Star Wars 10 Unpopular Opinions About Darth Maul (According To Reddit)

Star Wars: 10 Unpopular Opinions About Darth Maul (According To Reddit)


Just because Maul is so loved by much of the Star Wars fandom, it does not keep him from criticism, hate, and unpopular opinions.

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Star Wars 10 Unpopular Opinions About Darth Maul (According To Reddit)

Maul has a journey like no other in Star Wars, surviving what was thought to be indisputable death and evolving from a one-note villain to one of the most layered, brilliant, and complex characters in the series. He is consistently awesome throughout his time in The Clone Wars, Rebels, and the comics, with most fans loving the character.

However, just because he is so loved by much of the Star Wars fandom, it does not keep him from criticism, hate, and unpopular opinions. Reddit is full of Star Wars fans detailing their unpopular opinions, and many of them relate to Maul.

10 Flat Character Who Fills A Bad Guy Role

Star Wars 10 Unpopular Opinions About Darth Maul (According To Reddit)

In The Phantom Menace, Maul is fairly one-dimensional. As badass as he is, he barely speaks, has no underlying character, and is ‘killed’ off at the movie’s end. Beyond that movie, though, he becomes a character with real depth, playing a huge role.

Redditor u/PM_ME_FEMALE_ELVES disagrees, stating that throughout all three of The Phantom Menace, The Clone Wars, and Rebels, he has some development but is “still the same flat character that fills the ‘bad guy’ role,” not interfering with more important villains. Considering how Maul helps advance the stories of so many different characters is crucial to the history of Mandalore and is such a huge part of both shows, it would be hard for fans to agree with this take.

9 Disney Is Overusing Maul

Star Wars 10 Unpopular Opinions About Darth Maul (According To Reddit)

In the Disney-era of Star Wars, Maul has made three on-screen returns thus far; Solo, Rebels, and The Clone Wars’ final season. To most fans, he has been an exceptional part of those who fit in those projects.

In the opinion of Redditor u/ethanjamessss, Disney overuse Maul, believing that “he loses his badassery with every new appearance.” However, even if some believed he had lost some of his badass nature, to say Disney is over-using him seems far-fetched. He died in Rebels, he had to appear in The Clone Wars, and Solo was natural given his criminal connections and the subsequent stories that could arise.

8 He Did Not Get A Proper Clone Wars Ending

Star Wars 10 Unpopular Opinions About Darth Maul (According To Reddit)

The Siege of Mandalore is widely considered an exceptional ending for The Clone Wars and a brilliantly crafted piece of Star Wars. Maul was a huge part of that, and at the end, it saw him go off into the Galaxy to, presumably, meet up with his crime bosses.

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Redditor u/ElectricOyster states that “Maul didn’t get a proper ending” and that overall the finale was unsatisfying. There really was not much else to do with Maul in the finale. He got separated from Mandalore, which was natural, and forced the faces of his criminal empire into hiding so to await the end of the chaos of the Empire. There are gaps in his story, but that comes from content surrounding the time of Solo and Rebels, not The Clone Wars. He is not a character whose ending is rejected by a lot of fans.

7 Him Being Alive In Rebels, So Close To A New Hope, Is Silly

Star Wars 10 Unpopular Opinions About Darth Maul (According To Reddit)

In Rebels, Maul helped create some of the best episodes of Star Wars TV with the likes of “Twilight of the Apprentice” and “Twin Suns,” with his survival through to the show being a great thing for many fans.

A deleted Redditor believes that not only was Maul shoehorned into The Clone Wars but that his presence in Rebels “so close to ANH, it just seems silly.” Maul, of course, never lived to reach the events of the original trilogy, which would have maybe been a bit questionable. But surviving through to Rebels makes a good amount of sense given his survival skills and how he hid in the Galaxy for so long while puppeteering a criminal network.

6 Sidious Died Falling Down A Shaft So Maul Should Have Too

Star Wars 10 Unpopular Opinions About Darth Maul (According To Reddit)

Despite making an incredible first impression, Maul, back when he went by Darth, appeared to die quickly in the prequel trilogy when he was cut in half by Obi-Wan Kenobi, one of the best moments of their rivalry, with both halves of his body falling down a reactor shaft.

