10 Most Powerful Members Of The Teen Titans In Comics Ranked

10 Most Powerful Members Of The Teen Titans In Comics, Ranked


The Teen Titans went from a team of sidekicks to one of DC’s most powerful teams, and here is a look at the 10 most powerful members in comics.

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10 Most Powerful Members Of The Teen Titans In Comics Ranked

When the Teen Titans first appeared in DC Comics, it was a book that allowed the sidekicks of the company’s strongest heroes to come into their own. The series featured young teenage heroes that mostly lived in the shadows of their mentors, and they finally had a chance to show they could beat bad guys without just backing up superior heroes.

That has changed over the years, with the Teen Titans becoming a powerhouse team all on their own. When the New Teen Titans debuted, it was mostly fresh characters that were not former sidekicks, and this meant the power level of the team went up drastically. Today, some of the Teen Titans members are even stronger than several Justice League members.

10 Terra

10 Most Powerful Members Of The Teen Titans In Comics Ranked

Tara Markov will forever be known as the Teen Titans member that betrayed the team, broke Beast Boy’s heart, and almost destroyed the entire squad. She was a member taken in who was working for Deathstroke the entire time and this played out in The Judas Effect.

What makes her so impressive is that she not only won over the Titans’ hearts in the start, but she was a powerful member of the team. She has geokinesis, which means she can control the earth and use psychokinetic control to use masses of earth and rocks as weapons. It isn’t up to the level of other members but puts her on a level above the team’s more human fighters.

9 Miss Martian

10 Most Powerful Members Of The Teen Titans In Comics Ranked

Miss Martian is Martian Manhunter’s niece, and she shares similar powers to him. Martian Manhunter is one of the Justice League’s most powerful members, even rivaling Superman for pure power, but his niece is a step below that level.

Like her uncle, Miss Martian can shapeshift and turn invisible, which are nice powers to have. However, for her pure power levels, while fighting, she mostly relies on her superhuman strength and her telepathy, which she can use to both control and throw off her opponents.

8 Aqualad

10 Most Powerful Members Of The Teen Titans In Comics Ranked

There have been different versions of Aqualad in DC Comics. The first was Garth, the sidekick for Aquaman. While Aquaman was one of the most powerful heroes on the planet, especially when underwater, Garth was always a step below, while still more powerful than most of the original Teen Titans.

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The second was Jackson Hyde. He was a regular kid who ended up with his powers because his mother was an Atlantean. He can control water, which gives him a similar power to Mera, and he can shoot powerful Electro-Blasts, which can take out several enemies at once.

7 Kid Flash

10 Most Powerful Members Of The Teen Titans In Comics Ranked

The Flash is one of Earth’s most powerful heroes. He can move so fast that he can reverse time, alter time, and even beat someone before they even know he is there. It was Flash who saved the entire multiverse in Crisis on Infinite Earths, something Superman couldn’t even do.

Kid Flash in the Teen Titans is not as fast as Barry Allen. There have been several people in the role, with Wally West the most powerful. Even if not up to the level of Barry, the superhuman speed and ability to alter time makes them a powerful hero that is invaluable to the team and makes him more powerful than most teammates.

6 Blue Beetle

10 Most Powerful Members Of The Teen Titans In Comics Ranked

The Blue Beetle in the Teen Titans is not the same one that was in the Justice League. This is Jaime Reyes, a young man who gained the powers when he found the alien scarab that attached itself to him. Much like the original Blue Beetle, this made him extremely powerful.

With the scarab, he can turn his armor into any kind of weapon, from a plasma cannon to melee weapons. He can also develop wings and fly and with the power of the alien, he can beat almost anyone. While he lacks full control of the scarab, he is still more powerful than almost any other Teen Titan who wasn’t born with their powers.

5 Wonder Girl

10 Most Powerful Members Of The Teen Titans In Comics Ranked

The original Wonder Girl was Donna Troy, one of the original members of the Teen Titans and a young member of the Amazonian warriors. The later version was Cassie Sandsmark, and she might be one of the most powerful Amazonian warriors.

Cassie is Zeus’ granddaughter, which makes her Wonder Woman’s niece and someone with immense power. With the godlike powers as a descendant of Zeus, she even had her powers upgraded by Ares when she became his champion on Earth, making her close to, but not equal to Wonder Woman.

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4 Starfire

10 Most Powerful Members Of The Teen Titans In Comics Ranked

Starfire is an alien who fled to Earth when her evil sister overtook the throne of her home planet. She already had superpowers, to begin with, but before she escaped her home planet, she received new powers through torturous experimentation.

Starfire has superhuman strength, speed, and durability and is nearly invulnerable. She can also shoot energy blasts called Starbolts that can reach almost supernova levels. Her alien physiology puts her above most other members of the Teen Titans.

3 Superboy

10 Most Powerful Members Of The Teen Titans In Comics Ranked

The Superboy that was in the Teen Titans was Conor Kent, the clone created and introduced after the Death of Superman storyline. Because N.O.W.H.E.R.E. created Superboy from Superman and Lex Luthor’s DNA, he is an incredibly powerful warrior.

Superboy was part of Young Justice first and then joined the Teen Titans when the former team broke up. Superboy has the same powers as DC’s most powerful hero Superman but on a smaller scale. While not as strong as Superman, he eclipses all other Teen Titans members in strength but falls behind two in power levels.

2 Cyborg

10 Most Powerful Members Of The Teen Titans In Comics Ranked

Cyborg has become stronger since the New 52 than he was in the pre-Flashpoint era, and he was very powerful back then as well. Vic Stone can take control of any computer system on Earth and do anything he wants with it. Only his moral compass limits his use of this power.

He is also a walking computer, so he can learn anything he needs instantaneously to solve any problem and beat any enemy. Added to Cyborg’s computer powers, he also can create any weapon to use out of his body and can draw power from the entire multiverse. No human or alien on the Teen Titans is more powerful than Cyborg.

1 Raven

Raven is proof that you don’t have to be strong to be one of Earth’s most powerful heroes. Raven’s father is the all-powerful demon Trigon, but she maintains a moral compass thanks to her human mother and the family Raven found with the Teen Titans.

Raven, a half-demon, has a strong control of dark magic. While she has to fight to maintain control over her emotions, she can do just about anything with the Darkness in battle. Trigon has admitted that Raven only uses a small part of her demonic powers and if she cut loose, she could have infinite magical power. No one on the Teen Titans comes close to her true powers.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/teen-titans-comics-most-powerful-members-ranked/

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