The Circle Interview Joey Sasso Stays True To Himself

The Circle Interview: Joey Sasso Stays True To Himself

Joey Sasso, star of The Circle, talks about being on reality TV and inspiring people from all around the world to live their best lives.

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The Circle Interview Joey Sasso Stays True To Himself

If you watched The Circle, Joey Sasso left an impression on you. It was more than his stentorian voice, his carefully planned out skincare routine or the fact that his loyalty knew no bounds. It was his insistence on staying true to his morals and convictions in a game set up to encourage lying and deception.

What’s incredible is that Joey managed to do all this and win, contributing to a culture of trust among the finalists that is unlikely to be replicated in future seasons. The Los Angeles-based actor, who didn’t want to be a reality television star until he stumbled upon The Circle, talked with Screen Rant about the people he’s inspired, the state of his relationship with Miranda Bissonnette and what he’s been up to since.

Screen Rant: Hello?

Joey Sasso: Heyyy budddy!

Joey! It’s great to hear from you. How is life after The Circle?

It’s been absolutely amazing. This entire experience has just exceeded all of my wildest expectations, in terms of audience embracing the show, things that have happened. For all of us, cast members and for the show, people have been so kind all around the world, reaching out, just sending well wishes and sharing their stories with us. Those are things I just never would have expected before the show came out.

Is there one story in particular that has touched you or made an impact on you?

A couple weeks ago, I was getting a lot of messages from the families in Australia dealing with the fires. They said, “We love re-watching the show and my kids love imitating you and talking to these certain people because it helps us escape this situation.” And when you’re dealing with such a true life-or-death situation that’s harming so many people, I just don’t know how anyone can not be taken aback by that and just go, “Wow, this really means so much to people and I really get to be a small part of that. It’s what makes it so special for me.”

Did you ever expect that The Circle would have this type of reach?

I was hopeful it would do well, but I didn’t know what to expect to tell you the truth. I just hoped audiences would find it, it would be a good show, people could have fun with it. But to see how it’s grown and it just keeps growing and people proudly embrace it. I never expected that. This is one of those lightning in a bottle situations that happens once in a lifetime. That’s what’s cool is meeting people and being able to say, “Dude, I’m the same guy as you. I’m no different than any other person on the street.” I just got to be a part of something cool that we’re all sharing and talking about together that I’m laughing about online. That, for me, when reflect on it, it really just makes me blessed and grateful for the entire situation.

You popped off the screen from the very beginning. Joey, how have you not been cast on other reality shows before The Circle?

I think that has to do with the fact that I’ve been an actor in L.A. for many years since I was 18, and I was never open to doing reality shows before because there was such a stigma that came with it. When the show came up, I looked it up to see what the show was and I said, “Wow, this is not a typical reality show.” This is not me in a house with every cast member partying and everything we’re used to seeing. So, the concept was what really drew me in because I can’t say any other reality show that has a message behind it besides this one. I think, what a great way for me to decide to do reality TV because it was everything I would’ve hoped for and more.

The Circle Interview Joey Sasso Stays True To Himself

What is The Circle’s message, in your opinion?

It was confusing for me to figure out, with the catfish angle and the social media angle, but once you really started looking at it, you see this is a real commentary of the world we live in today about judging a book by its cover from nothing more than a description and a profile picture. And that really made me think because I think that’s something that is so human today in this world. We all do that, whether we want to or not. It just becomes second nature to us. A bunch of people love the show and say, I judged you from the beginning and I learned not to judge a book by its cover. It really has spanned the entire world and people have taken something really cool from it from so many different people in the cast that represent so many different walks of life.

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You talked about being newly single. How did that help you succeed on The Circle?

I think how that helped me just to really have fun and be myself, not even in terms of flirting or anything like that. Just in terms of, there was no extra mental weight with what I was dealing with living in that apartment and being there day to day, minute to minute. If I was with the person I was with before, it could have been great. Could have been a great experience still, but I think my mind could have wandered to other places that it never did while I was there filming.

Did you know Rebecca was a catfish?

It’s crazy because I totally get how somebody would think, “How do you not recognize it?” But when you’re sitting there locked away, you’re really just going off the interaction that you have and looking at a picture. It really does become difficult to decipher and you don’t know who is who, so you start second guessing every person. And then when you see someone who is eliminated who is a catfish, you start thinking, maybe someone else really is who they say they are. I learned very quickly when I thought Antonio was a catfish, and I really believed that, and I realized how wrong I was. At this point, I don’t want to point the finger at anyone. Whoever they are pretending to be, I’ll try to form a relationship with that person and hope for the best.

The Circle Interview Joey Sasso Stays True To Himself

Your reaction when you saw Antonio wasn’t a catfish was hilarious.

