Teen Wolf 10 Most Dangerous Hunters Ranked

Teen Wolf: 10 Most Dangerous Hunters, Ranked


Although the hunters of Teen Wolf swore to protect the residents of Beacon Hills, not all of them were selfless. Some ended up going rogue in the end.

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Teen Wolf 10 Most Dangerous Hunters Ranked

Although Scott McCall’s (Tyler Posey) pack has faced off against a ton of threatening and violent villains in Teen Wolf, it was the hunters that proved to be the most difficult. Appearing in all six seasons, the hunters started as minor antagonists whose main priority was to protect their town from supernatural threats. However, after they began recruiting new candidates and increasing their power, some hunters’ priorities began to change.

While fans have been introduced to several hunters and their families, there have only been a select few that were dangerous threats to Scott’s pack. Whether it’s because they have been consumed by vengeance or their hatred for the supernatural, Scott and his friends have been lucky to escape with their lives when they came face to face with these individuals.

10 Nolan Holloway

Teen Wolf 10 Most Dangerous Hunters Ranked

Introduced in season 6, Nolan Holloway (Froy Gutierrez) was one of the last hunters to appear on the show after being recruited by Gerard Argent (Michael Hogan) and Tamora Monroe (Sibongile Mlambo). Although he wasn’t as skilled as some of the other hunters, he still knew how to work a crossbow and several poisons effectively.

However, beyond that, Nolan wasn’t much of a threat to Scott’s pack. While he initially held a grudge against Liam because of his supernatural abilities, it quickly became clear that he was just scared of what he couldn’t understand. Nolan didn’t even want to kill anybody, and once he realized what Monroe was up to, he defected from The Hunters. He was practically harmless.

9 Gabe

Teen Wolf 10 Most Dangerous Hunters Ranked

A member of Monroe’s army, Gabe (Andrew Matarazzo) was another hunter who was sadly manipulated by the leaders of the organization into believing that all supernatural creatures were monsters. Under their guidance, Gabe became one of their more promising recruits after they trained to use firearms and crossbows.

Gabe was a bigger threat to Scott’s pack as he was willing to take the lives of anyone Monroe ordered him to. Unfortunately, it was his naivety and lack of experience that led to his downfall. Without him properly protecting himself and rushing into battles headfirst, Gabe often left himself open to attack (which his enemies capitalized upon).

8 Marie-Jeanne Valet

Teen Wolf 10 Most Dangerous Hunters Ranked

Officially known as the first hunter in the Argent family, Marie-Jeanne Valet (Crystal Reed) was an excellent markswoman, who was vastly loved by the members of her village. What made her particularly unique was the fact that she was the only person who was able to take down the Beast of Gévaudan by using sheer wit, intelligence, and skills in crafts.

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Although she only appeared in one episode, Marie-Jeanne could have certainly proved to be a dangerous threat to the McCall pack if the writers wanted her to. However, there just wasn’t a villainous bone in her body. All Marie-Jeanne wanted to do was protect the citizens of Gévaudan from harm and keep them safe. If she would have met Scott’s pack, she may have been suspicious of them but would have likely left them alone since they were harmless.

7 Chris Argent

Teen Wolf 10 Most Dangerous Hunters Ranked

Arguably one of the most likable members of the Argent family, Chris Argent (JR Bourne) underwent a significant transformation on Teen Wolf. Introduced as the first antagonist of the show, fans initially hated him since he was constantly trying to kill Scott. However, over time, his resolve towards the supernatural began to wane and he soon became a strong ally.

Like many of his ancestors, Chris was quite a dangerous hunter since he was a skilled marksman who was trained in a variety of firearms and knew how to lay traps. He was a prolific combat fighter, managing to defeat some of the most powerful supernatural beings on Teen Wolf, including the Oni, Berserkers, and the Ghost Riders. While he wasn’t as aggressive as the other hunters in his family, Chris could finish a job done if necessary.