Redditor u/StoJa9 believes his survival was “a cheap panic move by Disney” and that if Sidious died falling down a reactor shaft, it makes no sense that Maul survives. It was, of course, George Lucas and Dave Filoni who decided to have Maul survive a while before Disney bought Star Wars. On top of that, Sidious’ body also perished in an exploding Death Star, whereas Maul made it to a trash container before being transferred to Lotho Minor. Maul’s survival requires some suspension of belief, but Sidious’ ‘death’ is no real reason to discard it.

5 Ahsoka Should Not Have Beaten Maul

Star Wars 10 Unpopular Opinions About Darth Maul (According To Reddit)

During the Siege of Mandalore, arc fans bore witness to one of the greatest lightsaber battles ever between Maul and Ahsoka. It had power, some great quotes, immense mo-cap action, and was just an exhilarating watch.

It ended with Ahsoka just besting Maul, but Redditor u/kalzeth believes “Maul should have beaten Ahsoka.” Their duel was fairly evenly matched, although when Ahsoka got the upper hand, Maul attempted to escape rather than kill her. Maul is not the greatest lightsaber duelist ever. He lost more on-screen battles than he won. Losing to Ahsoka was not wildly out of the ordinary.

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4 He Is The Only Good Part Of The Clone Wars

Star Wars 10 Unpopular Opinions About Darth Maul (According To Reddit)

Maul came into the fray of The Clone Wars at the end of the fourth season and from then on was one of the best aspects of the show, with every episode featuring him being one of the best in the show’s run.

Redditor u/MelkorII agrees that Maul is great in the show but claims he is “the only remotely good thing to come out of this show.” Given that the likes of Ahsoka and many individual clones were born out of the show, as well as incredible stories and development for established characters like Anakin and Obi-Wan, that is definitely unpopular.

3 The Duel Of The Fates Is Overrated

Star Wars 10 Unpopular Opinions About Darth Maul (According To Reddit)

There are a few lightsaber duels that always find themselves in the conversation of the greatest ever. The Battle of the Heroes, Luke vs. Vader, and the Duel of the Fates are perhaps the most common three talked about ‘best ever’ legendary lightsaber duels.

Redditor u/theheisenburgg88 claims that “it’s the most overrated” lightsaber duel, lacking a level of emotional weight others have. The Duel of the Fates is beloved not just for its unreal score and incredible action but its importance in the story of Anakin. Some may believe it is overrated, but the majority believe it is among the best of the best.

2 Maul Vs. Obi-Wan In Rebels Is The Worst Lightsaber Duel Ever

Star Wars 10 Unpopular Opinions About Darth Maul (According To Reddit)

Over the years, Maul has been involved in some of Star Wars’ greatest battles, such as the Duel of the Fates, vs. Ahsoka on Mandalore and the less-action-heavy but wonderful duel against his greatest rival, Obi-Wan Kenobi, in Rebels.

Redditor u/DAVasquez- believes that “Ben Kenobi vs. Darth Maul in Rebels is the WORST lightsaber duel of all time.” To fans of Rebels, this is a wild claim. There have been some lackluster lightsaber duels in Star Wars before, but with the visuals, the emotion, the finality, and the poetic nature of it, Maul vs. Obi-Wan on Tatooine is far from the worst. In fact, to many, it is one of the best, with masterful storytelling.

1 He Is Awful In The Clone Wars & Should Have Stayed Dead

There used to be a lot of debate on whether or not Maul should have stayed dead. But much of it ceased to exist when Maul proved himself to be so brilliant in The Clone Wars and then Rebels.

Redditor u/TheDestineOne1000 says, “Maul should have stayed dead, and the TCW version is awful.” It is one thing to say Maul should have stayed dead; that is a minor unpopular opinion. However, to say that The Clone Wars version of the character was awful is a statement few fans of the show would agree with, given the quality of the voice performances, stories, and character development he underwent.

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