10 Anime Heroes Darker Than Their Villains

10 Anime Heroes Darker Than Their Villains


Some of the best protagonists in anime are those that stretch the definition of what a hero can be by going to depths that even villains avoid.

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10 Anime Heroes Darker Than Their Villains

Some of the best anime are those that put a twist on traditional protagonists, presenting dark antiheroes struggling with issues far more complicated than good vs evil. Sometimes these characters start naive and are slowly transformed by a vicious world, and other times they were just born different from the typical squeaky-clean hero. Either way, these protagonists make for fascinating yet flawed characters, pulling in audiences for series like Attack on Titan or Charlotte.

While anime also hosts some of the darkest and most memorable antagonists out there, there are times when even the villains are overshadowed by these twisted heroes. These “heroes” prove that just because they’re the protagonist character, it doesn’t mean they are good guys.

Lelouch Lamperouge – Code Geass: Lelouch Of The Rebellion

10 Anime Heroes Darker Than Their Villains

Upon gaining the power to command others with his Geass, Lelouch sets himself apart from anime protagonists by ordering soldiers to kill themselves. While Lelouch is charismatic, his increasingly brutal and manipulative actions make it hard to see him in the traditional hero role.

Lelouch becomes especially hard to root for due to his ineffectual leadership of the rebellion, leading to many deaths. While he has little empathy for others and no qualms of abusing his Geass, Lelouch seems motivated by vengeance in comparison to the emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire who, despite being similarly immoral, seems motivated to make the world better.

Shinji Ikari – Neon Genesis Evangelion

10 Anime Heroes Darker Than Their Villains

For anyone unfamiliar with Evangelion, it would be easy to expect Shinji Ikari to be the typical, positive, determined anime protagonist of so many Shounen anime. Shinji turns out to be almost the polar opposite, needing to be coerced by everyone around him to even be tempted to try to save the Earth. A friendship with one of the forces intent on destroying humanity leaves his faith in his allies even more shaken.

As the plot of the must-watch single-season anime develops, Shinji’s dilemma becomes easier to understand as the audience is left confused as to who is right and wrong. Even so, he still remains a complex and morally gray character in a similarly morally ambiguous world.

Emiya Kiritsugu – Fate/Zero

10 Anime Heroes Darker Than Their Villains

In a magical world deeply vested in codes of honor and tradition, Emiya Kiritsugu is the one man willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. In stark contrast to the hero he commands, Artoria Pendragon, Kiritsugu is deeply pragmatic and would never take a fair fight if he could help it.

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This contrast hits a breaking point when Kiritsugu takes a hostage to cheat another contender out of their place in the Holy Grail War, showing no remorse in the process. Whilst his rival, Kirei Kotomine, is also no stranger to bending the rules of the tournament, Emiya Kiritsugu is more than willing to match the villain in ruthlessness.

Natsuki Subaru – Re:Zero Starting Life In Another World

10 Anime Heroes Darker Than Their Villains

Natsuki Subaru is one of the most fascinating protagonists of recent years. He embodies both a normal, happy guy stuck in a magical world, while also showing a real and fearful reaction to the dangers in it. It’s easy to feel sorry for him as he has to see his friends die again and again.

What makes the protagonist darker than the villains of Re:Zero is that none of the villains are shown falling to the depths that Subaru does. Subaru is shown treating his friends and allies horribly. He gives into despair at times when the others needed him. Only by returning after his death is Subaru able to erase the evidence of some of his misdeeds.

Yato – Noragami

10 Anime Heroes Darker Than Their Villains

Yato is a minor god who happens to be down on his luck in the modern world, granting small wishes in the hopes for little offerings of faith. He tells young Hiyori Iki that he’s a “delivery god” after the girl is hit by a car attempting to save him, causing her soul to come loose from her body.

Again, Yato does exactly what the audience would expect a hero to do, agreeing to help her try to return to normal. After enlisting the help of Hiyori, the two become allies and friends. What Yato failed to tell the girl is that he is a former God of Calamity who had a part in horrific battles in the past. Despite his appearance, Yato is anything but the harmless God of Fortune he attempts to pass himself off as.

Light Yagami – Death Note

10 Anime Heroes Darker Than Their Villains

When he first picks up the Death Note, Light immediately begins to imagine what he can do with this newfound power, setting him apart from typical protagonists. His rival, L, fits much better in the hero role for Death Note. Instead, Light becomes harder and harder to root for in the battle of minds between the two. Both have moments where they are right for different reasons in the show.

Light’s dream of using the Death Note to murder criminals and create a perfect world already stretches the idea that ends always justify means. As Kira’s reign of terror continues, this becomes even more true as Light becomes a feared tyrant due to the power that he wields.

Jaden Yuki – Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

10 Anime Heroes Darker Than Their Villains

A hero darker than the villain is the last thing that the viewer would expect from a show aimed at a much younger audience, which tends to focus on clear-cut good versus evil. Jaden Yuki becomes just that in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. At the age of 15, Jaden is bright, optimistic, and loves dueling. He’s happy-go-lucky and throws out chirpy catchphrases all the while.

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However, the show and the character take a dark turn as he is forced into far tougher situations and decisions. Jaden has to deal with loss and accept the fact that he can’t save everyone. His guilt and self-doubt affect him deeply, culminating in him being taken over by an incredibly destructive power.

Eren Yeager – Attack On Titan

10 Anime Heroes Darker Than Their Villains

It is clear from the beginning of Attack of Titan that Eren Yeager is a character fueled by feelings of anger and vengeance. After being dragged away from his mother as she lay trapped about to be eaten by a Titan, Eren enters military training. He’s determined to wipe all Titans out of existence if he can.

Whilst the Titans are largely mindless and motivated only by hunger and violent urges, Eren’s feelings slowly turn into something more sinister as he discovers more about the world outside of the walls. It isn’t long before even his friends begin to realize that Eren isn’t their ally anymore and may be their greatest threat in one of the bleakest anime worlds.

Yuu Otosaka – Charlotte

10 Anime Heroes Darker Than Their Villains

By the beginning of Charlotte, Yuu has already been abusing his power to momentarily take control of another person’s body in secret for years. Though this takes the form of mostly minor offenses like cheating on school entrance exams, the character is shown to be willing to use his power to do wrong if he has to.

After being caught in the act of abusing his powers, Yuu is forced to attend a school for other individuals with supernatural abilities where he is unable to get away with his old way. He is eventually burdened with a task far bigger than he ever imagined. Even so, Yuu still has the desire to save his own skin and run away if the situation calls for it.

Rintarou Okabe – Steins;Gate

The eccentric scientist main character of Steins;Gate makes for an unusual hero, who often lets his delusions of grandeur outshine his better qualities, like his loyalty to his friends. While he did discover successful time travel, Okabe finds himself tortured by the fact that no matter how much he tries to change the past in an attempt to get to a bright future, he can’t succeed.

Like a true hero, Okabe remains determined nevertheless, doing whatever it takes to chase the dream of a better future, not thinking about the dark futures he leaves behind. In the end, all he can do is find a brighter future for himself, making him a far darker character than he initially seems. These interesting implications are a part of what makes the anime one of those shows that need to be watched twice to be understood.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/anime-heroes-darker-than-villains/

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