The Last Kingdom 10 Worst Things Uhtred Has Done

The Last Kingdom: 10 Worst Things Uhtred Has Done


Uhtred might be everyone’s favorite Dane Slayer but it did take fans a while to get here. After all, he has made some grave and horrific mistakes along the way.

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The Last Kingdom 10 Worst Things Uhtred Has Done

Uhtred was introduced in the first season of The Last Kingdom as Uhtred Ragnarson and Uhtred of Bebbanburg. However, when he moved to Wessex and accepted Alfred as his king without accepting Alfred’s God, he became Uhtred the godless. With Alfred dead, Wessex in dire need of his sword, and no hope of retaking his home, Uhtred has evolved into the man that has fought so much for nothing.

He wins all the battles for other people except his own, and whoever he gets close to dies. For a kingmaker and the man at the center of the unity of the four Saxon kingdoms to form England, Uhtred can hardly be described as a success. He has made lots of mistakes in his life, and most of the key decisions he made were wrong.

10 Abandoning Brida

The Last Kingdom 10 Worst Things Uhtred Has Done

Brida loves Uhtred so much that she followed him into Wessex to try and strike a deal with Alfred on retaking Bebbanburg from his uncle. All she ever wanted from Uhtred was for him to give some of that love back and for him to be honest with her, but it seems Uhtred cannot do that.

Uhtred chose Alfred over love for Brida and abandoned her just after she miscarried her first child, a time when she needed him the most. Brida also doubts Uhtred’s faith in the gods, which affected their relationship and pushed her closer to Ragnar. Uhtred just chose to ignore Brida’s feelings.

9 Abandoning Young Ragnar

The Last Kingdom 10 Worst Things Uhtred Has Done

Young Ragnar is the only Dane that never abandoned Uhtred in The Last Kingdom. Whenever Uhtred found himself in trouble with the Saxons, Ragnar always took him back as a brother. Ragnar was strong enough to form the Great Dane Army with which he planned to finally take Wessex, and he would have loved for Uhtred to be there by his side.

While the alliance was weak, Ragnar would have made it work if Uhtred stayed to help him manage the other Dane leaders. Instead, Uhtred chose to rescue Aethelflaed, even after her father betrayed him, leaving his brother with dishonorable men like Cnut and Aethelwold. Uhtred was just as much to blame for Ragnar’s death as Aethelwold.

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8 Looting Cornwalum

The Last Kingdom 10 Worst Things Uhtred Has Done

Alfred was wrong to force Uhtred into taking land in recompense for the huge debt to the church and the crown, but Uhtred was stupid to attack a friendly nation to pay that debt. King Peredur and Skorpa were both evil men and didn’t deserve the loyalty of a man like Uhtred.

His attack on Cornwall created a problem for Alfred in Wessex since Alfred was also responsible for the church in Wessex. He forced Alfred’s hand so much that Alfred had to sentence him to death. Sadly, through a duel to the death with his best friend, Leofric.

7 Mistreating Mildrith

The Last Kingdom 10 Worst Things Uhtred Has Done

Mildrith was an innocent, loving wife forced to marry Uhtred just as Uhtred was forced into the same union. She still tried her best to be a wife to him, a man that neither loved her nor accepted her religion. The very lands Uhtred live on belonged to her father, but Uhtred never seemed to appreciate that.

He brought the same teenage arrogance he had with Brida to his marriage with Mildrith causing her extreme unhappiness. The peak of Mildrith’s troubles came when Uhtred accepted Iseult’s offer of healing Alfred’s child by magic at the risk of another child dying, knowing very well that his own wife was pregnant.

6 Affiliation For Skade

The Last Kingdom 10 Worst Things Uhtred Has Done

Uhtred is a womanizer that doesn’t seem to get satisfied with the love of one woman. Not even one as good as Gisela. Skade, on the other hand, was a troublemaking sorcerer that was willing to sleep with any man that would grant her power.

His affiliation with Skade also turned him into the sorcerer’s slave as he lost the ability to make any wise decisions with the power she held over him. Skade’s control caused more death to Uhtred’s friends and family than any other mistake Uhtred has made so far.

5 Sparing Haesten

The Last Kingdom 10 Worst Things Uhtred Has Done

If betrayal and selfishness was a person, it would be called Haesten. He always finds a way of messing everyone’s life up in a way that benefits him. He was the reason why Young Ragnar’s great Dane army disintegrated in the first place, but wouldn’t have happened if Uhtred had killed him when he had the chance in Beamfleot.

Uhtred then spared Haesten again when he met him with Earl Cnut’s children even after he learned about his participation in the plan to kill Young Ragnar. Haesten went ahead to join Sigtryggr in the Siege of Wessex, becoming Uhtred’s problem once again.

4 Trusting Guthred

The Last Kingdom 10 Worst Things Uhtred Has Done

Killing Kjartan and Sven was the mission when Uhtred formed an alliance with Guthred and helped him become the king of Northumbria. However, Guthred was a weak king that was easily swayed into making rush decisions from the time Uhtred made him King.

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With advisors like Ulf and Bishop Eadred, the alliance was bound to fail, and Uhtred knew there was no one he could trust in Guthred’s circle. Uhtred still stayed there, hoping that Guthred wouldn’t do the worst since he made him king. In the end, Guthred sold him as a slave to Sveri and ended up forming an alliance with the very men he swore to help Uhtred defeat.

3 Underestimating Aelfric

The Last Kingdom 10 Worst Things Uhtred Has Done

After years of waiting for the chance to go back to Bebbanburg and take revenge on his uncle, Uhtred finally did it in season 4. However, it was a total disaster. For a man that has had to wait so long for the chance to go back home, Uhtred should have been more serious about the battle for Bebbanburg.

With Edward refusing to offer reinforcements and Aethelfaed’s hands tied, Uhtred should have looked for another way to find fighters. Taking such a small army to a castle as defended as Bebbanburg, even with weakened forces, was a suicide mission. He destroyed what was perhaps the only chance he had of ever going back home.

2 Choosing To Stay In Wessex

The Last Kingdom 10 Worst Things Uhtred Has Done

When Alfred died, Uhtred was a free man for the first time in many years. He had not sworn his sword to Edward, which was a smart move and was no longer needed in Wessex. When Aeslwith rescinded Alfred’s pardon, even with Edward upholding it, it was obvious that Uhtred wasn’t welcome in Wessex anymore.

Instead of going to Mercia or any other place where he could rebuild and form an army to retake Bebbanburg, he chose to stay and fight for Edward. His service to Wessex has diminished since Alfred’s death; all he seems to do is waste time he could have used to retake Bebbanburg.

1 Taking Beocca To Bebbanburg

When Father Beocca died, Uhtred confessed that he was the only true friend he ever had. Beocca tried his best to be a father figure to Uhtred after his father died. Beocca also encouraged Uhtred’s alliance with Alfred, which has turned him into an important figure in England’s future.

Allowing him to come to Bebbanburg on his doomed mission was stupid of Uhtred. Beocca was a good man with a big heart that would do anything to protect Uhtred. He died to protect Young Uhtred, a situation that could have been avoided if Uhtred had planned his mission effectively.

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