played a big part in the story, from her muddled service to and later flight from Lord Vader.

There is a huge clamor for Doctor Aphra to get her own TV show at some point in the future, since her graphic novel series is just incredible, so it couldn’t hurt to test the waters with an appearance on the Mandalorian.

5 Dengar

The Mandalorian 10 Star Wars Saga Characters Who Could Appear In Season 2

Dengar is such a fascinating character who doesn’t get enough screen time. He gets a good deal of page time and defies death countless times in his relentless pursuit of Solo, but as a bounty hunter who has been contracted by the galaxy before, it only makes sense that he may be contracted again, this time to hunt down the Child and his adopted father.

Dengar would be a fantastic character to see again. He’s a grizzled, hard-nosed warrior who would be immensely entertaining to see in a battle with Din Djarin.

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4 Mon Mothma

The Mandalorian 10 Star Wars Saga Characters Who Could Appear In Season 2

Probably the safest bet to appear in season 2, Mon Mothma would kind of have to if there is any Republic involvement whatsoever. Given that the New Republic is in power and the Empire is still traipsing about, Mothma could factor into the story if the scope of the story expands to incorporate more of the state of the galaxy.

Mothma is the leader of the New Republic, she was a huge part of the Rebellion and it would actually be really intriguing to see what she has become since heading the new intergalactic governing body.

3 IG-88

The Mandalorian 10 Star Wars Saga Characters Who Could Appear In Season 2

After IG-11’s heroic character transformation, many want to believe he’s still alive. He was responsible for Din’s transformation from droid hater to semi-droid truster. Which would make the return of the intergalactically acclaimed IG-88 bounty hunter droid even more of a question.

Surely any IG droid is going to give rise to some questions from Din, who grew quite fond of IG-11, but assuming IG-88 is contracted to kill him and capture the Child, it could reignite Din’s hatred of droids. Only to be quelled by IG-11 again?

2 Phasma

The Mandalorian 10 Star Wars Saga Characters Who Could Appear In Season 2

Phasma was one of the more … interesting characters in the new trilogy. Played by everyone’s favorite Gwendoline Christie, Phasma took on the familiar hard-lined, disciplinarian leadership role within the First Order — someone that really thrived in inflicting pain on others.

At the time that the Mandalorian is taking place, Phasma would be a child. And wouldn’t it be interesting if, on his travels, Din happened upon the desolate planet of Parnassos and found a young Phasma just prior to her joining the Scyre clan? Just a thought.

1 Bossk

Similar to both Dengar and IG-88 (and Boba Fett, if we have to), Bossk was one of the collection of bounty hunters called on by Darth Vader to hunt down Han Solo. Therefore Bossk, the hulking, muscular lizard-man with the iconic Houndstooth ship could be called upon to bring back the child.

Bossk has a cult following for his appearance alone, yet he’s not done much of anything outside of the graphic novels. Thus, of all the bounty hunters, he is most deserving of a more prominent appearance on the screen. Maybe he can even do something, who knows.

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