The 10 Best Drama Movies Starring Comedy Actors Ranked By IMDb

The 10 Best Drama Movies Starring Comedy Actors, Ranked By IMDb


Adam Sandler, Bill Murray, and others have all dropped the comedy routine to take on more serious roles, and they’re some of their best roles ever.

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The 10 Best Drama Movies Starring Comedy Actors Ranked By IMDb

There are so many celebrated comedy actors today that there is seemingly someone out there for every viewer’s taste. Depending on the age and interests of the audience member, they might be a fan of Bill Murray’s hilariously nihilistic take on life, Adam Sandler’s schmalzy comedy, or Jonah Hill’s stoner ramblings.

But one thing all of these actors have in common is that during at least one point in their career, they drop the comedy routine to take on a more serious role. And far from self-indulgent, many of these actors pull off the performance of a lifetime.

10 Uncut Gems (2019) – 7.4

The 10 Best Drama Movies Starring Comedy Actors Ranked By IMDb

Sandler has broken free of his typecasting in the past, as he has starred in the celebrated Paul Thomas Anderson movie Punch Drunk Love and lighter movies, like Spanglish. But even these types of movies were starting to become predictable for the actor.

However, Uncut Gems is the exact opposite of the typical Adam Sandler movie. From the moment that the film starts, it doesn’t slow down, as it follows a gambling addict rush around New York to pay off the debt he owes to some dangerous people. There isn’t a single laugh to be had, and it’s one of the tensest crime thrillers one can watch. Uncut Gems was universally lauded by professional film critics, and even Adam Sandler-skeptics couldn’t resist the swivel-eyed frenetic energy of the movie.

9 Stranger Than Fiction (2006) – 7.5

The 10 Best Drama Movies Starring Comedy Actors Ranked By IMDb

Of all the famous comedy actors in Hollywood, Will Ferrell has dabbled the least amount of dramatic acting, but it isn’t because he isn’t talented enough to pull it off.

Stranger Than Fiction follows Harold who is a fictional character come to life, and everything that author Karen Eiffel writes about him happens to him in real life. The movie is the best example of Ferrell’s dramatic ability, and even though there’s still a great deal of humor here, Ferrell holds his own alongside Hollywood royalty, including Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson.

8 Moneyball (2011) – 7.6

The 10 Best Drama Movies Starring Comedy Actors Ranked By IMDb

Moneyball is essentially a biographical sports movie, but it’s unlike any other, as it focuses on the behind-the-scenes trading of baseball players more than the sport itself. It features Jonah Hill in his first major dramatic role, as he plays Peter Brand, a data analytics expert.

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Brand selects which players to buy based on data and statistics instead of the players’ attitudes and personal lives. With his help, the Oakland Athletics go from an underdog team to one of the best teams in the league. The movie was the start of Hill’s aim to shed the stoner-comedy perception fans had of him, and he has continued to star in brilliant dramas ever since.

7 Lost In Translation (2003) – 7.7

The 10 Best Drama Movies Starring Comedy Actors Ranked By IMDb

Bill Murray owned the ’80s and ’90s, but in the 2000s, he turned to more quiet and dramatic roles than what he was used to. Gone were the days of carrying proton packs and getting slimed. Instead, he was starring in indie movies in Japan with Scarlett Johansson, a promising newcomer at the time.

Lost in Translation is about a faded and solemn movie star shooting a whisky commercial overseas, only to be reinvigorated when he meets a 20-something woman. Now, 18 years later, the movie is considered a classic, Sofia Coppola’s very best movie, and fans are still debating over what it was that Bob whispered to Charlotte in the final scene.

6 Little Miss Sunshine (2006) & The Big Short (2015) – 7.8

The 10 Best Drama Movies Starring Comedy Actors Ranked By IMDb

After he left the hit NBC show The Office, Steve Carell launched himself into dramatic acting, and the best of the bunch is his role as a skeptic in The Big Short, which was universally praised. However, he had been subverting expectations as a talented actor since 2006, as he also starred in the indie classic, Little Miss Sunshine.

