The 9 Best Muppets Haunted Mansion Characters

The 9 Best Muppets Haunted Mansion Characters


As Gonzo and Pepe explore the Haunted Mansion, they come in contact with some memorable characters played by the Muppets and celebrity guest stars.

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The 9 Best Muppets Haunted Mansion Characters

The new Halloween special Muppets Haunted Mansion is a fun and zany combination of the Muppets and Disney’s iconic attraction. As Gonzo and Pepe attempt to stay the night in the Haunted Mansion, they come in contact with all kinds of ghosts and ghouls played by the other Muppets and celebrity guest stars.

Some of the characters are interpretations of those found in the iconic ride, while others are originals created specifically for the special. In the special, the characters that stand out the most are not just funny and goofy, but also find a way to show their heart as well.

9 The Hearse Driver

The 9 Best Muppets Haunted Mansion Characters

As the Hearse Driver takes Gonzo and Pepe to the Haunted Mansion, she provides the first clue about the terrors that await them by mentioning that she has dropped many people off but never needed to pick them up.

She plays a brief but important role as she sets an ominous and forbidding tone. She provides some nice closure to the story as she returns to pick them up at the end. The character also has a couple of funny lines and even gets to reject Pepe’s romantic advances.

8 Miss Piggy

The 9 Best Muppets Haunted Mansion Characters

In one of the funniest bits in the special, Miss Piggy appears dressed as Kermit at the Muppets’ Halloween party. Miss Piggy’s self-serving costume that turns out to be a setup so she can complement herself is a moment that perfectly captures her character and Kermit’s reluctant participation demonstrates why their relationship is so great.

Inside the Haunted Mansion, Miss Piggy steps in for Madame Leota as the floating head inside the crystal ball, which leads to some antics as she conjures the Electric Mayhem. Miss Piggy’s sass and attitude come through even when she is only a floating head.

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7 Gauzy The Hatbox Bear

The 9 Best Muppets Haunted Mansion Characters

For fans of the Haunted Mansion ride, the Hatbox Ghost is one of the most iconic characters. Fozzie Bear does the character justice as Gauzy The Hatbox Bear. Gauzy integrates this into his standup act as he tells supernatural-themed jokes.

The best part of his act comes as he uses the hatbox head switching gag from the ride to emphasize his punchlines. By putting a uniquely Muppets spin on an homage to the attraction, the Hotbox Bear is a funny and memorable character.

6 The Caretaker

The 9 Best Muppets Haunted Mansion Characters

Before Gonzo and Pepe even step foot in the Haunted Mansion, they encounter the Caretaker, who is digging graves that are later revealed to be for them. The Caretaker then leads the first song in the special, bringing the ghosts to life and telling the stories of their deaths.

The Caretaker is a perfect example of the way the special balances references to the ride with Muppet silliness as he is dressed exactly like the groundskeeper from the ride but sings a fun and spooky song full of puns and jokes.

5 The Ghost Host

The 9 Best Muppets Haunted Mansion Characters

Welcoming Gonzo and Pepe to the Haunted Mansion, the Ghost Host gets to recite many of the iconic lines from the ride, including the hilariously modified “welcome, foolish Muppets.” With a gravelly voice and a theatrical delivery, he is spooky in a silly way.

The Ghost Host also has a funny running joke with Pepe in which he may or may not speak Spanish. While the character appears to be sinister, he is actually guiding Gonzo through the process of facing his fear. He is a ridiculous character who holds all of the madness together and directs the action.

4 Constance Hatchaway

The 9 Best Muppets Haunted Mansion Characters

While many of the other ghosts are happy haunts that just want to have a good time, Constance Hatchaway is actively trying to kill Pepe. She is an alluring but dangerous ghost who marries Muppets and then kills them in brutal ways.

She is a great villain who is equally charming and sinister. She gets some funny lines as she tries to speak Spanish to Pepe and as she makes a series of puns about wanting to kill him. Constance Hatchaway also gets to drop the iconic line “hurry back” at the end of the special just like she does in the ride.

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3 Kermit

The 9 Best Muppets Haunted Mansion Characters

As the most iconic Muppet, Kermit is often one of the best characters in any Muppet story but he has a smaller than usual role in Muppets Haunted Mansion. Despite this, Kermit is still a standout character who has a nice blend of funny and heartfelt moments. Seeing him dressed in a Miss Piggy costume is particularly funny.

But Kermit really shines in the scenes where Gonzo realizes how good of a friend he is and how much he actually cares about Gonzo. This bond of friendship is what gives Gonzo the motivation he needs to face his fears and get back to his friends.

2 Pepe

The 9 Best Muppets Haunted Mansion Characters

In Muppets Haunted Mansion, Pepe mostly serves as the comedic relief. Throughout the special, Pepe is actively looking for a date and the opportunity to hobnob with celebrities. His romantic misadventures lead to some of the best comedic moments in the special and build to the climax of his wedding with Constance Hatchaway, proving that Pepe is not cut out for a horror movie.

Pepe is a great partner to pair with Gonzo on this adventure as they have such different personalities and goals. He is a funny character that gets to be goofy and over-the-top while Gonzo carries more of the emotional weight in the story.

1 Gonzo

As the star of Muppets Haunted Mansion, Gonzo gets plenty of screentime to fully flesh out his emotional journey. He begins the special assured that nothing can scare him but his experience in the Haunted Mansion teaches him that he is afraid of losing his friends and growing old alone.

In a scene that is truly scary for a Muppets kid’s movie, Gonzo is forced to come face to face with an older and lonely version of himself. For a silly movie about ghosts, these moments added an extra layer of depth and heart that help elevate the Muppets apart from other family-friendly entertainment.

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