Oh man, I was heartbroken. I really felt bad because I thought I was right. And it’s all fun and games on the show, but I talked and said terrible stuff about a guy who is really who he is. It’s not who I am as a person, so I said, “OK, now I’m just going to go with this. I don’t want to jump to any conclusions from this point forward.”

We saw you almost rank Shubham fourth at the end, but then you backed away from it and rated him second. Why wasn’t there more strategy employed on this season?

I think that’s also part of the lightning in the bottle experience in this is, I don’t think you’re going to have that happen in the show in another season. I think that this experience brought so many like-minded individuals who made it to the end, throughout the entire cast but for my four other cast mates who made it to the end with me, we all really ranked from our heart without thinking, “Who’s going to win. How can I get this money? How can I make it there?” And I think that goes to show, all of us shared the same experience of, this wasn’t about that. We really became a family in the end and let our hearts and love for each other speak with the ratings and not trying to be tactical, and I just don’t see a way that’s going to happen again in the future.

What was that final dinner like?

That entire day, it’s such a blur. To finally see that my friends are real people, which you always know. But now I’m going to see them, hear their voice, all these things. It’s so much anticipation that goes into it and I just remember walking in. Even with Seaburn saying he’s Rebecca, I just remember knowing, there’s no way everybody here is who they really say they are, so whoever isn’t who they say they are, I’m just going to give them a big hug, say congratulations and be friends with whoever they say they are. That’s why I remember going up to Seaburn, giving him the biggest hug and saying I’ve got to congratulate him because he made it to the end. The only person to do it successfully as a catfish. It was just a beautiful night where we could all say, we did this together, we made it to the end and just reflect on the experience. It’s one of the most special nights of my life that I really do still sit and reflect on.

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The Circle Interview Joey Sasso Stays True To Himself

You shared a kiss with Miranda. Where does that relationship stand?

We are definitely still in each other’s lives still and we care for each other. It’s just, we both live in different areas and we both have jobs, so it just makes it very difficult with that, but there’s been no drama, no falling out between each other. We really just care and love each other. We talk almost every day, Face Time, phone calls. I know all of her friends. She knows mine. But as far as dating goes for both of us, I don’t want to say if we’re together or not together. But, let’s say in the case we weren’t, I want her to be with someone who is going to respect her and treat her well, just like she deserves because I know she would say she wants the same for me and I think that’s a special thing to have with somebody.

What is the biggest change you’ve seen in yourself since going on The Circle? Or have you changed at all?

I think it’s just really affirmed what I was raised with from my mom and dad. Just being true to yourself and trusting your instincts, being loving and being good to people and embracing people is really the best way to live life. I really went into this with that mindset of, “I just want to go into this and be myself and not think of a monetary gain from this beautiful experience.” And to see how it all ended, not even me winning, if I would’ve just made it to the finals, it affirmed all those feelings that I had. I hope people who watch the show can be inspired to feel secure with themselves. I spoke to a girl who was in high school and she opened up to me about problems with herself and her body and people being rude to her and that’s where I feel so blessed that someone would open themselves, to tell them you are beautiful, you are great. There is only one version of you and people are going to try to tear you down, whether you’re a guy or a girl, young or old. It’s a part of life, but you need to just sit back and feel secure with yourself to power through each day.

That reminds me of the conversation you had with Sean when she was blocked.

That was a very difficult night for me. It was probably the most hardest night of the show for me.

If you had to be on another reality show, what would it be?

Anything on Bravo, because my sisters and mom and father are obsessed with all those housewives and all those types of shows.

If anyone from Bravo sees this, I bet you’ll be getting a call real soon.

My sisters would love that. Believe me. They would love that.

So what is life like in the world of Joey?

Right now, I have my film and post-production. Basically, I’ve just been going out and talking about the show with people like yourself and rubbing shoulders with fans. I still have been bartending, doing my thing. I’m an open, creative person with so many things and I’m really excited to see what experiences or doors might open for me that I didn’t have planned because with something like my acting career and my career in film, I feel very confident and have always been pursuing that. But I really am someone who jumps into the unknown with excitement. Change doesn’t put fear in me. It puts excitement, so I’m really just sitting back right now and hopefully something cool opens up and let’s do it. I’m game.

I have a good feeling some great opportunities will open up for you if they haven’t already.

All we can do is hope. But if nothing else, I know when I look back on this time of my life, unbelievable. Not a single thing to complain or feel bad about. It was everything I could have hoped for and more and I got to share it with my family and friends and fans all over the world. It really just makes you sit back in bed at night and say, “Wow, I must have done something right in my life. I’m a blessed man.”

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