The Bundy Tapes Most Unsettling Reveals from the Netflix Ted Bundy Doc

The Bundy Tapes: Most Unsettling Reveals from the Netflix Ted Bundy Doc


Netflix’s four-part docuseries The Bundy Tapes profiles the American serial killer Ted Bundy. We break down all the most unnerving reveals.

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The Bundy Tapes Most Unsettling Reveals from the Netflix Ted Bundy Doc

Netflix’s Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes examines a famous American criminal. Based on real-life discussions between authors Stephen G. Michaud and Hugh Aynesworth, the four-part true crime documentary chronicles Ted Bundy’s murders from 1974 to 1978, along with his arrest and 1989 execution.

Well-educated and charismatic, Bundy defied the typical serial killer profile. In fact, his arrest led the F.B.I. to reassess their investigative approach. Over the past 40 years, much has been written about Bundy’s personality and motivations. However, Netflix’s documentary offers an updated Bundy commentary, along with a disturbing snapshot of late 70s American culture and the circumstances that allowed the subject to go unnoticed.

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Here are the most unsetting reveals from Netflix’s The Bundy Tapes, directed by Joe Berlinger.


The Bundy Tapes Most Unsettling Reveals from the Netflix Ted Bundy Doc

Viewers expecting four hours of “conversation” will be disappointed. The Bundy Tapes’ premise is merely a “MacGuffin,” a narrative device used to advance the story in order to make larger points – in this case, about the subject and society as a whole. By the second episode, “the conversation” becomes almost non-existent, as the documentary strays from its premise to focus on people associated with Bundy’s case, along with the media coverage.

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In the first episode, the aforementioned Michaud describes his first meeting with Bundy on death row, and the realization that the subject didn’t actually want to confess to any crimes. Instead, Bundy wanted a celebrity bio. The documentary reinforces the killer’s well-documented narcissism and delusion, as he rejects any type of psychological profile and paints a positive portrait of his childhood. Ultimately, Michaud uses a third-person approach to allow Bundy to philosophize about how someone could have committed all the crimes he’d been associated with. The documentary’s premise is misleading, though it does highlight the idea that Bundy is the ultimate unreliable narrator.


The Bundy Tapes Most Unsettling Reveals from the Netflix Ted Bundy Doc

Per Michaud, Bundy went on a road trip after losing weight and escaping from his cell in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, this coming after he’d previously escaped from an Aspen courthouse one year before. According to the author, the story goes that Bundy took a bus to Denver, booked a flight to Chicago, and then drove to Ann Arbor, Michigan, where he watched the University of Michigan play against his alma mater, the University of Washington, on television.

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At the time, Bundy was “just a legend in his own time zone,” as Michaud notes in The Bundy Tapes. Two weeks later, he arrived in Florida and killed more women.


Because The Bundy Tapes doesn’t commit to the “conversation” premise, exposition becomes important. So, the filmmakers initially cover the basic facts about Bundy’s murders in Washington, Utah, and Colorado. Various interviewees offer insight into the subject’s frame of mind, and how he managed to escape from custody twice. However, the most unnerving moments emerge when The Bundy Tapes zeroes in on the subject’s 1978 Florida rampage, during which he murdered and terrorized women at a Tallahassee sorority house, and later killed a 12-year-old girl.

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The Bundy Tapes’ Florida sequences are both disturbing and revealing, as the documentary zeroes in on a specific time and place, and the horrible details of the crimes. First and foremost, this portion reminds that poor security measures directly led to more women being killed. In addition, these particular scenes depict Bundy’s killing methods, and in graphic detail. Upon being arrested, Bundy refused to identify himself, prompting the local media to label him a “mystery man” during news broadcasts. And when Bundy is finally captured and charged with murder, he’s seen standing side-by-side with a Florida sheriff, uncuffed, while performing for a public audience with cameras rolling. The subsequent courtroom footage is even more perplexing, as Bundy’s logic betrays the facts being presented. While the Florida sequences aren’t comprised of entirely new footage and crime details, the collective moments bring out the real Ted Bundy, allowing the audience to better understand the man behind the myth.

Page 2: The Bite Mark, Sex, Drugs, and Alcohol on Death Row, and Pop Culture

Q.V. Hough is a senior writer at Screen Rant. He’s also the founding editor at Vague Visages, and has contributed to and Fandor.

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