Thanos Epic Mind Powers Were Totally Ignored in the MCU

Thanos’ Epic Mind Powers Were Totally Ignored in the MCU

Thanos is one of the strongest villains in the MCU, but the Mad Titan also has powerful telepathic abilities which were totally ignored in the films.

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Thanos Epic Mind Powers Were Totally Ignored in the MCU

The Mad Titan Thanos was the most destructive villain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe by far, causing the deaths of untold trillions of beings in the aftermath of Avengers: Infinity War. He’s incredibly strong, able to take on the Hulk and win easily, and is impervious to most weapons (only Thor’s Stormbreaker axe could even hope to kill him). But the comics version of the character is many times more powerful.

Both Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame changed Thanos considerably for the film franchise. To start, his entire motivation was changed; the comics version of Thanos is deeply in love with Death – the character Death, who is a living force in the Marvel Universe. To woo her, he unleashes devastation wherever he goes, and the moment in the Infinity Gauntlet saga in which he kills half the population of the universe was done simply to impress her. This was changed in the films to be his end goal; overpopulation wrecked Thanos’ homeworld of Titan, and thus he believes he’s doing the universe a favor by sparing it from his own planet’s fate.

But backstory elements were not the only parts of Thanos that were radically changed. For one, Thanos wields considerable mind powers, including telepathy. This is most evident in a Jim Starlin-penned issue in which Thanos instigates a “Time-mind synch-warp” with a foe, and proceeds to mentally devastate his foe (Drax the Destroyer, looking considerably different from his 2008 incarnation in the comics).

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Thanos can even overwrite the minds of others and insert his own consciousness in their place (as seen in 2019’s Guardians of the Galaxy in which Thanos planned to rise again in the body of his brother Eros). Even without the Mind Stone, Thanos’ telepathic abilities are quite strong, and capable of many sinister techniques that even Professor X wouldn’t dare to attempt. Perhaps this is why these powers didn’t appear in the MCU; with many of the current Avengers lacking any defenses against telepaths (except perhaps Doctor Strange and the Scarlet Witch), Thanos would quickly defeat the Avengers without much of a struggle.

Yet, with the copious amount of resurrection seen in the films (Vision, Gamora, and everyone who was “snapped” at the end of Infinity War), there still remains a chance Thanos could return. If so, he could come back even stronger than before and possess his mind-control powers from the comics. Considering the post-credits scene of Eternals, there remains a chance that Thanos could be revisited in the MCU – and if so, Thanos’ telepathy could finally be seen on the big screen.

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