Both movies have the same score of 7.8 on IMDb, and they both display incredibly different variations of Carell’s dramatic skills. Little Miss Sunshine sees the actor as a quiet, depressed, and misunderstood character, whereas he’s in The Big Short, he’s outspoken and passionate.

5 The Trial Of The Chicago 7 (2020) – 7.8

The 10 Best Drama Movies Starring Comedy Actors Ranked By IMDb

The Trial of the Chicago 7 has an all-star cast full of incredible actors including Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Eddie Redmayne, but the lead actor of the movie is Borat himself, Sacha Baron Cohen.

The improv genius is a jack of all trades, as he has even hammed it up with musical numbers in the past. Cohen performed in dramas Les Miserables and Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, but he was the comedic relief in both of those movies. However, his role as Abbie Hoffman, an anti-Vietnam war protester, sent shivers down viewers’ spines. Audiences and critics agreed that Cohen stole the show, and he’s the reason it’s one of the best movies about real-life court trials.

4 The Truman Show (1998) – 8.1

The 10 Best Drama Movies Starring Comedy Actors Ranked By IMDb

The ’90s was full of mid-budget movies with fascinating concepts, and The Truman Show is one of the best, as it follows the titular character whose whole life is a reality show, only he doesn’t know it. The whole movie is about Truman uncovering clues as to what’s really going on in his life, and it’s an amazing satire of reality TV and its lack of ethics.

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But what’s more, is that it was the first hint of Jim Carrey’s powerful acting skills. The Truman Show still has a lot of comedic elements, but relative to other Jim Carrey-led movies at the time, the actor is considerably restrained. Gone are the goofy faces and hairstyles, and they have been replaced with an honest and emotionally resonant performance.

3 The Wolf Of Wall Street (2013) – 8.2

The 10 Best Drama Movies Starring Comedy Actors Ranked By IMDb

Continuing his hot streak of starring in Oscar-caliber movies, Jonah Hill took a supporting role in the movie The Wolf of Wall Street. However, unlike Moneyball, Hill completely threw himself into the role of Donnie in the Martin Scorsese-directed movie.

The actor wanted the role so badly that he took the bare minimum salary of $60,000, and he also wanted to actually swallow the fish in the infamous scene. The Wolf of Wall Street was the perfect Scorsese movie for Hill to star in, as not too unlike the actor’s comedies, the film blurs the line between satire and glorifying bad behavior.

2 Good Will Hunting (1997) – 8.3

The 10 Best Drama Movies Starring Comedy Actors Ranked By IMDb

Good Will Hunting may not have been as successful if it wasn’t for Robin Williams’ starring role, as he was the only proper bankable star in the movies at the time. However, audiences might have been surprised at the movie if they went to see it based on Williams’ face on the poster, as the film is completely emotionally driven.

Williams plays a therapist who the titular character is ordered to visit after assaulting a police officer. What follows is a working relationship that blossoms into a friendship. The movie was an Academy Awards darling, as Ben Affleck and Matt Damon won the award for Best Screenplay, and Williams rightfully won the award for Best Supporting Actor.

1 Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (2004) – 8.3

Of all the comedy actors to dabble in dramatic roles, Jim Carrey has done so more than any of his peers. Between the dramatic satire The Truman Show, the Andy Kaufman biopic Man on the Moon, and even the thriller The Number 23, Carrey has as much range as Academy Award Winners. But it’s Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind that showed just how much he had developed from his slapstick performances.

The visually stimulating movie is about a man who has his memories of an ex-girlfriend wiped from his mind, and it’s the most creative romantic drama of all time. The movie is a perfect storm. It combines the fantastical elements of celebrated screenwriter Charlie Kaufman, the dizzying direction of French auteur Michel Gondry, and, of course, Carrey’s dramatic acting skills. All of these artists were at the height of their powers at the time and coming off the heels of some hugely successful early 2000s movies.

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