6 The Calaveras

Teen Wolf 10 Most Dangerous Hunters Ranked

While they mainly appeared in season 4, the Calaveras proved to be a ruthless family of hunters. Where the Argents eventually delegated away from the hunter’s code and changed it, the Calaveras rigidly stuck to it. They also appear to be great markspeople and were gifted in combat fighting.

Although the Calavera family didn’t give Scott’s pack a hard time, they could have become a threat if they allowed their morals to be compromised. After all, they didn’t have any qualms in warning Scott that they would execute him if they found out he had turned another person into a werewolf and tortured his friends to get what they wanted. However, since they swore to protect all innocents, including humans and the supernatural, they wouldn’t allow themselves to go that far.

5 Allison Argent

Teen Wolf 10 Most Dangerous Hunters Ranked

Although she is considered one of the most likable characters on Teen Wolf, Allison Argent (Crystal Reed) certainly had a dark side that almost saw her turn become a villain. While she changed the family’s code and swore to protect those who couldn’t defend themselves, there was a time when she broke her own personal code after her mother’s death.

Driven by vengeance, Allison used her skills in archery and tactics to trap Vernon Boyd (Sinqua Walls), Erica Reyes (Gage Golightly), and Isaac Lahey (Daniel Sharman), so she could kill them. She even planned to kill Derek Hale (Tyler Hoechlin) and helped to incapacitate his uncle, Peter (Ian Bohen). Her rage made her a more reckless and threatening hunter.

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4 Tamora Monroe

Teen Wolf 10 Most Dangerous Hunters Ranked

The protégé of Gerard Argent, Tamora Monroe has certainly picked up her mentor’s cause by attempting to eliminate all of the supernatural beings all over the world. However, she didn’t stop there. Monroe would also murder any innocents who got in the way of her goal or aligned themselves with Scott’s pack.

Monroe was by far one of the bravest hunters, with the former guidance counselor having no qualms in going after some of Teen Wolf’s most powerful alphas. With the revelation that her army has even expanded beyond Beacon Hills, it also appears that Monroe is an expert manipulator. Combining all this with her hunting skills, Scott’s pack has one of the most difficult foes they have yet to defeat.

3 Victoria Argent

Teen Wolf 10 Most Dangerous Hunters Ranked

The original Argent matriarch and probably one of the worst characters in Teen Wolf, Victoria (Eaddy Mays) made several enemies among the fans after she relentlessly tried to murder Scott. Driven by her prejudices against the supernatural, Victoria was determined to eliminate all werewolves – even going as far as to break their own code of harming innocents.

With the addition of her skills in combat and her strong leadership, Victoria had the potential to become one of the most lethal hunters in the show’s history. If she accepted her supernatural status too, it would have been almost impossible to stop her. However, fans would never find out the answer to this since she was killed off before this could be explored.

2 Kate Argent

Teen Wolf 10 Most Dangerous Hunters Ranked

Although Kate Argent (Jill Wagner) was introduced as Allison’s fun and cool aunt, she would later turn out to be one of the biggest villains on the show. Driven by hate and a love for hunting, Kate would cross any line to make sure she completed a mission.

Not only did she take great joy in physically and mentally torturing Derek Hale (Tyler Hoechlin) and mocking him over his family’s death, but Kate didn’t even care about hurting and killing children either. Her sadistic tendencies certainly made her an individual that should not be trifled with.

1 Gerard Argent

Out of all the hunters that have been introduced to the show, there has not been one as terrifying as Gerard Argent. Gerard was a ruthless hunter, who was consumed by his hatred of the supernatural and wanted them all dead.

It was Gerard’s intelligence that made him the most dangerous individual of all. While he knew how to use a firearm, Gerard’s greatest strength was seen in how he managed to exploit everyone’s weakness. He managed to successfully drive wedges between Scott and his friends and even manipulated his own family against each other, breaking years of trust. Everyone’s guards had to be up at all times when he was around since he couldn’t be underestimated.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/teen-wolf-hunters-most-dangerous/

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