Teen Wolf 10 Continuity Errors Fans Didnt Notice

Teen Wolf: 10 Continuity Errors Fans Didn’t Notice


Teen Wolf saw a lot of characters disappear and a lot of plot threads get dropped. There were also a lot of continuity errors.

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Teen Wolf 10 Continuity Errors Fans Didnt Notice

Even the best of television series and movies can have a mistake once in a while. Game Of Thrones had the infamous Starbucks coffee cup. Little Women had a hydro flask. Real world items missed before the camera starts rolling can provide for amusing moments for fans. There are also, however, continuity errors, which are much more likely in shows with many seasons or action heavy elements that require a lot of editing, like MTV’s Teen Wolf.

Over the years, Teen Wolf saw a lot of characters disappear and a lot of plot threads get dropped. As a result, errors in the storytelling sometimes popped up that most fans could explain away if they needed to. Continuity errors, however, caused a lot of head scratching amongst fans. In some cases, objects appeared repeatedly on screen, moved when they shouldn’t, or story points simply contradicted one another.

10 The Returning Mountain Ash

Teen Wolf 10 Continuity Errors Fans Didnt Notice

In the second season of the series, Stiles learned a bit more about the mythology behind werewolves and druids with the help of Scott’s boss, Dr. Deaton. Deaton had a stash of herbs and special substances that could help a druid in his work.

When he presented Stiles with a container of mountain ash, setting it on the table in front of him, Stiles picked it up, and the camera switched angles. As it did, the mountain ash was back on the table without Stiles having placed it down. When the camera switched angles again, it was back in his hands.

That’s a common mistake in television as editors are forced to choose shots based on the best performance by an actor. Sometimes, little continuity mistakes like that can slip through.

9 Malia’s Age

Teen Wolf 10 Continuity Errors Fans Didnt Notice

While some characters had their birth dates appear on screen, few had their actual birth certificate make it into a shot. Malia Tate did.

Born a Hale, Malia’s birth certificate listed her date of birth as November 28, 1998. If that was the case, she would have been much younger than the rest of Scott McCall’s pack. When Scott used his Alpha Roar to turn her back into a human being from her coyote form, Malia would have only been 13 or 14 years old according to when the show took place.

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8 Swapped Lunches

Teen Wolf 10 Continuity Errors Fans Didnt Notice

This particular continuity error is an easy one to make when the same scene is shot on different days. If placement of props aren’t exact on those days, or between shots, it can create the illusion of items simply swapping places in the middle of a scene.

When Scott and Allison were sitting back to back in the cafeteria in the season two episode “Ice Pick,” their lunches were clearly visible on the tables in front of them. Allison brought her lunch from home, while Scott bought lunch on a school tray. As the scene changed, their lunches swapped positions, with Scott ending up with the bagged lunch and Allison ending up with the tray.

7 The Changing Inhaler

Teen Wolf 10 Continuity Errors Fans Didnt Notice

Teen Wolf kicked off because Scott and Stiles decided to head into the woods to see a dead body. The morbidly curious teenagers would have their lives turned upside down as a result.

When they made that trek into the woods, asthmatic Scott lost his tan colored inhaler. When he retrieved the inhaler from Derek Hale at a later date, the color of the inhaler had changed to a more crisp white.

This might not entirely be a continuity error, to be completely fair to the team involved in the series. The coloring of the scenes when Scott and Stiles are in the woods at night is intentionally different compared to the show in daylight.

6 Canaan’s Phantom Police

Teen Wolf 10 Continuity Errors Fans Didnt Notice

During the final season of the series, Lydia paid a visit to a town named Canaan with Scott and Malia. That town was a ghost town, quite literally.

It had been wiped from memories and maps in the 1980s. It’s only living resident was a banshee. That’s why it’s odd that a couple of police officers from Canaan were able to pick up Eichen House employee Brunski in a previous season. The town getting a mention made for a serious continuity error for those fans who remembered it.

5 Deucalion’s Mantra

Teen Wolf 10 Continuity Errors Fans Didnt Notice

Deucalion and his pack of alphas became their own pack because they were able to take all of the power from the members of their previous packs. In order to do that, Deucalion had a mantra, and he taught it to Theo: Pain, power, life.

Deucalion taught Theo that the only way to steal power from other werewolves was to first take away their pain, then siphon their power, before finally taking their life. His instructions provide an error in the show’s previously established mythology. Before, empathy was required to be able to take away pain, something many of Deucalion’s alphas seemed to lack.

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4 Malia And The Eclipse

Teen Wolf 10 Continuity Errors Fans Didnt Notice

This particular error provided another instance of one in regards to the show’s previously established mythology. When Scott used his roar to turn Malia back into a human, it became impossible for her to fully shift into a coyote for a long time. That’s not the error.

The error came into play because Malia supposedly hadn’t been human since the first time she transformed when her mother and sister were killed. That wouldn’t actually be the case according to the show’s own continuity. The midseason finale of the third season featured an eclipse that robbed all shapeshifters of their abilities. Malia should have been human again for the duration of the eclipse.

3 Moving Dead Bodies

Teen Wolf 10 Continuity Errors Fans Didnt Notice

In the season two episode “Fury,” there were quite a few extras to keep track of, which is why it would have been fairly easy for mistakes to pop up in editing. This mistake came in the form of dead bodies.

When Scott and Stiles walked down a hallway, they went by the bodies of three dead police officers. One of the police officers had their hands on their legs, but when the shot changed for a new camera angle, their hands were by their sides. It’s an easy mistake for a scene shot multiple times with living people playing dead.

2 Matt And The Kanima

Teen Wolf 10 Continuity Errors Fans Didnt Notice

Jackson’s identity crisis in season two led to him becoming a creature called a kanima instead of immediately becoming a werewolf. The kanima needed a master, and got one in the form of Jackson’s classmate Matt. The trouble was that there was a bit of an error in the timeline of events.

Flashbacks told the audience exactly when Matt and Jackson met and connected as master and kanima. At the time, Jackson’s kanima persona had already gone after people for Matt, which didn’t make sense considering Matt couldn’t yet be the one controlling Jackson’s actions. It was a slight bump in the show’s timeline.

1 Locker Contents

Early in the series, there were a lot of shots of characters where the camera was positioned inside their lockers. That particular camera angle gave fans a glimpse into the personalities of the characters as they could see just how their locker was organized and what mementos they kept inside.

In just the second episode of the series, shots from inside Allison’s locker did that for fans. Clearly, the different shots must have been filmed at different times, however, because the contents of Allison’s locker changed from shot to shot.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/teen-wolf-unnoticed-continuity-errors/

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